Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 286: Make everything easy!

The horrific power evoked by the Shangqing sword poured out on the boulder, the huge energy compressed, and finally broke out. Suddenly, the boulder shattered into countless pieces of gravel and blasted out towards the sky.

Of course, Lin Lang did not expect the Jianbo attacked by the Qing sword to attack the fighter plane, and he could not do it at all. The fighting methods between ordinary monks have emerged, and the range of influence is only a few hundred feet away. It is impossible for any supernatural power to attack targets ten miles away.

Moreover, his consciousness can only extend for a few miles. Even if he sacrifice Shangqing sword, with the help of imperial means, there is no need for a fighter.

So from the beginning, he was preparing to take the sword away from the front, using the horrific impact of the Qingqing sword on the boulder to smash the boulder into countless gravels, and the aftermath would carry these lighter weight stones to fly farther.

Until ... these "bullets" hit the plane was considered successful!

In the ordinary battle, Lin Lang would not use this stupid method. After all, the great masters can already train their bodies to be as hard as steel, even if ordinary stones hit them, it is painless.

Most of the aircraft shells are hollow aluminum-lithium alloys, which are much inferior in hardness, and the stones are pushed to the speed of the bullet, and it is possible to penetrate the aircraft shell.

Faced with different opponents, the soil method can also become the most effective means!

"Give you a big gift."

Even in the high-intensity battle, Lin Lang's face was pale, but he still chuckled.

"I hope you will like it and remember it forever."

After all, Lin Lang didn't look at the rear, and landed indifferently, without any intention of stopping to rest, but went straight ahead.

There is the command post of the Third Army of the Magnesium!

Lin Lang just disappeared into the sky, and the countless rubbles in the rear hit the machine like raindrops. After all, the technology possessed by the Japanese Army has been at the cutting edge of the world. The fighter shells are not only aluminum-lithium alloys, but also a lot of hard aluminum alloys, which have raised the level of sturdiness.

However, the gravel rain is too dense. There are always a few pieces of glass that penetrate the sky and shoot at the pilot's body under the pouring sky. There are also many turbines that are directly stuck in the aircraft's turbines or the wings. , Fluttering in the sky.

For a while, the fleet was completely chaotic.

Even if there were no damaged planes, the fighters around them couldn't stand up and slammed together.

Boom boom!

One fighter jet, like a disconnected kite, fell to the ground one after another.

About ten minutes later, the commander-in-chief finally integrated the surviving flight formations. Under statistics, we can't help but get a startling number.

Forty-three fighter jets, in the chaos just now, five of them completely crashed, and dozens of other airframes suffered various degrees of trauma and forced their landing on the ground.

The chief commander took a sip of air-conditioning: "A whole flight group, with forty planes, shot him down in half!"

"Sir, shall we continue to pursue?"

The commander-in-chief of the flight calmed down his mind, and just about to open the organization, on the other side, there were many voices reported by the pilot.

"Report sir! Our fuel is low and we have only four or five rounds of ammunition left. We ... shall we continue?"

The opposite voice was clearly out of breath.

The flight commander's mind was swaying again.

They chased Lin Youye for almost one morning, and they did not chase without saying that even the missile and fuel were almost consumed. It also damaged nearly half of its combat effectiveness.

There were only 130 fighters in the Magnesium Corps in Japan, and they were suddenly damaged by one-tenth. This was also true of large-scale air battles during the war.

"Will I go to the military court this way?" He couldn't help thinking.


On a cruiser on the sea and sea, Lieutenant General Jefferson's conscious credit was immediately available, and he became interested, instead he was concerned about the changes in the battle situation.

"Lieutenant General Jefferson, I think I need to tell you some bad news," the black strong man said with awe.

"Bad news? Any bad news? Could it be that Lin Youye ran away?" Lieutenant General Jefferson laughed.

"Na Lin Youye defeated the flying brigade, shot down nearly ten fighters, and is now heading towards us. Not only that, the army of the second brigade also failed to stop him and was forced out of a living. At this time he had It's less than two miles from our location. "


Lieutenant General Jefferson stood up with a bang.

"Can you say that again!"

Lieutenant General Jefferson's face was full of terror and incredible.

The black strong man repeats it.

The distance of two miles corresponds to the measurement unit of Huaxia which is the distance less than six miles. This distance is just a few minutes' walk for a strong man who is close to the realm of the gods.

"This bunch of waste also claims that the elite machine group can't even stop a Chinese person now. Hurry, sail!" Lieutenant General Jefferson scolded him, and couldn't help panic at this time. The cruiser is indeed equipped with lethal cruise missiles, but this is not enough to block the pace of the Grand Master.

At this point his only thought was to run.

At present, the Third Wing can't organize effective resistance at all. They can only stay dead here if they want to die.

"Even if I am accused of improper command, it would be better to be killed directly by Lin Youye. At that time, there will be an excuse from the admiral, and he should not be sentenced." Lieutenant General Jefferson silently calculated.

However, the black strong man faced bitterly, and said, "We don't seem to be able to get away, Lin Youye has come."

On that shore, a stripe figure walked on the surface of the water, and a large wave was stirred at the foot, as if the dragon and the dragon were dancing in the wind and rain.

Suddenly, the gunboats of the cruiser aimed at Lin Lang, and launched at this time. Lin Lang dodged from left to right, and those cruise missiles landed on the sea, causing a huge wave.

In the waves, a figure ran through the water curtain and approached the cruiser quickly.

In the face of the cloud-like rain, like a figure of water god. Lieutenant General Jefferson's face changed drastically, and his will was strong: "Wyatt, you are also a great master. How long can you be sure to block Lin Youye?"

The black strong man was scolding in his heart. Jefferson obviously wanted to push him out as a shield, but he still groaned a little: "If he can't stop one move in his heyday, but now his strength is greatly damaged, he should be able to stop for a while engraved."

"Enough is enough." Jefferson Da Lala pushed the black strong man off the boat. At the same time, the cruiser's engine was running at a rapid speed, turning direction, and heading out to sea.

"This old hooligan!" The black strong man cursed inwardly, looking at Lin Lang in front of him, solemnly taking steps.

"Lin You Ye stopped, your opponent is me!"

The strong black man yelled, and beside him, the tide surged, and a water column more than ten meters high emerged from the water surface, holding him high.

He is an extraordinary person in the water system and was born with the ability to control the flow of water, so he was specially transferred to the navy. At sea, he can play a combat power of twelve points.

Lin Lang didn't look at him, and took a palm shot down. That unbelievable speed blessing, the black strong man could not respond in the future, he was photographed directly into the water, life or death.

A guru doesn't have any resistance at all in front of Lin Lang!

Lieutenant General Jefferson, who ran away in the distance, narrowed his pupils.

"Waste is another waste!" Jefferson stomped again and again.

At this moment, Lin Lang pointed forward, and a destructive energy instantly tore into the meat of Lieutenant General Jefferson, Yu Wei continued, and opened a large basin on the cruiser's deck.

A billion-dollar cruiser was nothing but a sword in front of Lin Lang. With one sword, more than a billion yuan of funds plus several high commanders on board were buried.

Jefferson's death did not let Lin Lang relax in the slightest, but turned around and pierced the sea with his hands, carrying the unconscious black man on his shoulders.

He rushed to the shore, passing by, and the third wing that lost the leader was no longer able to organize effective resistance, and the officers in military uniforms were torn apart by his sword.

Everywhere I went, I was everywhere.

Ordinary soldiers may not be in danger yet, but for the generals who have the briefs in charge of the army, this is a nightmare.

Lin Lang's next goal was to kill them.

As Lin Lang moved along, dozens of Wei officers died in his hands, and various school officials were also penetrated with energy. Even two major admirals died in his hands.

Wan Jun took the first rank of General!

He went west, all armies cleared the door!

Fighter formations in the sky hovered endlessly, making a deafening noise. The third wing, which had been slaughtered by the cadres below, was in a state of chaos, dying, escaping, and could not organize an effective attack at all.

At this point, the third wing of the Magnesium Army in Japan, with a total of 4,300 members, plus the flying team, was completely defeated by Lin Lang!

This war broke out, shaking the whole East Asia!

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