Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 234: Do you want to eat tiger meat

The iron cable bridge is composed of seven iron cables, with two iron cables on the left and right as guardrails, but there are only five bare chains under the feet, not even a wooden board that can stand securely.

Perhaps in such a dangerous place, stepping on a wooden board is more dangerous than stepping on a chain.

The height of the tower below was so high that Lin Han shuddered, making people wonder whether he would step into the air and fall into meat sauce. At this point, even with the best preparation, I couldn't help but flinch.

Lin Lang is indifferent. One is a superb man in the wood system, and the other is a mid-term monk who can almost stay in the air for a short period of time. Stepping on the chain is no different than walking on the ground.

However, Fang Ruxuan came here with a frightened face. As for Fang Wen, she didn't need to mention it anymore, her legs and stomach were turning.

"It's so dangerous, shall we go there?" Fang Wen retreated.

"Be sure to go over, otherwise what will my father do, in case there is a real accident, the Fang family will fall apart, and the Zhou family is also watching, and we are not far from destruction."

Fang Ruxuan gritted his teeth, stepped on the chain step by step, the iron cable bridge was moved up and down, and Fang Ruxuan's heart fluttered up and down. Even holding the chain with both hands, the body swayed.

At her insistence, several people held hands, which would also be less dangerous.

Fang Ruxuan's heart continued to tremble, trying not to look at the cliffs under his feet, so the pressure was light and the pace was steady. Everyone was so shocked that they had to walk halfway.

At this moment, Fang Wen was slipping on his feet, his whole body was crooked, and the chain he felt was still covered with rust. This hard work was bad, and it fell off the chain along with the rust.

Losing the borrowing power, Fang Wen screamed and fell down the gap of the five chains.

Although Fang Ruxuan held his palm, it happened suddenly. After all, it was a woman's body, which could not pull Fang Wenshi at all. Fang Ruxuan hurried down and grabbed it, but caught an empty space, Fang Wen was cold in his heart, and fell on a cliff.

"Brother!" Fang Ruxuan exclaimed.

"Kevez." Lin Lang glanced at Kevez.

At this moment, Kevis's finger flicked, and that finger turned into a vine, and then extended out, grabbing Fang Wenshi's waist and pulling it up.

Fang Wen was in great calamity, and after he re-embarked on the bridge, he could not help but pant heavily and was shocked.

After a long delay, the four changed their positions slightly, and the tremors re-embarked on the journey. Fortunately, although they were frightened, they finally passed without fear.

"It feels great to be alive." Fang Wen exhaled a long spit.

When they stepped on the solid ground again, several people seemed to be separated by two lives. If they accidentally fall, they are really separated by two lives.

"I almost died just now. I still want to thank the two for speaking. The life-saving grace is unforgettable. We are from the Fang family in Wuyue Province. If one of them is in trouble, just mention our two names. I can take the lead to promise one of the two. "Fang Wen solemnly said.

"I wrote it down." Lin Lang smiled, but didn't take it seriously. He is almost at the peak of Huaxia, and there should be nothing to stump him. Even if there is a Fang family, there is nothing to help.

Several people felt each other's emotions, but a low sound of tiger howls came before them. Fang Ruxuan was so pale that she saw two tall tigers slowly walking out of the jungle.

Take a closer look, and you know that these two tigers are somewhat ashamed of the title of "Tiger". Although they are not small, they are all tall on the limbs, but they are thin and thin, leaving only a skinny skin .

"Isn't it that these two tigers are fed, and aren't they fierce ..."

Fang Ruxuan's face was dark, and she was about to faint.

In the news she got, these two tigers should not hurt people very much, and most of the drug seekers are basically not bad luck. They should rarely encounter them in this jungle ...

Now, look, good guys, how long have these two guys not been fed, they will become hungry like this. The so-called tiger is not terrible, the hungry tiger is the most terrible!

Every time the two tigers took a step, Fang Ruxuan's heart trembled.


Fang Ruxuan had only one thought left, and he ran away before he said, as long as he met Yao Wangzong in front, the crisis could be resolved.

Tigers roaring in the mountains, a roar revealed the identity of their jungle overlords, and the beasts were silent.

The two tigers were in a state of no one, rushing into the crowd and waiting to be killed. Hunger for a long time, it is impossible to let go of prey.

"Just two evil beasts."

Lin Lang didn't care, and before waiting for his shot, Kevis' two arms stretched wildly and stabbed into a birch trunk.

Although the fierce tiger is extremely fierce, it is only a pet kept by Yaozong. It is still impossible to dominate a forest, and Kevis is almost able to dominate the world. It is natural to deal with two beasts.

Almost as soon as the eyes of the birch branches went out, the two tigers were permeated, as if they were skewered by meat, from head to bottom.

"I've had tiger meat tonight." Kevis was in high spirits.

Fang Wen ran for a few hundred meters, and suddenly found that the sound behind him disappeared. They thought that Lin Lang and the two had been eaten, and his subconscious head turned pale.

"They killed the tiger?" Fang Wen swallowed.

Fang Ruxuan was also shocked and shocked by the fierceness of Lin Lang. But she also thought of another key: "No, the tigers are the pets that Yao Wangzong kept here. When they are killed, they are Wangzong's face. I'm afraid it will implicate both of us. "

The two looked at each other, knew each other's intentions, and hurried forward, for fear of incurring cause and effect.

Probably it was less than half a mile away, and a temple hall was looming. This was not a small temple in the mountains, but a palace eaves, a magnificent ancient temple hall.

A clothed young man walked slowly from a distance, as if walking in a leisurely court. If he looked carefully, although he walked like a stroll, his speed was faster than that of the Fang family.

Fang Ruxuan's eyes were slightly bright. No wonder Wang Zong was called Divine Mountain, and he was so talented that a young man who came out casually had such a temperament.

After ten seconds, he went from the palace door to the edge of the steps.

"Meet my guru." Fang Ruxuan hurriedly performed the ceremony, Fang Wen was a cat and a tiger, and he was also polite.

The "guru" was unmoved. It seemed commonplace to stand above the steps and said lightly, "You are here to ask for medicine, and the rules should be understood."

Fang Ruxuan nodded, but it was a slowly lower body, with his knees bent and kneeling on the ground.

"Hey, seeing the master, all the ordinary recipes are Ru Xuan, Fang Wen came to ask for medicine."

Talking, the two of them had their brains on the steps.

The two walked around, nine steps, worshiped one by one, the words were the same.

Lin Lang, who walked in the distance, looked strangely and sneered: "Good guy, three or nine worship, when I saw the emperor failed, a group of Danshi was not small, and I was not worried about life."

Lin Lang kept sneering. Kevis was completely indifferent and totally unhappy about it abroad.

At this time, Fang Wen said that the two had reached the ninth level, and they were still unable to stand at the end of the ceremony. They only heard Na Dan slowly spoke, and said, "What medicine did you two ask for?"

"Guru, we only want one Yanshou Dan, and we are willing to exchange it for 200 years old ginseng." After speaking, Fang Ruxuan took a ginseng stained with dirt from the Gucci backpack behind him and handed it to Dan Shi.

Danshi took a closer look and nodded: "Two hundred-year-old ginseng, Changbai Mountain xenobiotics with good medicine, can indeed be exchanged for Yanshou Dan."

Fang Wen was a moment of joy for the two, and they found the King of Medicine Zongxi with a lot of joy, wasn't this the moment.

The Dan master did not immediately give them the elixir, but instead set his eyes on the two of Lin Lang: "You two should also ask for medicine, why not bow down and worship."

Kevis is also half-Chinese, and naturally understands the words of the other party, squinting: "Let's not like this in foreign countries, or should we change?"

Dan Shi coldly hummed, coldly: "Rules are rules. I care if you are from China or the country of birds. If you want elixir, you will kneel, and you will roll if you don't."

"Let's change the conditions. I'll roast tiger meat for you tonight. How about you let us in?" Kevis hippie smiled.

"Eat tiger meat?" Dan Shi was one of them. He said that he hadn't tasted tiger meat.

But the next moment, he seemed to think of something, looking at the jungle ahead, his face suddenly changed.

"Misunderstanding! You two robbers killed the holy beast!"

Dan Shi suddenly gave a cold drink, and the sound shook the entire palace.

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