Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 294: Killer king

Since the culprit of the killer king was taken home by Kevis, Lin Lang no longer needed to go to the Magnesium country.

The two of them flew directly to Huaxia.

At this time, another sensation occurred in the world of the transcendent circle.

Lin Youye killed several senior members of the Japanese kingdom withering, and re-announced to the world with a resolute attitude that he was back!

The moment he appeared, all the rumors were self-defeating.

At the same time, another news was revealed.

The strongest of the dark stars fell with Kevis at the airport. Everyone thought that it was the King of the Killers that captured Kevis. Later, when they arrived at the scene, they found that Kaves was continuously counting down on the King of the Killers, and they realized that.

That's not the case at all!

It was Kevis who captured the killer king!

Later, someone familiar with the matter disclosed: "This time the Dark Star ancestor appeared and personally closed the killer king Xiu and sent it to Lin Youye."

Although it was said that the king of the killer was brought to Lin Youye, they wanted the two to have a duel. But no one is a fool. No one knows that the current killer's king has no power to bind chickens. When he waits for Lin Youye, let alone a fair fight, he will just slap himself to death.

The dignified and powerful man actually bowed his head to Lin Youye.

"What awe-inspiring it is, even the powerful gods have chosen to avoid war and take the initiative to send their confidant love to calm down the forest's anger in the future." Awesome posts on the forum continued to brush down, within a few minutes, the entire The forum was completely swiped by this message.

At the same time, everyone was horrified again by these hidden powers in the world. Divine realm, divine realm is not present, there has been no news of a divine power in the world for a hundred years.

However, this does not mean that they do not exist! It is these divine powerhouses that really control the division of this world power!

"It would be nice if the Dark Star ancestor was not so counseled. I really want them to fight against each other and see who is strong and who is weak." Another sighed.

I don't know how many people are looking forward to this battle. One is a fierce man who slashed four gods and killed the army. The other is a real godland. If the two men collide, how dazzling the friction should be.

"It's a pity that the ancestor of the Dark Star is too irritating, and the dignified master is so boneless ..."

Suddenly a large number of people came out to follow the posts, and within a few minutes, a laurel named "the most enlightening state in history" was spent on the Dark Star ancestor.

"I don't know if the powerful gods can defeat Lin Youye, but now the gods can't come out. No one can do anything about him in this world!"

A well-known superb person on the forum was finalized!


Not long after, Lin Lang landed from Shencheng International Airport.

Just after getting off the plane, Kevis also took over the task of picking up the station. Beside him, there was a dark-skinned man, not to say his skin color, but the haze on his face was like a black pot.

"Mr. Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time, I really miss it."

Kevis hugged a bear. Lin Lang flashed to the side, and Kevis took a swift blow and was about to bump into Shirakawa Sakura.

"Well? The little girl Mr. Lin brought back looks pretty." Kevis' eyes flashed a fascination, and he would run into it anyway, so he didn't pull back.

Shirakawa lifted her feet, and the magnesium legs in the long skirt suddenly kicked out.

Kevis had a high-heeled seal on his face, but there was not much annoyance, but the nosebleed was flowing outward.

"Lace lace ..."

Kevis was still thinking about it, pulling the sleeve of the killer king and rubbing it under his nose.

"Your mother!"

The killer's king was furious and slapped him in the palm of his hand. In the usual case, this slap was enough to knock Kevis half to death, but at this moment, his power is no different from that of a mortal, how can he hurt Kevis.

Three times, five times, two divided, was subdued by Kevis, pressed directly to the ground and rubbed.

"You are the king of the killer." Lin Lang looked down, looking down.

"It's my king." The killer's king snorted, climbing slightly from the ground, finishing his clothes, facing Lin Lang.

Even in the face of the famous Lin Youye, he never resigned. Because his ranking on the dark list is even higher than Lin Lang, this is the pride of a peak strong.

"Dark Star ancestor gave you to me, what do you think I would do with you?"

Lin Lang looked at the killer king with interest.

"I think you will unlock the restraint on me and fight me fairly." The killer king said to himself. This is why he obediently followed Kevis from California to Huaxia.

This is a ban imposed by a divine powerhouse. Except for Divine Realm, perhaps only Lin Youye had this hope to be unlocked. When the restrictions are lifted, the world is as big as his whereabouts.

"Is that so?" Lin Langpi smiled and smiled, turned around, and walked out of the airport with his hand down: "If you want to lift your restraint, follow me."

"Mr. Lin, the killer's king is unfathomable. Helping him unlock the shackles is to return the tiger to the mountain. I think it is best to kill him directly at this time." Kevis suggested.

Lin Lang turned a deaf ear and went forward. Shirakawa Sakura followed suit and followed closely.

"Don't think I don't know your little abacus, you can't succeed. Even if Mr. Lin wants to lift your restraint, I will advise him to change his mind."

Kevis squinted at the killer king.

The two quickly followed and stopped in a sparsely populated place.

Lin Lang turned slightly, his eyes fell on the King of Killers. That kind of gaze was so clear that it was like seeing the killer king through his body.

The killer king was getting nervous, his hair was upside down, he always felt that perhaps his thoughts had been seen through by the other party. This is not a good thing.

"I'll help you lift the ban." Lin Lang said in a voice.

The killer king was relieved.

"No, the killer king has always been a must-have, a generation of imposing figures, to release him from the prohibition is to trouble himself." Kevis solemnly said.

"Yes, we can't control this heroic figure, and in the end it's also a problem for ourselves."

Hesitation, Shirakawa Sakura also persuaded.

"If you help me lift the ban, you and I will fight. If I win, I will leave by myself. If I lose to you, I will respect you from now on, and be your servant." Killer The King's eyes glowed with sincerity.

The words he said are very particular. If a grandson kneels directly for mercy, or is tough, it will make people doubt. But his remarks are enough to make people see that what he said is all stubborn words, especially in front of a strong man like Lin Lang.

He believes that Lin Lang will not flinch, and he puts on the reputation of being in danger. A man who has the courage to regret the army definitely has enough pride to defeat him and subdue him as a slave.

Able to figure out how to use your opponent's mind, to be arrogant, but this is the case.

"Mr. Lin (Master), no ..."


Lin Lang waved his hand and came forward to study the repair of the killer's king as a prohibition.

Kevis also wanted to say something, but Lin Lang was very determined, and he was not good at persuading.

In fact, the ban on the King of the Killer is very simple, it is only the lowest level of sealing means, but the King of the Killer is not an immortal, it is difficult to pierce these. But on Lin Lang's hands, that's not enough.

Lin Lang gently stretched out his finger and point it at the Lingzhong point of the Killer King.

The Killer King's complexion gradually improved, and finally he felt the full cultivation in the past, just like the flood, and violently broke all the restrictions.

At this moment, the killer king's repair broke out suddenly.

"Lin Youye, Lin Youye, you are so wrong that you should not help me lift the ban! How do you know how powerful I am, I am already half-footed into the realm of God, and I have made great achievements."

"Now, I will kill you first, and then I will chop up the old stuff of Dark Star!"

The thunderous laughter of King of Killers, the sound of thunder, filled the whole space.

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