Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 236: The mountain guards are all open!

Lin Lang inadvertently made a move, and Yao Wangzong's mountain gate was once again seeded. In the past 100 years, Yao Wangzong did not mention the mountain gate. Even if they dare to offend them, they are very few.

Now less than a month ago, Yaowang Zongshan Gate was robbed twice, this time heavier than before, because the plaques at Shanmen were shattered.

Each of Wang Zong's disciples regarded this as a shame and shame, and madly slaughtered the two to Lin Lang, blood, and a scene of purgatory for Shura.

Suddenly, at this time, a loud drinking sound rang through the top of the mountain, and the sound continued around the beam for a long time.

"Stop it!"

Upon hearing this voice, both the disciples and the elders of Yaowang Zong had a clever fight and stopped the fight in their hands.


"Drug King!"

The disciples scattered, giving way to a spacious avenue, a man in a Tang costume slowly walked, staring at his eyebrows. The solemn momentum was enough to conquer all the proud.

This person is the current Sovereign of the King of Medicine, King of Medicine!

"Your Excellency has a great master, but I'm afraid it's not good to kill ordinary disciples like this." Yaowang looked down at the corpse and looked down.

Lin Lang did not answer, and looked up and down the person's eyes, slowly said: "You are the king of medicine?"

"It's this seat." Medicine King Lengheng snorted, and then set his eyes on Kevis.

"You are Kevis, I know you, the top ten masters in the dark list, will you also follow Lin Youye to invade my Medicine King Zong." The medicine king's eyes were cold.

"I didn't expect Yaowang to know my first name and last name, yes, I just wanted to destroy your Yaowang Zong, and then barbecue at the top of your Yaowang Zong." Kevis grinned.

"Grandfather, wanton!" The elders shouted in anger.

Yaowang glanced at Kevis intentionally or unintentionally, but he didn't take it seriously. Instead, he turned to look at Lin Lang. This was the opponent he was going to deal with. He said lightly: "Dacheng's wooden superman is placed in Elsewhere you are a giant, but in my few ways I can solve you. "

"Really? Then I would like to try it, I look forward to it, I look forward to it." Kevis laughed, ten fingers moving up and down, soft and boneless, carefully look at the vine tentacles.

"You can't beat him." Lin Lang shook his head.

"I don't believe anyone who said that, we are both in the same realm, why I can't beat him." Kevis was not convinced.

"Because he is also good at flames," Lin Lang said lightly. As a Dan division, the most commonly dealt with is the flame. If a Dan division does not have the means to control the fire, it is really waste wood. Not to mention that Yaowang sits in the Zongmen town for more than ten years.

Kevis, who was still eager to try it, was instantly extinguished by a basin of cold water, and he hurried back again. At first, he was defeated by Lin Lang because he was stubbornly restrained by the sky fire. So much so now that he has a shadow in his heart.

Now when I heard that Yaowang was good at controlling flames, he resolutely counseled.

"Yu Wang, right, you must have heard about Xu Zhan. I'm here to get revenge." Lin Lang smiled, and Xu Zhan was going to kill him. This time he came to be famous and went everywhere. Make sense.

"Xu Zhan wants to kill you. That's Xu Zhan's business. Besides, Xu Zhan has been killed by you, what else do you want!" The elders rolled their eyes so angry that they blushed and their necks were thick.

However, Yaowang waved back and said, "No need to say more, Lin You took me a trick at night."

The medicine king drank a low voice, and the voice had not completely fallen off. When Lin Lang was unprepared, one punch had already burst out like lightning.

"You old bird, you don't even know the sneak attack." Kevis pouted.

The elders were so angry that they smoked their noses, but no one dared to take action against Kevis easily.

Although it was completely unexpected that Yaowang would sell the sneak attack directly, Lin Lang also responded very quickly, and he also blasted out without a punch.


The two punches slammed into one another, and the emanating power alone has made these elders groaned and flew out.

"It's strong!" Elder Sun couldn't help horrifying and spit a blood sword forward. They could hurt them only by the unintended aftermath of the battle, how horrible their strength should be.

The collision between the two quickly ended, Lin Lang stepped back one step, and Yaowang also stepped back.

Yawang, whose body has stabilized, has a lot of gaze. You should know that he attacked in advance, and Lin Lang was evenly guarded without any defense. What's more, after he was out of customs, Bai Mu was only between Bozhong and Bai Mu.

"If it weren't for my successful retreat this time, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to take even one of his moves."

Yaowang took a deep breath, but his solemn expression suddenly burst into a smile: "If you pass this level, what can I do if King Yaozong enshrines you as master."

The drug king laughed. All the elders changed their faces and almost exclaimed, "Sect Lord, don't do it! How can the medicine king's great cause for hundreds of years fall into his hands!"

Almost everyone's face changed.

Yaozong disagreed, and laughed, "He can't get through this level."

At the same time as the voice fell, a deafening explosion came out of Yaowang Zongmen, and everyone covered his ears subconsciously. At the same time, the nine steps of Yaowangzong slowly fell, and instead it rose, it was a huge altar with a diameter of nearly ten meters.

Sun Yanzi felt a little moist on her face, as if sweat beads were left on her forehead. When she looked up, she muttered, "It's foggy."

The mist lingered around the entire mountain peak. The thin mist gradually became denser, until it became blurred and could no longer see things. The altar's light rose sharply, dozens of feet of golden light rushed into the clouds, and a quiet and peaceful beauty in the mist.

But in this silent atmosphere, there was a little bit of crisis seeping out.

"This is the mountain guardian of my medicine Wangzong. It has been built for more than a hundred years, and even in the heyday, even the power of the gods came and went."

Yao Wang's voice came out slowly, but the amount of information revealed in the discourse made people snored.

Divine Master, it is difficult to find a transcendent existence in this world!

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