Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 235: Disastrous mountain gate

Hearing this, Fang Wen had a face full of joy, but suddenly froze.

"Guru, they did it, and they have nothing to do with us!" Fang Wen quickly clarified the relationship.

Dan Shi seemed unheard of, and stared coldly at Lin Lang, his chilling voice slowly spreading out: "The holy beast of the mountain is to test the coming of you, so that you can retreat when you are difficult. You haven't hurt anyone in the past year, but you shot it! "

The young Danshi shouted endlessly, his face was already iron-blue.

"Since you killed the holy beast of the mountain, then use your life to pay it back."

The young Dan Shi yin yelled, his footsteps struck, and the whole person came over like a cannonball.

Danshi also has some self-cultivation, otherwise they can't urge the Dan furnace to refine medicine at all. The cultivation of this young Dan division is not low, probably in the middle of the martial arts.

But for Lin Lang, it's still too tender!

Lin Lang flicked his fingers, a shot from his fingers, instantly penetrated the head of the young Danshi, the young Danshi's body was crooked, his breath was gone.

Fang Ruxuan looked at the scene in front of her, her heart was cold, and she only thought about it: "It's a big deal."

In front of Yaowang Zongshan's gate, the revenge will be welcomed by the entire Yaowangzong.

Sure enough, when Fang Ruxuan flashed this thought in his heart, a loud burst came out from the palace: "Who hurts me, disciple Wang Zong!"

At the same time as the sound fell, the palace was like a gate opening to release water. The disciples hurled out of the palace and surrounded Lin Lang and the two.

The two sides confronted each other, the atmosphere was stiff, and it seemed that they would fight in the next moment.

At this moment, an old man slowly walked out of the palace. He lifted his feet and jumped out of the distance of nearly ten meters, landing on the periphery of the battle circle.


"Elder Guo." The disciples saluted.

"What's going on?" Elder Guo asked with a frown.

"Elder Guo, the two killed Brother Bai Shi." The disciples explained loudly.

Elder Guo looked down and found the body of Yao Wangzong's disciple.

As long as the young Danshi surnamed Bai was screaming, many elders in Yao Wangzong had been alarmed.

Sun Yanzi was one of them. When she heard a riot outside, she suddenly felt uneasy in her heart, and she went out quickly.

Sure enough, the person who caused Yao Wangzong to be the enemy is exactly what she did not want to see at Yao Wangzong. He knew that Lin Youye was not a provocative character, and even a peerless powerhouse like Bai Muwanjian could not escape. How could these disciples of Yaowangzong capture this demon?

Really fight, even if the medicine Wang Zong can destroy the other party, it is based on the brutal victory.

And they didn't know Lin Lang at all, let alone his power.

"Wait, he's Lin ..."

Sun Yanzi just wanted to say nothing, but Lin Youye's name wasn't half said yet, and an order came over there, which gave her a surprise.

"Dare to presume in my medicine Wang Zong, you are still the first, kill them all!" Elder Guo gave a cold drink.

A group of disciples obeyed and waved various weapons to attack them.

"It's over, it's already fighting, it can't be stopped." Sun Yanzi's heart was cold.

The disciples of Yao Wangzong over there have already been ganged up with the two, and Lin Langyun lightly opened the killing ring in the crowd and repeatedly pointed his fingers forward. Each time his fingertips fell, a disciple of Yao Wangzong died.

These ordinary disciples are all food delivery, and he can't even take a trick. Elder Guo was looking at him with tears in his eyes. It was all Wang Yaozong's disciples. How could he not feel bad.

He shook his arms and rushed towards Lin Lang.

Lin Lang didn't treat it differently, it also fell with one finger, and Elder Guo was pierced with a blood hole in his eyebrow. The blood flowed and fell to the ground.

Lin Lang launched a large killing among the disciples of Wang Zong of the medicine. Of course he would not be okay to kill those ordinary people, because that would be the karma, but he did not have these psychological burdens to deal with the disciples of Wang Zong. No warrior has any blood on his hands. Besides, their cultivation is against the sky, and it is not wrong to die in any hand.

I saw Lin Lang and Yao Wangzong's disciples as if they were picking up carrots, and no matter who they were, they would die.

At this time, the elders who lived in the depths of the palace all year round also found abnormalities, and stepped out of the Danfang land and rushed to the place where the fighting was chaotic.

"Elder Xue, Elder Li, Elder Shui ..." Sun Yanzi named each one by name, each of them is not inferior to her. They are all masters of the peak of the warrior.

"Everyone wait, he is Lin Youye ..."

Sun Yanzi shouted hastily, but the voice of the fight was too loud, and her reminders were drowned instantly. As for the elders who just came out, when they saw the disciples full of death and injuries, they immediately red-eyed and killed them.

"It's over, it's a big deal." Sun Yanzi's chest was short and her breathing was short, similar to Fang Ruxuan's idea at this moment.

"In the face of these ants, I don't even need to transform the real oak tree." Kevis' eyes flashed a disdain, his arms stretched into thorns, and three or four medicine disciples of Wang Zong were consecutively flipped through the sugar gourd string.

The elders were gazing at each other, yelling at each other and fighting.

Elder Li cultivated himself without any fear, and tried to shoot to Lin Lang. Lin Lang stretched out his hand a little, Elder Li was cool-hearted, his chest was transparent before and after, and he could see the palace behind him.

Elder Water snarled and shook his hand to reveal a half-foot dagger, and a vine drew it out, not only pumping the dagger, but even elder Shui was beaten out.

In the air, Elder Water has spit a few mouthfuls of blood and is about to land, which unfortunately hinders Lin Lang's pace. Lin Lang kicked the water elder like a dog, and was hitting a pillar on the mountain gate.


The mountain gate erected with the plaque of 'Yuewangzong' was crumbling, and it crashed again with a bang.

This mountain gate is really disaster-prone. The Thunder Snake came over to shoot it in the palm of the hand two days ago, and the materials have just been repaired from the mountain. Now Lin Youye, the evil star, came to the door and destroyed the mountain gate again.

"The disaster-prone mountain gates." Sun Yanzi's face was bitter.

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