I have to say that the arrival of Lin Shenyi really suppressed the atmosphere a lot. Originally talking and laughing, drinking each other happily, but now it's because of Lin Lang's arrival that everyone can only hold one side and talk in a low voice.

It's like having a good class, and suddenly a parent sits in the back of the classroom listening to the class. Who dares to speak wildly?

Lin Lang also noticed these, but he still did his best. He was with Wang Tingting. What did the other person's eyes do?

"There is Lin Shenyi sitting here, let's stop thinking about business ..." Huo Chengzhou suddenly felt hopeless.

It's like driving a full-sized 氪 金 大号 to go to Xinshou Village to abuse food. This gathering was originally a platform for business talks to share the benefits of the next year. But now there is this big man who is comparable to the older generation. Who dares to argue by reason, who dares to ask the Wang family what business to give up?

"It's just bullying people!" Jing Yongnian was crying, like a towering eggplant.

But even then, no one dared to think about Wang's side. Just kidding, who doesn't know the power of Lin Shenyi. The rise of Lin Shenyi was not only his medical skills, but also his fierce style.

His rise is definitely a **** history, beginning with saving people and standing on killing. How many people have their legs broken, and how many have suffered because of offending him. Not to say far, just to say that the deterrence formed by the North Liao Lin family's extinction was enough for them to digest for several years.

This is a divine doctor, obviously a lawless demon!

Let them fight for these "little dolls", do they have the courage? Smart people will not be the first to speak at this time.

"In fact, don't despair too, maybe there will be a turnaround later." Zhuang Weiwei was not as flustered as the others, but smiled sweetly.

"What's the turning point? Let's just call our fathers and we won't be able to overwhelm the Living Lin." Huo Cheng was frustrated on Monday. In front of them were the murderers who could destroy even the Lin family, and the Lin family was mostly unable to stop them, let alone them.

"No, what I'm talking about is my friend." Zhuang Weiwei looked down at Vacheron Constantin's watch and whispered softly: "Counting time, he should be coming soon."

"Who is he? What is your friend? Are you sure he can control the doctor Lin Lin?" The young people around were curious.

"I'm not sure who came here, but the people here must be from the Xu family. The Xu family intends to marry the Wang family, but the actual purpose is to annex this emerging family." Zhuang Weiwei calmly said.

"Which Xu family?" Huo Chengzhou frowned, and the whole north and south Liao province had never heard of the big family with the last name Xu. Several of them already represent the top forces in Liao province.

"There are several Xu families in Huaxia, isn't that Xu family in Zhonghai?" Jing Yongnian's face changed slightly, and he mumbled, "If the Xu family in Zhonghai, things would be a little interesting."

Zhuang Weiwei nodded: "It's the Zhonghai Xu family."

"It turned out to be the Zhonghai Xu family!"

The Zhonghai Xu Family is one of the top giants in Zhonghai.

Zhonghai City, the most prosperous city in China, even ranked first in this year's richest city in the country, and even Kyoto was put in second place.

As the top giant of China Shipping, the Xu family has a transcendent status. Compared with the Lin family before the collapse, they can stabilize their heads.

The most important thing is that if there is only one Zhonghai Xu family, behind the Zhonghai Xu family, there is the Xu family from Kyoto. The two Xu families were originally one. Later, the Zhonghai Xu family went out independently and gradually developed a giant that dominated the Zhonghai.

One is the behemoth of Kyoto, and the other is the top giant who dominates Zhonghai. The Xu family's influence in China can be imagined.

"Fortunately, there is a suspicion between the two Xu families, and the relationship is always on the verge of separation. Otherwise, there is really no other power in Huaxia to suppress the Xu family except the Kyoto ones." Huo Chengzhou sighed in succession. No matter which Xu family is, they can't compete with them.

"Lin Shenyi is a master of martial arts and has many methods. But the Xu family is not vegetarian. The master of martial arts can only be counted as a guest, and two or three can be recruited with a call of arms. The Xu family alone is determined by this. Wang's home. "

Jing Yongnian nodded endlessly.

"A martial art master can support a family, and the influence of the Xu family is unfathomable." Someone froze.

"The key also depends on who the person is. If it is a side branch that cannot be hit by the eight poles, let alone fight against the Lin Shenyi Chamber, we are not afraid." In the words of Chang Feiwen, sharply pointed out the most important link .

The major families are also separated from each other, and their blood is far away from being reused. Some places are naturally not afraid of being powerful. Unless the family of Xu Jiazhen was able to stabilize Lin Shenyi.

"The most outstanding young generation of the Zhonghai Xu family is Xu Zidong. He is terrible in both his own ability and interpersonal relationships. It is even said that the senior Xu family has cultivated him. If he joins the army, he can secure a general. But he did not know later No reason whatsoever. "

"If he comes along with the strong background of the Xu family, he can indeed stabilize Lin Shenyi." Jing Yongnian's face was solemn.

"It would be better if Xu Ershao came. Although Xu Ershao was not as good as Xu Zidong in any way, but he was much loved by Xu's parents. He always has no one in sight. When he meets Lin Shenyi, it must be a comet collision Earth."

Chang Feiwen nodded. The others were waiting, quietly waiting for the Xu family to come.

As the saying goes, Cao Cao Cao Cao was here. Without a few people's voices falling, a gentle young girl fanning a fan came from the door.

"Er Xu Xu!"

The pupils of each of them narrowed and looked at each other, all of which were gloating in the eyes of the other person.

"Er Xu, why are you here?"

"What Xu Ersha?"

"He's Xu Ersha of Zhonghai!"

There was a commotion in the room, and the young talents immediately greeted them. The entire lobby was half empty. They crowded into the door invariably, anxiously waiting for a welcome to be worthy of each other's identity.

Bai Fumei, who is more self-confident, posted it, and tried to make herself more attractive, so as to attract the attention of Xu Ershao.

This is from the China Sea, and it's not inferior to those of Kyoto. The local family is like a county decree, and the family of Zhonghai is a member of Sanpin. If you catch such a beetle, a sparrow can fly on a branch and become a phoenix.

Everyone was all around, suddenly turning the door into a center.

The feminine young man had no waves, and seemed to be familiar with this scene.

"Xu Ershao, I'm here." Zhuang Weiwei waved away from the crowd, even she was pushed behind.

"Wei Wei, I've been looking for you for a long time. It turned out that I was pushed behind the crowd." Xu Ershao chuckled and walked forward, and the crowd in front immediately divided into two, respectful and respectful of Xu Ershao Let go.

Zhuang Weiwei hurriedly came over from the rear, and sorted out the messy hair slightly, showing a messy beauty.

"Wei Wei, since the last time we separated, the two of us haven't seen each other for a while. If it weren't for the frequent chat, I thought you had been abducted." Xu Ersha smiled, and he told everyone else It is true that she smiled at Zhuang Weiwei.

Obviously, the two of them knew each other before.

"You're embarrassed to say that every time I take the initiative to find you, as if I want to stick you upside down." Zhuang Weiwei's eyes were silky, and there was a wave of autumn waves in her bright eyes.

This disappointed many well-dressed Bai Fumei around, while screaming at Zhuang Weiwei's little fairy in her heart, she sighed. This time I'm afraid Zhuang Weiwei will get the moon near the water tower.

"I've invited you for the person you want. Oh yes, there is one more thing. The Lin Linyi is also here this time and is waiting for Xu Ersha in it."

Zhuang Weiwei's mouth was raised, and she did not have good intentions.

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