Feeling the mighty king of the killer, Kevis' face instantly collapsed.

The King of Killers is worthy of being the third person on the dark list, but the revision revealed at this moment is that he cannot beat the three together.

"I knew long ago that the King of Killers would not be willing to be a slave, and now that he was completely released, it would be a melee king."

Kevis whispered continuously, and then turned to look at Lin Lang with hopeful eyes: "Since he released the killer king, he should have enough confidence to deal with it."

Lin Lang stayed still, standing calmly. Shirakawa Sakura is behind him.

A big battle is just around the corner.

This is a battle that belongs to the top of the dark list alone.

"He hasn't seen any confusion at all. Is there any other cards he can't achieve?" The King of Killers frowned secretly, and didn't rush to move.

He looked at Lin Lang up and down, but unfortunately Lin Lang's practice was not something he could understand.

"Now my cultivation is just restored, and he has some characteristics of the divine state a few months ago. It is estimated that it is not far from my peak state. At this time, he is indeed a little bit rash." At best, they can only draw a tie with Lin Youye.

Instead, try him out before you plan!

Thinking of this, the killer's king gave a low drink, and the cultivation of his body swept like a wave, focusing on the upper body. His arms swayed, full of mighty strength, and a mighty split.

"Jiaoer trail."

Facing the oncoming palm, Lin Langan's Ruosu raised his hand lightly, and greeted him with the same palm. The two palms greeted together, making a deafening muffled sound. The cracks in the stone bricks under their feet spread like spider webs.

With a single palm falling, the gravel was shaken directly into the sky in a circular area of ​​a dozen meters nearby. It only took a long time before it landed like a raindrop.

The killer's king was shaken back, and there was already some fear in his eyes. In the recent collision, he could clearly feel the overbearing power in the opponent's body, and even surpassed him.

"I'm better at assassination than fighting directly. If I continue to struggle, I can't guarantee that I will eventually lose to his hands. Well, it's better to leave this right and wrong place first."

The King of Killers has retreated.

"Come, Lin Youye, if you can pick me up, I think you are the master."

The killer's king did the last blow, and it seemed that he would usher in a full blow at the next moment, but ... all of this was a guise. He didn't attack Lin Lang at all, instead he turned around and turned around. escape.

The dignified killer king escaped without a fight!

"Lin Youye, it's not that I'm afraid of you. I'm not in good shape today. I will fight again in the past. Thank you for the lifting of the ban today." The killer king's rumbling laughter echoed throughout the space. .

From the beginning, he thought of this when Lin Lang helped him lift the restraint. With his cultivation as his desire to run, the master in the same realm could not stop him.

Kevis's eyes widened, but this is the king of the killer. Now facing Lin Youye, he has just slipped away. What about the proud master?

After a short while, Kevis finally exhaled slowly: "Sure enough, the counseling was also passed down from the same source ..."

Looking at Lin Lang again, he looked calm and calm, and did not rush into chaos or anger because of the deception of the killer king.


There was irony in Lin Lang's eyes. A few stars were printed on his back, and the detective grabbed it forward. The body of the killer's king seemed to be fixed, and he paused immediately.

He pulled back, and the King of Killers was like a panicked kitten, struggling in the air, but Lin Lang grabbed him back easily.

The King of Killers, the strongest closest to Divine Realm, was caught back without any resistance in front of Lin Lang!

"How can you be so strong!" The killer king was horrified.

Kevis was also hit hard.

"Mr. Lin is so strong now? Even the King of Killers is like a plaything in his hands. Now he wants to kill me, I'm afraid only one look is enough."

Kevis was secretly shocked. Eight or nine months ago, he could barely evenly share the relationship with Lin Lang. Now, in less than a year, Lin Lang has turned him away, not even the killer king. His opponent.

The same is true of Shirakawa Sakura, but compared to the two, she is not a martial arts man, but she did not react so much. She only knew one thing, which was to keep up with Lin Lang's pace, and Lin Langqiang followed suit.

Among these people, the biggest hit was the King of Killers. With a move of Lin Lang, he completely crushed all his confidence.

"What is the glory of the killer king, the cultivation closest to the divine realm, all of these are shit!"

In fact, Lin Lang had touched the edge of 'Divine Realm' when he beheaded Nozawa Sword God, and then built it to a higher level, which is far from what these peak masters can imagine.

At that time, if it wasn't for the four gods joining forces to repair and repair, and there were countless missiles in the air, he would not have been forced to such a degree. No one knows better than him what the four deities represent, which is equivalent to the souls of four powerful gods.

"My current practice is that even in the face of Divine Realm, it may be possible to beheaded." Lin Lang murmured softly.

His voice was not loud, but none of the people present were ordinary people.

But they would rather not hear it!

"It's no wonder that the old thing also risked the confusion of the dark star and sent me to reconcile, he turned out to be afraid!" The killer king took a breath and finally realized the whole story.

"Also, today I will cut you off, and let the world's divine realms see my ability." Lin Lang sighed softly, a small blue sword swinging in his palm, floating in the air.

The sharp meaning revealed by that small sword can make people's faces faint pain from far away.

"No, I swear that you will be the Lord in the future. I will be loyal to you with all my heart. I am willing to be your slave."

Said the King of Killers in a hurry.

A cold mang flashed, and a terrible hole was pierced through the back of the killer king's heart. The blood spread and wet his clothes.

One sword, the king of the slayer!

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