Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 307: Break both legs first

"Doctor Lin."

Xu Ershao's eyes were full of brilliance, and he smiled: "Divine Doctor Lin is the new born in your Liao province. I heard that he is a good guy."

Xu Ershao said so. But there weren't many echoes around him. Xu Ershao stood behind Xu's family. He had the confidence to say that Lin Shenyi, who dare to change others?

"Lin Shenyi is indeed a person with real skills, but Xu Shao is not bad. He is young and handsome at a young age, and I don't know how many times stronger than those of us who are waiting to die." Zhuang Weiwei complimented. Obviously, it's a dilemma, but it's actually killing.

Perhaps Xu Ershao may not be disgusted, but he is sure.

"Lin Shenyi. I'm going to meet this famous Lin Shenyi." Xu Ersha looked still, folding a fan in his hand, and Yuyou walked to the Wang family.

The rest of the crowd kept up quickly and did not want to miss this good show.

"You are Lin Shenyi." Xu Ershao looked proud and said lightly: "Since you are here, I have also talked to other Wang families."

Many surprised eyes looked around Xu Ershao, this young man really went straight. The exit didn't even have a self-reported home, and in this attitude directly linked with Lin Shenyi.

Anyway, you also have a little common sense ... At least let the familiar people help to pull the relationship, you X is full, but the other doctor Lin Lin has no face.

Everyone patted their brains. It always felt like the young man in front of him looked like a little white who didn't understand anything.

"This is the young and old from the China Sea. It has never been a cold to our peers in this place." Jing Yongnian smiled bitterly.

Their local group of children is equivalent to the children of the landlord's gentry, and the children from Zhonghai can be compared to princes and grandsons. Psychologically, it is naturally superior.

"I have also paid the young and middle-aged children, but at least I still have enough face, Xu Ershao is probably too superior ..." A group of young people shouted.

Although Xu Ershao looked very brainless, it was exactly what they liked.

"Who are you?" Lin Lang frowned.

"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Xu Ziao, and I am from the Xu family of Zhonghai." Xu Ziao said lightly.

"Zhonghai Xu Family?"

Lin Lang frowned, but the Zhonghai Xu family reminded him of a person from a previous life.

"The Huaxia Xu family is divided into two branches, one is the Kyoto Xu family, which has been in politics for generations, while the Zhonghai Xu family has been in business for generations, and has developed a complex network in the Pearl River Delta business empire. The Xu family is also the top of the Zhonghai city The giants, compared with Qiao, are not inferior to Shao. As far as I know, the agency of the Holy Spirit is given to the Xu family. "Wang Bingsu whispered.

Lin Lang did not listen carefully to Wang Bingsu's explanation, instead he turned his head to look at Xu Ziao.

"Then who are you Xu Zidong?"

There was a smile on Xu Ziao's face. This was the first time he had been away from the China Sea negotiations, and when he heard that the other party knew his brother, he had already lost half of his confidence.

I never thought it would be so easy.

"Xu Zidong is my pro-brother." Xu Zi'ao was as humble as he could, but he was so proud of his face that he couldn't find the slightest humility.

"Okay, very good. If you don't say it, I thought Xu Zidong was from Kyoto." Lin Lang smiled, but his mouth was a bit cold.

Xu Zidong. It was the man who eventually married Chen Miaoxuan.

Lin Lang in the previous life was almost defeated in front of him, almost useless. Even he had never seen Xu Zidong once. He could only listen to Chen Miaoxuan's confession. Apart from pretending to be free and easy in front of the girlfriend, Shrinking silently in the corner.

At that time, a small Chen family could embarrass him, forcibly took away Chen Miaoxuan, and forced a marriage to the Xu family.

Xu Zidong, he has never seen one, and Chen Miaoxuan has never seen one. It is ridiculous that such a stranger who has never met both of them has become a love rival that he can never surpass.

Maybe Xu Zidong did not know that there was such a person named Lin Lang in his life.

"The Xu family in the past life was a giant in my eyes, and a name was enough to make me breathless."

"But in this life, what is the little Chen family! What happened in front of me is not easy to break. As for Xu Zidong, are you worthy of being my rival?"

At this moment Lin Lang's heart was actually extremely calm, without even a wave of waves.

This is the benefit brought to him by the millennium experience. If the previous life gave him these identities, perhaps he would scream in the sky, show his identity with a big swing, and tell Xu Zidong that you are not worthy.

But now, he has experienced countless storms. He never knew how many opponents he defeated in his life, and personally destroyed the family of Xu family more than ten times.

The vision is so natural that it is not enough to place the Xu family in a supreme position. Even if the Xu family is crushed one day, it can be handled lightly.

Because of Xu family, he has never been regarded as an opponent!

"Then what do you want me to talk about?" Lin Lang fainted.

Although Xu Zidong was once his love rival, he is not narrow enough to be angry with Xu Ziao.

"He took the initiative to speak, proving that he was interested in the Xu family before he could talk."

Xu Zidong secretly had a door, arranged the lower neckline, solemnly said: I don't hide it, my trip was for Xu Wang's two centuries-old repairs. "

"Oh? How can you tell me how to fix it for a century?" Lin Lang played with Wang Tingting's green silk and wrapped it around her fingers in a circle. It was Wang Tingting's stare.

"Natural is marriage." Xu Ziao chuckled, folded his hands, and said, "In fact, the Xu family already had the idea of ​​marrying the Wang family. Everyone knows that as a newly-rising family, they will inevitably encounter various difficulties This period is as short as three or five years and as long as seven or eight years. "

"And if a family wants a stable foothold, there must be a big tree to cool off behind. To put it plainly, the Xu family can be the backing of the Wang family, and it will not be impossible for the Wang family to grow up in Liao Province in the future."

"Two of the Xu family's industries broke into the Global Top 500 last year, and enjoyed a large market in the economic and trade zone of the Pearl River Delta. Naturally, I don't need to say more about the rich capital."

Xu Zi proudly raised his head and said ordinary facts, but couldn't hide his contentment.

This is the strength of the Zhonghai Xu Family! Enough to crush any family in Liao Province, including the current Wang family.

In this regard, even the proudest youngsters have to admit that the Xu family is indeed better than them.

"I think the Wang family also needs such a powerful ally, right?"

"And our conditions are very simple. We only need a place for the Xu family when your company goes public. In the future, we will provide some guarantee for the development of the Wang family."

"As for the marriage, it happens that I and Wang Tingting have a certain emotional foundation. It is true that I want to marry Wang Tingting." Xu Zi proudly said.

He was originally assigned to marry, but after investigating the younger generation of Wang family girls, only Wang Tingting was satisfied.

Although younger, but fortunately there is development potential in the young, you will not lose a marriage.


A young man drinking red wine sprayed directly.


what's the situation?

I'm afraid Xu Ershao said it for a long time, I'm afraid the focus is on the last sentence, right?

Everyone looked at each other, all with aggressive faces.

"Did Zhonghai Dashou be so unconventional?" Chang Feiwen said dullly.

"It shouldn't be ... it seems like this is only Xu Ershao."

"You want Tingting to marry you?"

Lin Lang frowned, although he did not look down on Xu Ziao at all, but since the other party said, there must be a certain emotional basis between him and Wang Tingting ...

As a brother, I have to respect my sister's opinion when I say anything.

"Exactly!" Xu Ziao was confident.

"Is this true?"

Lin Lang looked back at Wang Tingting. But seeing the latter is also full of aggressive eyes, and then understand Wang Tingting's mind.

"Where is this? It's just that I've seen him on both sides, not even my friends."

Wang Tingting put up two fingers, and after speaking, he timidly hid his head back to Lin Lang.

What emotional foundation is the same.

It's nothing more than optimism.

In the minds of irrelevant people, the marriage of the two will indeed bring a lot of benefits to the Wang family. If this kind of thing falls on them, regardless of Xu Ziao's attitude, let alone sacrifice a non-indecent junior, even if the I can't wait to marry my daughter.

But now the client is the famous Lin Shenyi, who always eats people and does not spit out bones.

Selling his sister and face, can he agree with such a character?

He couldn't do it anyway.

Not to mention, Lin Lang never thought how strong the Xu family was!

"Xu family, so brave!"

Lin Lang's face was gloomy. He originally planned to let Xu Ziao go, but now he sees that since he hits his relatives on his relatives, don't blame him for being ruthless.

A bitter chill erupted in vain, everyone's breathing followed, and a cloudy wind swirled around the door.

"It's over, something's going to happen!"

Including Chang Feiwen, his legs and belly are stumbling.

They don't need to look at Lin Shenyi's expression, they also understand that Lin Shenyi is really angry at this moment.

"I want Tingting to marry you this kind of waste." Lin Lang looked cold and had a decisive taste.

"Then I'll interrupt your legs first!"

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