Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 273: Sword Broken Grandmaster Fall!

Nozawa Sword God stood up from the ruins and stood still for a while. He seemed to have lost his soul. Bai Zhibai's beard moved with the wind and became more lonely.

He held Cong Yunjian in his hand, and the blade was sharp as always. It was just that he no longer had the confidence to use his swordsmanship.

He was proud of his swordsmanship, and the body that was struck in front of Lin Youye was incomplete.

"My swordsmanship is flawless. My swordsmanship ... is actually worthless!" Nozawa Sword God bitterly, his body trembling with his breathing.

Undoubtedly, it took decades to perfect the sword technique, which is a huge blow to anyone. Pride is as unbearable as him.

"Old Sword God!"

"What happened to the old sword god, was it badly wounded? It doesn't look like it. He doesn't see any serious injuries."

There were crowds of people under the Tokyo Tower, and the talk was almost endless. Everyone was wondering, how to hit halfway, the sword **** suddenly gave up resisting.

"The swordsman, the warrior, and the fearless, the swordsman has a sword heart that has never gone forward, and now the sword heart of the old sword **** is broken." The white-haired master shook his head. Although his strength is no better than Nozawa sword God, but he is also a swordsman, and he is deeply touched by this.

"Old sword god, are you defeated, even Zhao Zilong has failed to defeat you completely, do you have to admit that you are defeated in the hands of a fledgling junior?" The white-haired guru Yaoyao shouted.

Nozawa Sword God closed his eyes gently, and suddenly wept to the sky, lonely and said, "Yeah, I lost, I did lose, I lost to the hands of a junior."

"No, you are not defeated by Lin Youye, but you are defeated by yourself."

Nozawa sword **** trembled slightly.

"The sword can be cut open and closed, or it can be a vicious thorn. The former is called a swordsman, and the latter is a killer. No matter what the method is, what strategy is used, it is a good sword to be able to cut the enemy."

"Your sword, is it really worthless!" White Hair Grandmaster Zi Cunxin said all the mysteries, and many sword practitioners bowed their heads thoughtfully. Even Lin Lang looked at it subconsciously, showing infinite appreciation in his eyes.

Perhaps the master with white hair is not very talented in his cultivation, but his insight and insight can even be used as a teacher for Nozawa Sword God.

The body of Nozawa Sword God shuddered again.

"The swordsman can be defeated, but he must not be defeated to his swordsmanship. The reason you can't beat him is because your belief is not strong enough!"

Finally, the voice of Grand Master Baifa fell, and Nozawa Sword God's eyes were bright, sweeping the haze, his eyes flashing with raging fire.

"Yeah, my swordsmanship is defeated, but my sword is not yet!"

Cong Yunjian seemed to be infected by the war-fighting spirit of Nozawa Sword God, buzzing constantly, as if he was about to get out of his control, and rushed to Yuntian and Lin Lang for 300 rounds.

"Her Excellency is my teacher!"

Nozawa Sword God respectfully, bowed politely to the white-haired guru, looked up again, his eyes full of war. At his feet, the whole person was like a sharp sword off the string, straight into the sky, standing on a level with Lin Lang.

"The sword **** is resurrected!"

"Kill this Chinese person, and raise my country and national power!"

"The Japanese nation is the strongest, and the sword **** is invincible! The Huaxia people are all chickens and dogs. They also asked the sword **** to cut off this guy." The young Japanese nations on the ground rushed up, their necks were red and their throats were twitching Shouted to the sky.

The sound of cheering cheers quickly converged into a wave, sweeping across the sky.

Nozawa Sword God turned a deaf ear and paid respect to Lin Lang again.

"You're enough to kill me with those few moves, but I'm still alive, and you deserve to worship me."

Beneath it was the bottom of the chin.

Lin Lang accepted it frankly. Indeed, if he really wanted to kill Nozawa Sword God, he didn't even have to wait until he found a flaw. He could use his knowledge to consume him without much effort.

However, it is the battle of Taoism, where Taoism is the main issue, and Lin Lang also wants to find an opponent who sharpens himself. Obviously, among the few strong men in the world, Nozawa Sword God is one of them. .

"Then use your full strength next, if you can force me to use a sword, I won't kill you." Lin Lang faintly said.

"Forcing you to use a sword." Nozawa Sword God quietly squeezed the sword, the sword was horizontal on the right.

"I used my own swordsmanship to defeat the invincible hand of Japan, and only two people were able to force my division to inherit the swordsmanship. Now, you have this qualification too!"

Nozawa Sword God lowered his voice. He encountered a God of Power from time to time, and since then, Kendo has been out of control. It's a pity that his master left too early, leaving him only a sword inheritance of the divine realm.

However, he has ambitious ambitions and deliberately tempered his own swordsmanship into the realm of God, so he usually uses his own swordsmanship at war. It was an extremely horrible swordsmanship.

The reason why he didn't use it just now was not that he was dead, but that Lin Lang had broken his heart.

"Now, I have the capital to fight against you!" Nozawa sword **** sighed.

A sword comes west!

Nozawa Sword God completely changed with the style of sword. Originally, he followed the path of subtle calculations, but now it is open and close, but this change directly more than doubles his strength.

This is the difference between nerve exercises and self-made exercises. Two people who are also cultivated can directly crush.

"Golden Elephant Boxing!"

Lin Lang finally went all out, the first type of golden elephant fist hit with his arm.

Jin Xia is full of sky, behind Jin Guang, there is a continuous shadow of fists. Between the vaguely, dozens of Lin Lang's shadows appear under the cover of Jin Guang, each of which is the same action.

Charge and punch.

A dull impact sounded in the sky, the aftermath was scattered and countless buildings fell over it. Nozawa Sword God kicked back a few steps back, but his warfare remained the same.

This is not the end, but the beginning.

Nozawa sword **** roared loudly, and the sword in his hand was a masterpiece of light. It seemed to be brewing a more violent force. He shook his hands, and all these powers were released.

Wan Fu awarded it!

"Second style." On the other side was a light fist.

As if the sky was sinking in the sky, the entire sky was gone, replaced by golden light, and there was only a dazzling long sword. Nozawa Sword God had nose and nose bleeding and flew out. Lin Lang was also bombarded and exited nearly ten meters away.

Even the Tokyo Tower below was shaken at the moment.

But at this time, none of them had noticed this. At the same time, he has killed his opponent in life, and must kill his opponent here.

On the old body of Nozawa Sword God, at this moment it seems like the dead trees are springing up, the muscles are curled up, except for the face, it looks like a strong man. And his cultivation is integrated into the sword body without reservation.

The Cong Yunjian under his hand kept turning with his wrist, drawing out subtle radians. At this time, he was almost ecstatic, and he fully exerted the mystery of the sword of God.

"The sword cuts endlessly!"

The moment he stopped, he had already flew over Lin Lang, holding the sword in both hands, and chopped down towards him.

This sword is so majestic, and so powerful, anyone is so small compared to it, as if to give the mountain a two-punch split.

The sword has not yet landed, but the huge howling wind that whistled from the wings of the sword body has already raged, and the soil vegetation on the ground has risen layer by layer.

This is the ultimate move of the Shenjing swordsmanship. It is practiced to the extreme, and the mountain is broken. Any peak master can only be destroyed under this sword.

Nozawa Sword God still maintains the attitude of sword-splitting, but has already withdrawn from the realm of selfless sword-swinging. He looked forward, and his face suddenly changed.

"Golden Elephant Boxing, Third Style!"

A loud elephant groan came from ancient times, and a golden behemoth descended from the sky. It was indeed an elephant, but it was full of mottled traces of years, and could not see clearly.

This golden giant elephant was filled with a heartbreaking breath.

"The martial arts are so powerful that they even surpass my sword." Sword God Nozawa looks amazing. He knows that even though he has a sword of magic, he still looks so small in front of this elephant. .

"I can't beat this trick, and I can't escape it." Nozawa Kenshin knew clearly and relaxed wholeheartedly. He took a step forward and died peacefully.

"It's a pity I didn't force your sword in the end."

His voice was getting quieter and weaker.

In the sky, the sword of divine realm collided with the supreme supernatural power recorded in the Nine Xiaoxian Code.

That sword, amazing the entire Tianyu.

Jin Guang's convergence disappeared a little bit, and the captivating golden elephant scattered with the wind.

A broken sword fell from the sky, penetrated deeply into the soil, and was buried in dust. Maybe I will never see the day again ...

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