Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 272: Full of flaws


Lin Lang frowned, not because of a wound on his hand, but under a star picker, but he couldn't break the sword of Nozawa Sword God. He originally intended to destroy the sword directly and wear it again The penetrating power will be turned into nothingness.

"How can you be so powerful!"

Nozawa Sword God was more shocked than Lin Lang. He took a deep breath and said hoarsely: "This long sword is called Yeyun Sword. At this time, the sword was lost, and it was only after many years that my master got it. "

"Even this legendary sword can only cut a wound on you. Does your horizontal training have reached the level of the Grand Master."

Nozawa Sword God's state of mind can't help but ripple, the Dark King Master has countless means to kill, but when he encounters the Master who has both Heng Lian and Dark King, it is not a problem of one plus one equals two.

Defeating may be possible, but beheading is difficult.

"It turned out to be a third-grade magic weapon, no wonder." Lin Lang was surprised.

"But that's interesting, otherwise there's no sense of accomplishment to beat you."

Lin Lang laughed softly, not caring about the injuries on his hands, and took the initiative to fly forward. Nozawa Sword God also straightened his mentality, waving Ye Yunjian to concentrate on the enemy.

The two met again shortly after each other. From the beginning of the tentative trial, it turned into a fiery current fight. As they fought, they seemed to have entered the realm of selflessness.

At the height of the Tokyo Tower, countless sword lightsaber shadows make up, and the scattered sword gas is chopped on the Tokyo Tower, and immediately a beam is broken. When it fell to the ground, a gully more than half a meter deep was plowed out.

A few ordinary people with bad luck were even cut directly into the body by sword gas, broken into two pieces, and there was still blood in the temperature to wet a whole circle of clothes nearby into red.

"Too scary, is this still human!"

Countless swallowing spit sounded, one after another, full of fear, watching the top constantly shifting.

"This is the aftermath of the battle, and it can still do so after buffering more than 300 meters. If it is closer, I am afraid we can't even watch the battle." At this point, they are completely unexpected.

"The aftermath of the battle can kill people 300 meters away, I'm afraid they can use it as a sniper rifle."

This is the guru, the real guru! This is why even today, with the rapid changes in technology and the dominance of guns and ammunition in the world, the guru still has a transcendent status!

They alone can rival the lethality of a small elite army!

The fierce battle in the sky continued, and the sword energy that descended gathered more and more. At the end, it was almost as dense as raindrops and destroyed the ground. The ordinary people on the sidelines were deeply affected, and fled to the distance in a panic, still throbbing.

However, this did not dispel their curiosity. When they had escaped to a safe distance, they all wrapped their necks and watched with their feet.

As for those swords, the Kendo master didn't dare to stand underneath easily anymore, and receded to a safe distance. Only the true Grand Master can ignore these dense sword rains.

"What do you think of my own swordsmanship?" Nozawa sword **** laughed.

Lin Lang flicked the long sword that he chopped, flying under his foot like a duckweed. "The sword is good, but I am not qualified to force me to use a sword."

"It's not easy for you to improve your own sword skills to this extent, but now, it's actually very easy for me to break your sword."

The two had fought over a hundred moves, and Lin Lang had already eaten the sword skills of Nozawa Sword God. According to his knowledge, creating an exercise method is all done by hand, not to mention observing a self-made sword-making method with little knowledge.

The broken swordsmanship was almost full of loopholes in his eyes, and a random one was a fatal flaw.

"Come on, I'll show you what exactly is wrong with your own swordsmanship."

Lin Lang walked in the air with a serious face, not like lying.

"Is my decades of hard work broken, you can break it day and night, if you can break it, come!" Nozawa Sword God sneered, the sword was killed, the blade trembled violently and pierced dozens of seconds Next, in the fan-shaped area crossed by the sword arc, a little bit of cold.

Lin Lang was not afraid. The flesh approached the sword's attack range directly, and his fingers flew on the sword. Although the sword continued to attack, he could still touch Lin Lang, even if he touched the corner of the clothing.

Slowly, Nozawa Sword God also realized that something was wrong. Before he attacked Lin Lang, the opponent must have enough energy to dodge or resist. But now he couldn't even touch Lin Lang's clothes, and his sword was repeatedly cut in the air.

"It feels like ..." Nozawa Kenshin seemed to have figured out something, and his pupils shrank. "I've been taken by him into his trajectory!"

Just then, a cold voice behind Nozawa Sword God suddenly entered his ears.

"The first flaw."

Lin Lang pointed out gently, the speed of Nozawa Sword God immediately slowed down, the speed of swinging the sword was slower than that of the snail, and his skills became sluggish, missing the previous roundness.

Nozawa Sword God's face changed suddenly. The masters competed only for the first line. The previous second was still pressing hard. One second of hesitation was enough for him to die completely.

At this time, the cold voice sounded again.

"The second flaw."

Nozawa Sword God's heart was pointed, a large mouth of blood spewed out, and his expression was weak.

"Third place ..."

Nozawa Sword God flew upside down, smashing the two beams before and after the Tokyo Tower, and fell into the dwellings in the distance. The house collapsed, and the surrounding smoke and dust gathered around. Only a continuous sound of collision was heard, but no one was seen.

"Master Sword God ..."

The swordsmen of Japan screamed sadly.

"Sword God ... He was defeated by Lin Youye!" A Japanese grandmaster banged his head, only to feel that his faith was completely destroyed.

Nozawa Sword God, the Grand Master of Kendo, Japan's first power, is the idol and chase object of almost all sword masters. However, at the moment, under the hands of Lin Youye, Nozawa Sword God was so defeated!

"Old Sword God." A well-known young teenager in the Japanese martial arts circle looked sad and could not help tears.

Beside him, a pale-haired old man patted his neck fiercely, and said angrily, "I haven't seen you so distressed your master me. How could the old sword **** die like this, then Zhao Zilong failed To kill him. "

"Master, are you saying that the sword **** is not dead? He hasn't exerted his full strength yet?" The teenager's eyes brightened.

"That's what it means."

The white-haired master nodded.

While the two of them were talking, they saw that in the middle of the ruin, a small earth **** almost buried in a grave bag, and several bricks rolled down from the mound.


The mound exploded, and a raged figure suddenly stood up.

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