Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 283: Machine group! crisis!

In the sky, the first time the four fighters arrived, the radar was firmly locked on Lin Lang's body.

"kill him!"

Four pilots pressed the launch button at the same time.

The supersonic missiles were detached from the pylons. The four missiles were arranged in an orderly manner.


Black smoke billowed, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the air. The devastating shock wave scorched the air and radiated it in all directions.

The smoke was all over the sky, but when these had not completely disappeared, a figure rushed out of the explosion like a rocket. After tens of meters, the man stabilized his body and headed up into the air.

It was in the very center of the explosion that Lin Lang predicted a few seconds in advance and avoided the core explosion in time. Otherwise, even if he was physically fit, and encountered the ultra-high temperature at the core, he might be seriously injured even if he was caught. .

"How can this guy be harmless?" Several pilots stared at Lin Lang.

At this time, in just a few tens of seconds, Lin Lang had crossed a distance of two or three kilometers, the small blue sword in his hand shined bright, and even the pilot's vision was blinded by the dazzling strong light.

It was at this moment that Lin Lang's magic was brewing in his hand. He held the thunder ball in his hand, leaning his upper limbs forward, and lower limbs forward. The whole person was like an athlete throwing a javelin, throwing the thunder ball severely.

"Burgas, get out of here!"

Such words appeared in the radio command of the flight formation.

It's just that ... Before the sound completely falls, there is a harsh electric microphone sound over there. Then one of the fighters lost power, like a kite that lost its gravity, swaying left and right, and fell heavily to the ground.


A violent impact sounded, the head of the aircraft separated, and the wreckage was burning.

A fighter was shot down by Lin Langsheng!

The F16 fighter of the Magnesium Army began to serve at the end of the last century. So far, it has not been damaged after nearly ten wars of war, and it is also known as the ‘Myth of Unfalling’.

However, today, in the hands of Lin Youye, this myth is completely declared dead!

In the past, humans may see what kind of grenades bombed planes and rifles shot down bombers from TV oracle dramas, but these are almost non-existent in real reality.

The effective range of a rifle is only about three hundred to five hundred meters, and it will deviate greatly if it is far away. If the aircraft is only three or five hundred meters away from the ground, it will not be far from falling. No pilot will challenge ultra-low altitude flight in combat.

Unless it is a special anti-aircraft machine gun or a surface-to-air missile, there is some threat to the fighter.

Now, a person, with his own strength, can easily shoot down an airplane. Even if it is published in the newspaper, no one will believe it. What is this myth?

"Try to keep a distance from Lin Youye, it is best to attack him ten miles away, his attack range is not as good as ours."

The pilots received orders from the command post.

However, just as the sound dropped, a small sword penetrated the glass of the cabin, penetrating the pilot ’s eyebrows, and nailed it firmly to the back of the chair.

Another fighter jet fell to the ground, setting off a cloud of smoke!

The remaining two fighters also fled like a bow-strike bird, and then the turbine spun madly, ejecting a powerful air stream, and flew a dozen miles away as soon as they smoked.

"It's a pity." Lin Lang shook his head. The speed of the supersonic fighter was too fast. In a blink of an eye, he could rush to a distance of hundreds of kilometers. He couldn't catch the shadow at all. It's his limit.

After that, Lin Lang didn't look at the two surviving planes either, but he spread out and moved quickly forward.

However, after witnessing the fall of two own fighter jets, they are now full of fear and are afraid to move forward.

At this time, a burst of blasting sounds rang out, and a group of black crowds in the rear seemed to cover the sky and fly forward, neatly.

Look carefully, not only are there fighters in these fighters, but also bombers, tankers, etc., the formation is very particular, with as many as thirty or forty!

It must be known that the Magnesium Army in Japan is only equipped with about 130 aircrafts in total. Although this force is not too strong in East Asia, it is superior in advanced equipment. Once the war broke out, it is definitely a force that cannot be ignored.

However, today, in order to deal with Lin Lang alone, almost half of the power is called, showing the degree of attention.

After the arrival of the fleet, the two surviving pilots were shocked.

The reinforcements of the large troops have arrived, and as long as the rest are bombed without interruption, you are not afraid that Lin Youye will not die!

The sound of countless wing-cutting air sounded, and the huge aircraft group chased Lin Lang's ass.

A missile arrived quickly, but this time Lin Lang's consciousness had spread far away, and he had anticipated it in advance to avoid it. The place bombed by the missile was almost stricken, and a terrible pit of seven or eight meters in diameter was opened on the ground.

"Run? Didn't you ever run an airplane?" The pilots' eyes showed a joke and hung behind them, as if playing a cat and mouse game.

While avoiding the bombardment of missiles, Lin Lang usually sprinted and sprinted on the ground. A missile exploded close to him, only seven or eight meters away from the center of the explosion.


Lin Lang's flesh was full of scorched black stains, and there was an explosion lingering in his ears, and a little tinnitus appeared.

At that moment, he was almost hit head-on. Fortunately, he responded quickly. At that moment, the strength of his body collapsed, and he was able to break through the sound barrier, which saved him from the danger of serious injuries.

"Although my consciousness covers a few miles, it's just a bit reluctant to face the danger of being invisible."

The invisible danger is an attack that is difficult to see with the naked eye and outside the radiation zone of the consciousness. Obviously, the aircraft group also realized that Lin Lang's ability to fight at close range has always maintained a safe distance, and launched missiles more than ten miles away.

Not only are these missiles fast, they are also equipped with automatic tracking.

Lin Lang dodged from left to right, and missiles exploded beside him from time to time. He urged you to the extreme, like a humanoid bull raging on. In just a few minutes, he had run out of a dozen miles. What? Gully pits all jumped in front of him.

In the rear, the aircraft group hung from his **** and bombarded continuously.

To this day, even Lin Lang has a strong sense of crisis.

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