Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 315: Have a date

It didn't take long for Lin Lang to leave the laboratory.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Lang changed his appearance back to the appearance of Chen Miaoxuan. Then he took out the phone and prepared to make an appointment with Chen Miaoxuan. But the latter seemed to be preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. Lin Lang did not call her over and went to the library to accompany her.

In the library.

Chen Miaoxuan sat in a chair with an elegant posture. She holds a detailed study of ancient Chinese history in her hand, and on the right hand side is a stack of books, including foreign languages ​​and economic management.

Perhaps Lin Lang's footsteps are too light, or Chen Miaoxuan is too focused. In short, Lin Lang came to her and was not found.

Lin Lang didn't bother, he sat down beside Chen Miaoxuan, rubbed his jaw with one hand, and watched the delicate face of Yiren quietly.

"I remember that Miao Xuan was proficient in two foreign languages, English and French before entering the graduate school. In the last junior semester, she was graduated to graduate school in economics and management of Sichuan University."

"But she seemed to have taken the test and she was still the first high-scoring student in the school. In contrast, I just passed the line."

"Otherwise, my family Miao Xuan is a genius."

Thinking about it, Lin Lang's mouth evoked a smile.

Under the sun, the youth smile and Hee, the fierce and fierce king who killed the decisive outside world, all the fierce edging on his body calmed down at this moment.

There is a cup of tea in front of me, accompanied by beautiful women.

The sound of flipping pages in the ear, stroking the ear.

He closed his eyes gently, everything was beautiful, at this moment, like time eternal, quietly enjoying this peaceful land.

Gradually, as time passed, the girl folded the books and thoughtfully. She reached over her hand gently, and wanted to take a sip of tea, but the slim hand stretched out half, but retracted like an electric shock.

"Why did he come so fast?"

She looked at her watch before she knew it was noon. The time he had agreed with Lin Lang was in the morning.

"It seems that I have watched so intently that I didn't even realize he was here." The girl was stunned, and then looked at the young man who faced her eyes closed: "Should I not disturb him?"

The girl also tilted her head, leaning on the table, doing the same pose as the youth, and quietly looking at each other's face. That one is not handsome, and throwing it in the crowd can find a lot of public faces. At this moment, it seems that it is full of coziness, and the sharp eyebrows are packed with perseverance that others don't have.

"He's still wearing it."

The girl smiled indifferently, and the light in her eyes accidentally crossed the black bracelet on the young man's wrist. The two shallow vortices blooming on that cheek were hangovers, yet still polite.

Looking at each other for a long time, Lin Lang finally woke up.

"Are you awake?" Chen Miaoxuan blinked.

Lin Lang nodded, in fact it was not that he was awake, but that he had not slept at all. Taking his current practice as the realm, sleeping is not as good as meditating quietly. Both have the same effect.

The two looked at it like this, I was afraid they could see the stars tomorrow night.

The two chatted for a while, Lin Lang looked at Chen Miaoxuan and laughed, "It's noon, let's go. I invite you to dinner."

"Then you please, I'm waiting for a big meal." Chen Miaoxuan smiled sweetly.

The two returned the books on the table and walked out of the library side by side, laughing a few times from time to time, very sweet. Many young students on the road came and went, and when they looked at Chen Miaoxuan, they were shocked.

The first beauty of Sichuan University, her trip naturally attracted much attention. Some people's eyes were full of admiration, but when they saw the young people beside them, there was a hint of hostility in their eyes.

Although they are not related to them, but others have what they desire, they will naturally generate infinite jealousy, or treat Lin Lang as an enemy. However, Lin Lang turned a blind eye to this. He had seen countless inactions in this past and present life, and he had no desire to do anything.

And in the end, it was him who held the beauty.

Those who are jealous are still salty fish.

Some students who knew Chen Miaoxuan and had a complicated network, took out their mobile phones at this moment, and immediately called Bai Zhihuan: "Hey, hey, Bai Shao, I just saw ..."

After a while, Bai Zhixuan's phone was almost exploded.

At the end, Bai Zhixuan put down his last phone call, his face was gloomy and watery, and his indifferent eyes were full of coldness.

Who doesn't know that since his start this semester, Bai Zhizhen has pursued Chen Miaoxuan openly and honestly. Now Chen Miaoxuan openly behaves intimately with a man, and where does he lose his face?

"Lin Lang, I haven't had time to account with you for the last account. Later, you disappeared for nearly half a year. I thought you were afraid of me and didn't bother to care about you."

"Now you are dying."

Bai Zhiyan sneered expressionlessly. Although the Bai family was declining at this time, he thought it was easy to deal with Lin Lang. Even if Lin Lang had the identity of a visiting professor at Sichuan University, he had a close relationship with President Zheng.

These things are not enough to see in front of him, the Bai family.


Lin Lang flew shoulder to shoulder, and soon came to a high-end restaurant near Sichuan University. Lin Lang naturally won't hesitate, and ordered a lot of precious dishes.

"Sirloin steak, Provencal noodles, green asparagus tips, strawberry tarts, these are my favorite ravioli!"

"The cod's caviar and steak are perfectly cooked. They are not used to cold soups and cream soups."

"How did you know so much?" She squinted into a crescent moon with a sly smile.

These are her little habits, not to mention friends, even the girlfriend Sun Xiaohan may not understand so clearly.

It is undeniable that even the gesture of such a young daughter is still fresh and elegant on her face, making it difficult for people to have profanity.

"Would you guess?"

"Then you guess I guess?" Chen Miaoxuan said playfully.

However, she didn't get too involved in this issue. Perhaps she met the fortune-telling stranger at the shore of Guyu Lake, and later met Lin Lang's various kinds of things, and her heart already had the answer.

With the violinist's side, she played beautiful and light music. The girl in front of her put her shawl long behind her ears, and everything was full of warmth.


Lin Lang squinted his mouth and looked at Waner.

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