Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 270: Tokyo Tower

At this time, Lin Lang returned to Shirakawa directly after absorbing the essence of Bishen.

Sitting in front of the pond for two days, the spiritual strength was further improved, and the barriers in the late period of foundation building also showed signs of loosening.

This day is the duel date agreed with Nozawa Sword God.

Location, Tokyo Tower.

At this time around the Tokyo Tower, there were a large number of crowds. These were young leaders of major families, long-known sword masters, and rogues abandoned by the family. They are also dressed in a variety of ways, including those wearing military uniforms on wooden clogs, and noble ladies wearing kimonos, and even those wearing sportswear are no exception.

These people are the mainstay of the Japanese military circle.

In the distance of this group of people, there are large groups of citizens. Naturally, they would not know that today's Tokyo Tower has become a battlefield, because people are gathering more and more, and they come closer to see the excitement. Although many of them thought that the sun was too poisonous to leave in the middle, the overall base was still many times more than that of the swordsman.

"What do you say this is, so many people gather in front of the Tokyo Tower, is there any great person to travel?" A young Japanese man looked confused and asked the girl around him.

The girl looks so sweet that she cannot be said to be all over the country, but at least she is considered a big beauty in the circle of ordinary people. Beside the woman, two men stood left and right.

Perhaps because of this, the young people also took a bit of careful thinking and took the initiative to start a conversation.

"This is the decisive battleground between two big men. It is said to be a battle of Taoism, regardless of life and death." The woman explained with a smile.

"It's a decisive battle. It's an era now, and it's not the age of holding cold weapons to kill and kill." The young man pouted and dismissed it.

At this moment, a figure leapt from the rear, and in a step, it was almost a few dozen meters away, flying directly over the heads of the people. The old figure tapped on the ground with his toes and leapt to the high again, stepping on the tower beam all the way up.

He was kind-looking, white-haired, white-bearded, with a long coat floating, with two short knives across his waist, and a long sword with a jaw in his hand.

He pointed at the tip of the Tokyo Tower with his toes, without squinting, and looked like an old fairy.

He is the No. 1 Kendo master in Japan, Nozawa sword god!

"Is this a fairy! How could he still fly."

There was an uproar from the audience who was going to make a noise below, and they stared at the figure above them, causing a series of riots. Others took photos of their mobile phones and took photos for commemoration, and some forums were directly blown by the title of Tokyo Fairy.


The young man's jaw was about to fall to the ground, and he swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva. He couldn't agree: "There are really such people in the real world, and so are the gods."

"This is not a god, but our No. 1 strongest player in Japan, Nozawa Sword God."

A middle-aged man with a bangs standing beside Li Xiaoman explained with a smile.

"You still know this?" Li Xiaoman looked at the other in surprise. This man was a neighbor next door to the hotel. When he went out, he happened to run into each other. After chatting for two sentences, he went together.

"How can I not understand, I know more than you." The middle-aged man smiled and continued: "I also know that the strong man who fights against Nozawa Sword God is a master of Huaxia, named Lin Youye, It is now China's third-best master. "

"He is so famous in Huaxia?" Li Xiaoman was even more shocked. Although she knew that Lin Lang was talented, she didn't know exactly who Lin Lang was.

"Then who do you think is the better of them?" Li Xiaoman asked curiously.

"Of course it is our Nozawa Sword God. Nozawa Sword God is the No. 1 master in Japan, but the one named Lin Youye is only the third in China.

"Instead, it may be the first time that Huaxia has arrived. It may be possible to take a half-stroke from Nozawa Sword God. Lin Youye has no effort at all." The young man sneered.

"Not necessarily." The middle-aged person shook his head: "Nozawa Sword Theology is no better than Huaxia's first and second, and Lin Youye is only between Bozhong. No one can predict before they have actually played a battle. . "

"Then wait for them to fight." The young man snorted coldly. "However, that Lin Youye hasn't come yet, shouldn't it be because of fear of war?"

Just then, a lazy voice sounded from behind.

"I shouldn't be late."

A young man walked leisurely, standing upright and full of vitality, looking like a magnificent figure.

"You came!"

Li Xiaoman suddenly became excited, trotting all the way to Lin Lang, holding his arm all the way forward.

"Oh, woman, I like a little white face."

Instead, he discussed his duel with others.

"Where the **** did Lin Youye go, um, he must be afraid of Nozawa Sword God, and now it is estimated that he flew back to Huaxia overnight."

The young man opened his mouth wide, how far his tongue flung out, and the gang of people around him also laughed at him.

"This friend should be the male master who lives next door. It looks very impressive at first glance. If I'm not mistaken, which one should you be?"

"Let me guess, Takizawa, Terajima, Koyanagi, you should be the family of these three families, other small families can't cultivate such excellent talents as you. Well, the Nozawa family is not impossible. Ye Zeji rarely shows up, but it is rumored to be a dazzling star. You should be Ye Zeji. "Middle-aged people rolled their eyes and thought, and reported each name.

Lin Lang smiled and shook his head: "You are interesting, but I think you are familiar too, have we met?"

The middle-aged person was indifferent, and made a call forward gesture: "Yi Kato Eagle, can you please tell your next name?"

Lin Lang froze, then laughed heartily. Seeing Li Xiaoman for a while was unknown.

"You'll know right away."

Laughter gradually went away, but there were crowds around, where could I leave. When Kato Eagle looked up, he suddenly noticed that Lin Lang flew up, and the whole body was filled with the glow of light, fluttering into the sky.

The youth was dumbfounded, and a pair of eyes were widened, as if they were about to fall out.

Kato Takahata looked up, just now still confusing Lin Lang's words, then suddenly realized.

"It turns out that he is Lin Youye!"

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