Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 284: High-level meeting

At a staff meeting in China.

There are high-level members of the special operation team. Except for Qinglong Zhao Wushen, the remaining three high-ranking white tigers, Suzaku and Xuanwu have arrived. In addition to them, there is Kong Chengguo, commander of the Chia Tai Military Region. On the side, the rest of the people also carried the title of "One Thick Three Middle School".

Even the shadow of a Lieutenant General is hard to see here.

Not a simple character!

"According to the news that came before, Lin Youye has now been engulfed in layers, and all members of the Third Magnesium Wing in Japan are dispatched, and a flying wing cooperates with the tank siege." Suzaku is a A middle-aged woman, but she can't see any traces of her years on her face, like a young girl with a love story.

Moreover, the surge of cultivation in her body shows that she is a real high-level master!

Bai Hu Xuan Wu is not bad either, they are close to the peak of the master's strength. Huaxia has more than just a Bai Mu before, it can hold up the banner.

When Suzaku finished reading aloud, there was a mess of discussion. Commander Kong advocated support, and of course, there were many opposing voices.

"I see that Lin Youye is just a prank. He went to Japan and defeated Nozawa Sword God. He even went to the idea of ​​major shrines. The threat he showed was enough to be a reason for major countries to eliminate him. "Said one general.

"The tree is arrogant, and he is so swaggering again. The Japanese will be able to tolerate him. Instead, I will only find a way out when defeating Nozawa Sword God, and continue to submerge until the gods are born." Bai Hu shook gently Shook his head.

A grandmaster may not be able to attract the attention of major countries, but a peak grandmaster is enough to raise the value to a strategic level. This peak master is most easily targeted by other countries and eliminated before the fledgling.

In fact, all major countries are doing such things, it is just a tacit understanding. That was the case after Zhao Wushen was out of Japan. He returned to Huaxia and continued to study until he was born.

"The words are so straightforward, but Zhao Wushen did not provoke such a big reaction that year. I really could n’t think of Lin Youye exactly how he could do it, which could cause the Japanese country to block it at all costs." A majestic old man repeatedly Shake his head.

"He De He Neng, if you go to Japan to destroy two big families, and then you have to deal with the six deities of Japan, you will have the same treatment." Commander Kong sneered.

"The sharp edge is not a good thing. Lin Youye has been used to everything, and it is also rampant. Lao Kong, you are too indulgent."

"If he knows that there is still room for advancement, but if Lin Youye is killed now, then it will be said that no other great congress can attack us on the charge of undermining tranquility." Said the majestic old man.

Indeed, the usual style of the Japanese nation is that they like to take advantage of it afterwards.

"What if Lin You returned safely at night? How should we treat him then?" Commander Kong asked back.

"It is even more a disaster to return home safely. I'm used to being arrogant all the way. I'm afraid he doesn't even look at the country. After all, Lin Youye has always been a killer, and dozens of people have been killed by him in just two years after his birth. It also includes a family with a wide involvement in Beiliao. If he continues to indulge him, he is afraid that the law will not be saved. "

The meaning inside and outside the words is alluding to the destruction of the North Liao Lin family. That incident had a great impact at that time, and ordinary people did n’t know the truth, but the high-level military personnel were already noisy. In the end, Commander Kong made a public opinion, and put all the pressure on Lin Lang.

Seeing that they were noisy again, Suzaku hurried out: "Listen to me, now is not the time to discuss these achievements, the most important thing now is how to rescue Lin Youye."

"Rescue? How do you rescue?" Xuanwu suddenly socketed.

"Now that he and the Magnesium Army in Japan have already fought, it is too late to contact the senior officials of Japan, not to mention that they cannot obey our requirements."

"It is also unrealistic to use special forces to rescue. That is our Huaxia heritage. Zhao Zilong traveled around the world again, and there is an agreement between the countries. Divine Realm cannot intervene in these disputes. As for Divine Realm, there are still more than Is Lin Youye stronger? "

Xuan Wu's remarks silenced the crowd. Although they were intent on rescue, the current situation was also powerless.

There are obstacles in the special existence of various countries above the divine realm, and going under the divine realm will not play any role!

In the end, a middle-aged man sitting in the first place, who had been silent for a long time, stood up and made the decision.

"Lin Youye is no less important to us than Qinglong's next candidate, so, if he has a chance to survive, even if he is captured, he will be beaten up, as long as the knowledge in his brain is still there, we must It will cost you redemption. "

Today, this is the best way everyone can come up with.

There was a deep anxiety between Commander Kong's eyebrows.

"It's just ... Since Japan is determined to eradicate him, how can it stay alive."


The Lin Lang people ran forward continuously, the gunfire behind them was roaring, and sometimes one or two missiles exploded beside him. Even if there was no obvious trauma, they continued to shake his physical body.

Even though his consciousness extended a few miles away and his spiritual power continued to nourish, he felt exhausted at this time.

In just ten minutes, he had run a distance of nearly twenty miles, and the army infantry in the rear had long been thrown away by him, but the aircraft group kept biting him.

The aircraft group was completely outside his attack range. What he didn't want at all. If he really stopped and didn't leave, he would be called a live target. He was hit by dozens of missiles at the same time.

Lin Lang, who was tired of coping, was already overloaded. If you can't figure out a way, then you have to start the maggot method, and hide in the dark underground world for a few months.

At this time Lin Lang did not dare to relax in the slightest. He stepped on the ground under his feet, leaving huge footprints in his place. Suddenly, a few miles away, Lin Lang saw a lush mountain with trees.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"Maybe I should be able to get rid of them completely," he murmured.

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