Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 316: Take a look

The two chatted in the restaurant for a long time.

After meals.

The two walked out of the restaurant side by side. A group of fancy young men came face to face, each holding a black cloth wrapped object in their hands, and couldn't see what was hidden inside.

"Well, where's this chick from? It looks really good. Do we have such a beautiful girl in Shuzhong City?"

A black, fat hippie smiley wearing a floral shirt with a gold chain of finger thickness around his neck, stepped forward, and Da La La stopped in front of Lin Lang.

"Brother Li, there is a man next to him."

Someone quietly reminded.

"What's wrong with a man? Let him get away with it." The man called Brother Li stared, and then smiled and looked at Lin Lang: "Boy, I want to buy this lady a drink, you are It shouldn't be avoided. "

Lin Lang frowned, spitting out the words: "Go."

Chen Miaoxuan still watched indifferently, as if she were an independent fairy. Although she has not experienced such a scene, the people in front of her will not let her mood fluctuate at all.

"What's your kid, get acquainted with him quickly."

"I'm her boyfriend." Lin Lang said lightly.

Chen Miaoxuan's body trembled slightly, her mood was volatile.

A young man with grey hair dying with grandma was surprised: "So what? Do you know who is standing in front of you?"

"Give you three seconds and immediately disappear in front of me."

"Well, your kid is very dragging, you are Brother Li in front of you. Do you know who Li is? The whole Xingchu Street is under the control of Brother Li. Whoever comes out can not give face.

Brother Li stood proud of himself, but with his right hand resting on the object in his hand, he uncovered the black cloth a little.

"One!" Lin Lang said indifferently.

"I'll give you three seconds and disappear from us immediately, or you're going to get bad mold." Brother Li shook the objects in his hands, and the cloth strips had been torn half by him. shape.


"Brother Li, this boy toasts, doesn't eat and punish, why doesn't he?" Grandma Gray asked.


As the third sound fell, Lin Lang looked at Chen Miaoxuan and said, "Go ahead and wait for me. I'll deal with it."

"That's the same idea for me. Let him go aside so as not to dirty the young lady's eyes."

Brother Li nodded, then turned to look at Chen Miaoxuan, and bent down to make a gentleman's invitation: "Pretty lady, please take a step to speak."

The gold chain worn on Li's neck wobbled in mid-air as he bent down, and his plump figure, rustic in the soil, but also made such a gentleman's movement, it seemed very funny.

Even Chen Miaoxuan smiled indifferently after watching his move.

"Okay." Chen Miaoxuan blinked her eyes slightly and smiled at Lin Langyanran: "I'll watch from a distance, remember to call me when I'm done."

Chen Miaoxuan walked under the stop sign in the distance and turned her back.

Never even returned from beginning to end. Even if she didn't know the true origin of Lin Lang, at least she knew that, with all the magical methods of Lin Lang, it was easy to clean up a few small foolishness.

So I didn't even consider calling my family.


After Chen Miaoxuan was completely away, Lin Lang turned his back and walked to Li Ge.

"Is Bai Zhizheng sending you here?" Lin Lang said negatively.

Although this group of people ridiculed Chen Miaoxuan, their mouths were very clean, and their eyes were only stunning and without any wickedness.

And they kept their eyes on Lin Lang.

Coupled with carrying knives, well prepared.

Obviously they came for Lin Lang.

Lin Lang thought a little bit. It is estimated that only Chu Zhishu can do this kind of childish things in Sichuan Shu.

Brother Li's pupils narrowed, and then he sneered, "How you understand. If you don't support Miss Chen, we may still worry about one or two. Now you are completely looking for death."

"Brothers, start!"

Lin Lang was motionless, his index finger lightly pointed out, and a dazzling brilliance shot suddenly, punching through the left shoulder of the first person. He turned slightly and point to the other one, only to hear a scream from there.

Before they rushed forward, they fell into a pool of blood. Brother Li paused and paused, seeing his two companions fall straight in front of his eyes.

"Wait, this kid is weird!"

Brother Li panicked and quickly stopped his men who had not rushed up. The others were aware of the weirdness and took a few steps back. Suddenly, Lin Lang pointed again, and another man fell.

"This kid ..."

Brother Li fell into the ice cave, and he finally saw the thing that killed his three men, and it was a beam of light. Almost amazing, at this time, he realized that he had offended someone who should not have offended.

"Wait, there's something to say."


Another fell down.

"Damn, what the **** is this!"

Brother Li was so frightened that he turned and ran, but a cold voice sounded in the back, and immediately set him in place.

"Did I let you go?"

"We're wrong. Your grown-ups don't count on villains, let us be a fart." Brother Li turned back, grinning all over his face.

"I didn't mean to care about the ants, but you ran into each other and you have to leave something to leave."

"You can rest assured, the little one understands the rules." Brother Li laughed endlessly, turning his head back, looking at only one younger brother, suddenly glamorous. He pulled the younger brother's finger against the street lamp, and his hand fell from the knife, and his blood was suddenly like a pillar.

Then he pressed his hand on the street lamp, looked at the younger brother, pointed at the club's hand and said, "Slam it hard for me, and I'll pay my adult."

The club dropped and the bone was broken. Brother Li sweated heavily and turned back in pain: "You look like this, are you still satisfied?"

Suddenly, Brother Li froze.

Because he found that the demon-like young man in front of him had already walked to the front and walked with the girl.

"Oh, I fuck, I've suffered this one for nothing." Brother Li's intestines were regretful, turning his head, looking at the young man with nine fingers left, swearing: "Your mother-in-law, why don't you fight so hard? ! "

The nine-fingered youth wanted to cry without tears.

Isn't this what you explained ...

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