Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 308: Zhonghai Xujia


The voice fell, Lin Lang covered his palms forward, a tremendous pressure swept across, and slowly pressed down.


A sudden scream came from the crowd.

This is the voice of Xu Ziao alone.

I saw at this moment, Xu Ziao's legs were trembling endlessly, bending slowly in the attention of everyone. He was sweating a lot, it seemed that Tianwei was fighting against the general.

"I'm Xu Ershao from Zhonghai, my brother is Xu Zidong, and I have my back against the Xu family, and no one can let me kneel!" Xu Zi'ao's mouth made a primitive sound almost as roaring.

But no matter what, under this almost Tianwei power, he is undoubtedly shocking the tree.


Xu Ziao knelt down.

Just right, Lin Lang was right in front of him.

Everyone was a little stunned in their hearts, and no one expected that Lin Shenyi would do it.

Zhuang Weiwei was sluggish.

This is especially true of Chang Feiwen and others, who looked at the front inconceivably. This is the dignified Zhonghai, not only is Xu Zidong standing behind him, but also the behemoth of the Xu family.

Apart from his parents and elders, can he kneel?

However, this scene actually happened in front of them.

Even Wang Bingsu's face changed. This is from the China Sea. No matter from which perspective, the current Wang family is far behind. Moreover, the current Wang family does not have the ability to face the Xu family at all.

"It's going to be awful." Wang Bingsu was uneasy, wondering if he should send a telegram to Wang's parents.

Although the glory of the Wang family was brought out by Lin Lang in one hand, these major events that can change the survival of the Wang family still need to call important ethnic groups to discuss together. If they face revenge against the Xu family in the future, they are also prepared.

"This is Lin Shenyi, a disposition that doesn't matter what he says. He doesn't care who Xu Ziao is standing behind. He has a daunting background and dares to provoke and suppress it directly." Huo Chengzhou smiled bitterly.

Originally, they thought that moving Xu Ershao could calm down Lin Shenyi, but he did not expect Lin Shenyi to care about this at all.

"Arrogant, domineering!" Huo Chengzhou looked at the seat at the end with awe.

Finally someone can't stand it anymore.

"Lin Shenyi, Xu Ershao went out to Zhonghai for the first time. I don't know your rules, but he also asked his mercy." Zhuang Weiwei hurried out to round the field. How to say this party is her call, and she has a close relationship with Xu Ziao.

"Yes. Xu Shaojiao is used to madness, and you have almost given him this lesson."

The other young people hesitated again and again, but still spoke. The young and middle-aged children were forced to kneel here, and they, the natives, could not watch it.

"is it."

Lin Langduan sat expressionless. But the strength of the hand still didn't relax at all, and continued to press down. Xu Zi proudly sweated, and his handsome face had become even more distorted.

A loud scream shrouded shrouds, and the ground under Xu Ziao's knees cracked together, like a net of radiation radiating around.

This shows how much power Lin Lang exerted.

It can be roughly judged from Xu Zi's wailing cries and blood-stained knees that his legs are basically worn out.

"Forget it, you're lucky today, and next time it's not as easy as wasting your legs, you know?"

Xu Ziao was lying on the ground mourning continuously, the pain in the drama clearly entered his mind, almost let him pass out.

Even if he could hear Lin Lang talking, he probably didn't have the strength to talk back.

The young man from Zhonghai was so disagreeable that his legs were abolished. The rest of the people acted as spectators, but they also took the liberty behind them. This is Lin Shenyi, who doesn't care what your identity is, it is simply a waste.

"And you, too."

Lin Lang turned to look at the rest.

Everyone was silent, and the chickens nodded like rice.

"Let's go." Lin Lang was so anxious that he was about to leave with Wang Tingting and step on a little brother, so he couldn't get any interest at all.

Lin Lang took a few steps and settled halfway, saying lightly: "Today I will leave you a dog, if you don't agree, ask Xu Zidong to come to me."

When Lin Lang and his party left completely, then someone went up to help Xu Ershao. There was also a half-dragon doctor who walked over and pinched around Xu Er's leg. From time to time, the tragic heartbreaking came out.

"Lin's. I, I want to kill you!"

Xu Ershao sent out primitive roars, perhaps painful into the bone marrow, and his face was somewhat twisted.

The rest of the local group was comforting, but they were happy. Lin Shenyi is the underground leader of Liao province, and he is also the role of a master of martial arts. It is one of the best figures on the land of Liao province.

Does the Xu family care about the identity of an underground leader in Liao province? Walking out of a few giants casually is enough to make Liao province change the world.

"This time Dr. Lin is in big trouble."

Everyone looked at each other, all holding the meaning of sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight. Lin Shenyi has grown up recently, and his actions are becoming more arrogant. If anyone can give him a lesson, everyone is naturally the most willing to see it.


China Shipping. Xu family.

In front of a quiet grove, the surrounding spring water is dingling, and the air is fresh and comfortable, making people feel uncomfortable.

At this time, a handsome young man was playing against an old-faced old man on the opposite side.

The old man sometimes hesitates, sometimes bows his head and contemplates, and thinks about it repeatedly to get the next child. In comparison, the handsome young man is much more leisurely, and every time he calmly falls down, he can cause the old man to think for a while.

"Lose lost." The old man shook his head again and again without remorse on his face, but smiled: "Zidong, your chess skills are getting more and more exquisite, and I am not your opponent now."

Looking at the chessboard again, Bai Zi was in danger, and his nest was broken.

"Where the uncle said, if it wasn't for the uncle's concession, the result would not be known yet." The handsome young man humbled.

The old man nodded and said: "You should know that life is like chess, the chess is wrong, the whole situation is on the chest, and there is no way to regret it once you are settled. You may have experienced little business in this vein, but in officialdom This is especially true. "

"Listen to the uncle's teachings."

The voice dropped, a short ringing sounded, and the handsome young man answered the phone after apologizing. When the phone was dropped, the handsome young man's face was a little somber.

"How? I remember that there are very few things that make you happy now, Zidong." The old man asked with a smile.

"It's okay. My unbridled brother made some troubles and was abolished. Zi Ao has been spoiled all these years, but it's always my Xu family. In any case, this justice must be brought back. . "

The handsome young man's face was a bit ugly: "I have some friendship with Deputy Secretary Xue of Nanliao Province. Let me call and ask first."

The old man watched quietly without expressing any opinion.

When the handsome young man put down the phone, his face was even worse: "I didn't expect Commander Kong to stand behind this Doctor Lin."

"Is there a commander Kong?" The handsome young man frowned, and the contour of his face was more beautiful. "That's a bit difficult."

"Is the person who abolished your brother the most recent rise of Lin Shen in Nanliao Province?"

The old man suddenly interjected.

"Do you always know him?" The handsome young man was surprised. Others don't know the identity of the old man on the opposite side, but he is very clear. This is a senior member of the third grade, only a half step to reach the deputy national elder.

Such a big man, in theory, should pay little attention to local affairs, right?

"I've heard of this person several times. Recently, he has been in the limelight. At that time, it should be that he destroyed the door of the Beiliao Lin family. Later, the Kyoto Lin family settled the matter and caused a lot of controversy to discuss whether he should be arrested. . "

"I voted for it at the time, but surnamed Kong gave him a death penalty, and invited a few old comrades who appeared infrequently to stand against it, which allowed him to get away with it. As for the subsequent treatment plan, it was not the content of the meeting. "The old man said lightly.

The handsome young man listened carefully. He only knew some deeds of Lin Shenyi, but these secrets were never heard of.

"Now you know what to do?"

The handsome young man nodded, his lips lightened: "The Xu family is not afraid of his doctor Lin, and the ten Lin doctors cannot stop the anger of Xu family, but Commander Kong ’s face is still to be given. Let Zi Ao suffer a loss, long memory Yeah. "

"And I will also ask Commander Kong's attitude in this matter."

The old man looked more and more satisfied with the eyes of the handsome young man: "Yes, Lao Kong tried his best to cultivate him, and even endorsed it for him, he will accept your kindness."

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