Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 271: Fierce battle!

Lin Lang didn't see the slightest movement, but his body was as light as feathers, and the surrounding rays of light were falling, as if extradited and soared. He flew lightly to the top of the sky, level with the vision of Nozawa Sword God.

The old man with white hair and white eyebrows and Tao Fengxian bone did not look like a prestigious generation of sword gods. Instead, he looked like an exalted man who had not seen the city for a long time. Although they are both reputable masters, this is indeed the first time they have met.

"Hua Xia's young friends, long admired for his long name, today is really a dragon and a phoenix among people, and it is indeed known as the second Huaxia Valkyrie."

Nozawa Sword God chuckled, his toes tapped on the spire of the Tokyo Tower, his clothes screamed.

"I've heard that Nozawa Sword Art is unparalleled in the world, and there are only a few masters who are closest to God in the world, and I have a lot of hearts. After all, there aren't many such strong men in the world as you are."

"Haha, Xiaoyou is straightforward." Nozawa Kenshin nodded gently, quite agreeing: "You are right, strong men like you and me are rare, and it is also a fate to be able to fight for the whole life."

"Everyone in the world knows that Huaxia has two strong men who cultivate the sky, that is, the top two in the list. Although I am the first person in Japan, I am farther than them and can only rank fourth."

"The two of them really exceed me a lot, and I won't refute this." Nozawa Sword God opened his mouth leisurely, without any breath of fireworks, and could not see the slightest heart of victory.

"The old sword god's state of mind is transcendent. Not fighting is a struggle. No wonder this achievement has been achieved. If time goes by, it will be inevitable for you to break away from the state of God." Lin Lang smiled, and his heart was quite appreciated.

In other words, there are two mountains on the side of the others, and they will be jealous or chase after everything, seeing and thinking, always maintaining a sense of normality, maybe he is different from other strong men.

As an opponent, Lin Lang also raised a touch of admiration.

"No, you are wrong." Nozawa Kenshin shook his head: "I am not a person without utilitarianism, but the two of them have completely shaken me off and both have advanced into the realm of God. I can't compete with them in my life. "

"They've all reached the Divine Realm?" Lin Lang was slightly surprised.

"Yes, a few days ago, the Aurora in Yinyang Mountain was a masterpiece. In March, the yin and yang daoyou should be a god. Zhao Zilong's talent is even better than the yin and yang daoyou. Presumably he will not fall behind at this time."

Nozawa Sword God nodded, and continued: "You ca n’t be out of the realm, you are now the first person in Huaxia, and I am the first person of the Grand Master of Japan.

Lin Lang dumbfounded: "You missed the last era, so you want to disprove the first in my era, to break the obstacles in your mood."

Nozawa Sword God nodded.

"This is indeed a good way to improve your mood, but you have made a mistake." Lin Lang shook his head, shaking his sleeves lightly, and time became sharp.

In his eyes, the green light shone, and it was like a thunderstorm, almost saying, "In my time, there is only me in this world."

At the same time, Nozawa Sword God straightened his waist, and from an old man in the idle clouds and wild cranes, he instantly became a master of the world. His momentum broke out suddenly, he looked at the world, and suddenly yelled at all the beings.

"At the top of Tokyo today, I and Lin Youye battled, regardless of life and death!"

The rumbling voice was stained with infinite darkness, as if the sound of thunder rolled.

The whole Tokyo Tower boils in a hurry!


At the head of the big day, the noon sun is the most pungent, and even if you are holding a parasol, you can feel the hot steam on the soles of your feet. At this time on the tallest building in Tokyo, two figures stood for a long time, and no sweat was seen.

"Doesn't a friend need a weapon?"

"I wish you could force me to use a sword."

The conversation between the two was simple and simple. When the voices fell, the two figures blasted out like lightning at the same time. The person on the left was driving Feihong, and the distance of ten meters came instantly. The man on the right holds a long sword, pointed by the sword's edge, and whispers a voice like a tsunami.

Long sword cuts, it seems to be able to cut off the flow of air.

Lin Lang propped up his flesh, and the large leaf in his hand was changing in 72 styles. He only heard his fingertips touching the sword body, and constantly bumped into the crunching of jingling bells. Daye Seventy-two style, the top martial arts in close combat, even if you meet such strong players as Nozawa Sword God, you can still defend with ease.

Nozawa Sword God changed his style and turned it into a thorn. The long sword was like a vicious serpent, lurking in the dark.

"Follow me! This is my own sword and flowers, you can't escape."

In the eyes of Nozawa Sword God, all the surrounding scenery became blurred and dim. The only place where Lin Lang stood in the heavens and the earth shone infinitely brightly, and the positions of the key points everywhere were particularly obvious. It seemed to be bright The sun is average.

In this state, no matter how fast the opponent is, it is impossible to dodge.

At the same time, the long sword blocked all the retreats of Lin Lang, locked firmly, and stabbed straight ahead.

"Good swordsmanship!" Lin Lang praised him secretly. When he fought against Nozawa Erlang at the beginning, the opponent also made this move, but compared to Nozawa Sword God, Nozawa Erlang can only be regarded as a preliminary, continuous stroke. He couldn't break his skin.

But Nozawa Sword God is completely different. The hidden strength in his body is several times higher than that of his son. The sword technique is original, and it can exert twelve points of power and completely hurt him.

This is the Sword of Slay!

Lin Lang stayed in shape and did not try to dodge. Instead, he blocked his hand in front of his throat and grabbed it with his other hand. He seemed to be able to pull the stars hanging high above nine days.

The two figures were mistaken.

A battering sound of gold and iron clanged.

Nozawa Sword God shook his long sword, and Hukou had some signs of cracking. The sharp blade of the long sword was stained with blood and kept moaning.

Lin Lang still held the posture of grasping things, on the surface it looked unharmed.

At this moment, if he has extraordinary vision, he may be able to see that there is a blood-colored long mark on his palm, which is visible to the naked eye, and extends from the gap between the **** to the wrist.

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