The empty island is deserted, and besides the beach nearby, there are a few sparse woods. Therefore, the first time the mountain appeared in the field of vision, Lin Lang took it to his eyes.

Lin Lang was uplifted and immediately turned his direction, heading for the high mountain.

The pace at his feet surged, almost 100 meters, and after several bombardments, he rushed to the foot of the mountain. Behind him, a dozen missiles were about to stick to his body.

Lin Lang didn't want to think about it. He raised his whole body's strength, and the whole person rushed into the rock like a shell. At the foot of the mountain, he was hit out of a basin-sized cave, meandering to a length of more than ten meters.

It can be seen that the power of this collision is definitely not small!

At this time, more than a dozen missiles fell suddenly.

Boom boom!

A huge mushroom cloud as large as a playground rises into the air, and the devastating shock wave directly burns hundreds of meters of nearby vegetation into carbon black.

The mountain trembled suddenly, and countless gravels rolled down.

"Linyou Ye, a magnificent Chinese man, is now being chased by us like a bereavement dog, run away and see where you can escape." The pilots laughed loudly. The radio waves were full of excitement.

"This is Lin Youye. There is a big noise in Japan. Under our hands, it is just a rat that can only rush to escape."

"I want to kill him. I want to see his completely desperate expression. A generation of masters is also a ant under modern technology. He also claims to be the first person in a state of God. It is ironic."

In the headset communication of the group, it was full of irony.

"Don't relax, Lin You is cunning by nature, and you should never take it lightly until you see his body."

The commander solemnly pointed out, pointing at the high mountain, almost one word at a time: "Give me there!"


At this moment, I don't know how many radars are accurately locked on the mountain. At the next moment, countless air-to-ground missiles dumped. This was not only forty missiles, but hundreds of missiles. A fighter-fired missile could not only fire one, two, or even four consecutive shots.

And in this regard, the performance of the bomber is much better than the fighter.

In one round of shooting, more than one hundred missiles landed.

From a distance, missiles flying at supersonic speeds in the sky are as dense as raindrops. Above the high mountains, it should have been a lush mountain forest, at this time it had been ignited by the blasting high temperature.

In just a few seconds, the vibrant forest turned into a piece of coke.

The bare mountain body has not been able to carry the fate of destruction. The first bombing was full of scars, rocks and stones, and life did not exist. After the second round of bombing, the mountain trembled, breaking down into countless stones, disintegrating and scattered.

"Sir, that Lin Youye should have been buried in the bombing. His body could not be scanned by the radar, nor could he be found by the infrared rays." The pilots reported.

"Wait a second, try not to get too close. The range of ten miles is his attack limit. Wait for the army to come to the scene to investigate." The commander was calm as usual.

The pilots were stunned. When they first arrived, they saw Lin Lang's great power and shot down two fighters. Fortunately, they rushed directly to the inspection without recklessness.

Forty or so fighter planes circled at a high altitude of more than ten miles, always maintaining a safe distance of ten miles, and dare not approach it easily.

"Well? Why was this stone blown so far?" A pilot murmured softly.

The other rubble had almost fallen to the ground, and only the largest mountain that had collapsed was still being pushed forward.

"It should be inertia, after all, the greater the mass, the greater the inertia, and it is reasonable to be hit here by the big bang."

The pilot took it for granted.

However, the commander's face turned abrupt.

"No good, quickly launch a positioning missile to intercept it! That's ..."

His voice hadn't completely fallen, and I saw that the mountain boulder with a diameter of several hundred meters was heading up into the air. Beneath his boulder, there is a small figure like an ant, with his arms raised up in the shape of a celestial body. He actually lifted the boulder up to a thousand meters high.

"Oh God, is this still human!"

Many pilots were stunned.

The boulder smashed from the mountain has a weight of hundreds of tons, but at this time it was lifted to a thousand kilometers by a human body.

This kind of power can pull mountains and seas, and human beings do not have any control over such power.

Only true gods can have such great power!

"My god, what kind of monster is he ?!" countless startled eyes flickered endlessly.

However, for Lin Lang, although there are some fronts, it is still within the scope. In the early days of gas refining, he was able to hold a car with one hand, and now it has crossed nearly six realms. Although it is barely possible, it is also possible to go all out to lift hundreds of cars.

What's more ... The rock itself was shaken into the sky by the shock wave. What he did was just follow the trend. But gravity is the reason. The more it goes up, the more difficult it is. It is his limit to reach the air.

At the same time, Lin Lang's muscles bulged up, like a panlong, with a crippling sound of crackling sounds between the bone joints.

He certainly did not expect the boulder to be thrown a few miles away by him, but planned otherwise. Just when the boulder was thrown, the kinetic energy was near, and it was about to fall.

The clear sword flashed in Lin Lang's hands, and he was poured into the surging mighty power, and the sword body suddenly rose to about seven feet. This is the real form of Shangqing Sword.

In the complete state, the sword body of the upper Qing sword is emerald green, printed with a snake snake pattern, just like a perfect jade. The metal luster on the stalk handle is bright and bright under the sun.

"Quiet it."

The sword of the Qing Dynasty contained the power of horror to the extreme, and the forward sword was cut out. Filled with devastating power, the sword poured wildly towards the boulder ahead.

That sword surprised the whole sky!

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