Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 296: Legendary dragon


Until death, the King of Killers will not understand why Lin Lang simply ended up with him. Obviously, as a peak master, his role is even more than an army, even if he was thrown at random to a country, with his courage enough to support a party.

But he did not expect that Lin Lang's shot would be so decisive.

Lin Lang didn't plan to keep him from the beginning, not to mention that the killer king has sent people to kill him several times, that is, he really released the suspected king of the killer into his own power, whether it was Kevis or Others have no means to compete with it.

If he was there, he would be fine. If he wasn't, then the killer's king, Yang Feng, would not be able to subdue him.

Rather than leaving such instability around, it is better to cut off the scourge directly.

"Come on, let's go back."


"Shencheng." Lin Lang whispered softly.


Lin Lang is back.

For the Wang family, this news may just be Lin Lang travelling and taking a walk, and for the Chinese martial arts world, the military's high-level officials undoubtedly caused a stir.

The first time Lin Lang returned to Shencheng, he alarmed a lot of Chinese high-rises, and even the family of warriors looked at the wind.

Before this trip to Japan, Lin Youye could only be called Huaxia No. 3, this is only the superficial Huaxia No. 3, after all, the Hua Xia list or the dark list with higher gold content abroad, there are many hidden times For a long time, or the old monster who did not want to show the mountains and water was not included. Therefore, it can only be temporarily referred to as Huaxia No. 3.

Even Commander Kong was trained only when Lin Lang was a potential young disciple.

Now Lin Youye returns from Japan and chops off Nozawa Sword God, but subscribes to four gods. It is the third wing of the Japanese Magnesium Army, which shot down ten aircraft in a row.

This proud record is one of the best no matter where it is put.

That is, this morning, the urgent adjustment released by the world's hidden list removed Zhao Zilong and Yinyang Taoists from the list. The new hidden list is still a Chinese person.

Lin Youye!

The world's dark list, the first master!

"The ranking of the dark list will not change easily once it is established, unless someone actively defeats the previous strong and will be changed at the beginning of each year."

There was much talk on the dark list.

Today, obviously, it is not time to change the dark list every year, and the reason for the emergency adjustment of the dark list is the biggest variable of Lin Youye!

"It is rumored that both the Yinyang Taoist and the Huaxia Valkyrie have broken into the realm of God, and now the third, fourth and seventh strongest on the dark list, either dead or lost in the hands of Lin Youye, the top five of the entire dark list It is empty, and urgent adjustments are inevitable. "

After today, Lin Youye is no longer the third place in China, but is also the second place in China.

His identity is not inferior even to the heads of some of the world ’s wealthy wealthy officials or the heads of small nations. It was Commander Kong, who did not dare to entrust him to the position of the Chia Tai Military Region.

"It's only been a long time since Lin Youye was noticed by the darklist. In less than nine months, he has been the leader of the entire darklist."

I don't know how many people are frightened by the rising speed of Lin Youye.

After Lin Lang returned to Shencheng, he first settled the Shirakawa cherry in the hilltop villa. On the plane, Shirakawa Sakura said that she wanted to learn swords, and Lin Lang taught her a set of swordsmanship. This set of swordsmanship is enough for her to easily break like a master in the future, and it is also possible to ask the gods.

With the rich aura of the hilltop villa, Shirakawa Sakura went directly to the first retreat.

Following the reunion of Shirakawa Sakura, Kevis also announced the retreat. On the plane, he also got Lin Lang's instructions. Through Lin Lang's mouth, Kevis got a lot of practice experience of wood spirits. Every word of Lin Lang made him impressed. Most of what he had learned before was shit.

Dignified wooden spirit body, the study of the spiritual body is even less than a mortal body.

Then he felt ashamed and hurriedly retreated.

At this time, there were no other people in the hilltop villa, only three of them were Linlang Kaivis. As for his parents, his grandfather and grandmother are handling some disputes in Linhai City and are not in the villa.

"Reiki is really too weak." Lin Lang grabbed a hand forward, his strands of reiki were held in his hands, scattered with the wind invisible.

Every step forward in his current state would consume a hundred times the reiki reserves of the mountaintop villa, and even a little aura of the mountaintop villa could not withstand his consumption in the morning.

Lin Lang simply abandoned this plan, and someone needed the treasure more than he did.

"In the past, I had limited cultivation. The arrangement of the Gathering Formation could only affect the area of ​​the surrounding ten miles. Now I am in the late stage of foundation building. It is a higher level than that time, and it is time to improve the formation."

When Lin Lang thought of this, he immediately started to contact Mo Mo. This old guy likes to ponder and collect some weird things. There should be a lot of materials that can be used in the big team.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Lang's expression moved, and his consciousness proactively looked out the window.

Standing outside the villa is a younger-looking woman in a fiery red top and bottom, who wraps her **** body round and sexy. And her cultivation is not weak, and she has reached the late stage of transformation.

This girl is Suzaku.

After learning that Lin Lang returned to China, it was also out of curiosity that he rushed to Shencheng for the first time, and wanted to see how sacred Lin Youye, who suppressed the top spot in the dark list, was sacred.

Walking towards the top of the mountain for a while, Suzaku suddenly found a speechless reality.

She's lost!

How big the hilltop villas can be is not more than one or two miles in total. However, it is such a small place that even a big master in the late stage of transformation almost lost.

"It's interesting, even I almost said, this Lin Youye is a strange person." Suzaku's mouth raised a radian. Changing to other people here may be trapped directly, but it is not so easy to trap a big master in the late stage of reliance with the fog.

With a few blinks in his eyes, Suzaku found a way to the center of the villa. She took a step forward, and suddenly there were spikes across her feet. Fortunately, she responded quickly and flickered away.

However, her body had just settled, and there were a row of neatly raised spikes under her feet. Suzaku calmly, his tiptoe lightly on the ground stab, his body looks like a light hung, and fell on the ground spur without weight pressure, and floated forward.

At this moment, a sword came across, dividing the mist of the hilltop villa in half, with an extremely sharp edge.

Suzaku's feet were stunned, and her flirtatious body seemed to be carrying a huge boulder, and she stepped back on the ground.

At the same time, Jian came to her body and was annihilated by her.

"These gadgets may be dangerous to a junior guru, but how could they trap me." Suzaku shook his head endlessly.

At this moment, with the sound of a bang, it seemed that there was an earthquake, and the whole top of the mountain shook three times.

The dense clouds gradually faded. A snake body, antlers, tigers, fish scales, and a five-clawed golden dragon that dazzled more than gold all fell from the sky.

The golden dragon is majestic, indifferent, and comes with an inherent oppression.

This is a dragon whose strength has reached the middle of transformation!

Suzaku's pupils shrank, and the five-pronged Jinlong Mingming Xiu was inferior to her, but gave her a strong sense of crisis. This sense of crisis belongs only to the same realm!

"Is this ... the legendary dragon ?!"

Suzaku's eyelids jumped.

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