The sky was dark before he knew it.

The volume of Sichuan University's books is full of breath, and the little lovers walk on the tree-lined road as usual, but when many people come to the end of the campus, they can see a line of cordoning drawn by the police. One by one, the staff did not know what they were doing.

Someone turned on the flashlight and shook it with boldness, but was taken away. As for what happened inside the alert, it is unknown.

There are rumors that someone jumped off the building and died on the campus of Sichuan University, and there were also rumors that in order to catch the fugitives, there was a rumor that the strangeness of the afternoon sky was what was discovered All in all, no one is reliable.

At this time, on a forum abroad, this is a paradise for the transcendent, and it is also a place where people can communicate with other people.

"Nozawa Erlang, Basong ... and other five giants joined forces to besiege Huaxia Grand Master Lin Youye."

An announcement was posted by the administrator, and the whole forum was boiling for it. Countless extraordinary people rushed to tell each other, and they contacted friends who were familiar with each other to participate in the discussion.

For a time, many hot online people almost collapsed the site. But even so, the network is constantly stuck, and a bunch of strangers have left comments and replies below.

"Who is this Lin Youye?" Some people don't know who Lin Lang is.

"You don't know yet, this is a newly-rising giant in China in one year. He is very cruel and has once killed Bai Mu and Wan Jian."

The people who heard the news were horrified, and there were also gloats: "When did Huaxia have such a horrible guy! However, with Ke Weisi's repression, Hong Qiuer and they killed the kid together. I am also relieved."

"I don't think so. Lin You is too late at night, but at the Huaxia Martial Arts Conference, nearly five people were killed by him. This person is not only ruthless and hot, but he will report, and his grave grass will be more than one foot high."

The Chinese warriors were unable to raise their heads over this incident because the extraordinary people entered the country these days. As soon as the news came out, they immediately stood up to argue.

"Fart! Ba Song is not a rookie, it's not enough to join forces against one another!"

The posts were instantly burst, and the supporters of the two factions debated fiercely, and a few refreshes resulted in hundreds of messages.

"Fortunately, they went to Huaxia. Otherwise, a few years later, I am afraid that they will be another giant who is equal to Zhao Zilong and the yin and yang Taoists. The essence of Huaxia is really horrible, and it is good to get rid of it early!"

Someone is also playing the gongs and drums, wishing the battle a victory.

At this time, the administrator has another sticky message.

"After the battle, Lin You's night flag opened. No one survived except Kaives' surrender, including five Dark Star S-Class killers."

When the news came out, Shi was shocked!

More than a dozen giants died in the hands of a single person, and all the **** Huaxia, these proud achievements, even the giants known as the King of Killers are overshadowed!

The forum at this moment is no longer described by boiling, but by explosion!

"Is it the Huaxia Valkyrie himself? Lin Youye used the power of the country?" Someone secretly guessed.

"Are you blind, the administrator also marked the highlight, Lin Youye personally beheaded and killed!"


Ignoring the explosion on the Martial Arts Forum, all the major forces were moved when they heard the news. They realized that the sky was about to change, one by one, cut their heads, and desperately explored the news of the so-called Lin Youye.

In the dark star headquarters, there is a gloomy cloud. The originally large conference room, eight seats have been emptied, and the only killer king has a low face, while only two imperfections are left beside him.

Undoubtedly, this battle hurt the Dark Star's vitality.

Several other existences similar to the fall of the dark star took advantage of it to control many warlords and giants that were originally in the hands of the dark star. Even the original killer of the Dark Star was on the verge of defeat, and his overall strength shrank by more than 30%.

Even the eyes of the major powers fell on Lin Lang.

In less than two days, the world ’s dark list made an emergency adjustment. Lin Youye had no chance of even being on the list. At this time, he rushed into the top ten and ranked fifth. Only two lower than the killer king.

At this time, Lin Lang also got the news from Mo Bingzhu and immediately flew back to Shencheng by plane.

Mo Bingzhu and other close people picked up the plane and waited for Lin Lang to return to the hilltop villa. At the first sight of Wang Xiaomei and others, he was relieved.

The Dragon God also released the thin little old man, who was dying and repaired. The dragon **** did not eat him, but left it to Lin Lang for interrogation.

Lin Lang was too lazy to intimidate the other side, grabbing the other side's soul offering directly, searching for the breath from the soul's memory.

"Father and son Lin, if your idea of ​​hitting the villa on the hilltop is fine, but if you have the intention to deal with my parents, then I will not allow you." Lin Lang's murderousness is infinite. This is his inverse scale. Everyone will die.

"Lin Leopard ran. I sent someone to look for these days. No one knows where he is hiding. He may have escaped abroad. I have been in these days." Mo Bingzhu said. This Lin Leopard is indeed a heroic man. He could be so decisive in the huge Lin family property, and he could only take away some small money.

In a large world, looking for an old fox that is ready to retreat is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"It's better than looking. I'll let them die together now." Lin Lang's face was a little scary.

"They?" Mo Bingzhu was startled, noting that what Lin Lang said was not him, but them.

"Not Lin Bao alone, is it ... the entire Lin family!"

Mo Bingzhu sucked in the air, and this amazing guess made her trembling.

Lin Lang walked out of the villa and stood around and looked around the Moonrise. Eventually his eyes closed, his spiritual strength split into thousands, and the moon robbery was triggered. A full moon rises, and the sun and the moon are together.

After a while, Lin Lang opened his palms and looked at the suspended blood droplet in the palm of his hand. This is the blood left by Lin Yuzhen before his death, and he has not been completely annihilated by the robbery.

"With Lin Yuzheng's bloodline and casting the Witch God Curse, it is time for the Lin family to destroy the tribe."

Because he is the victim of the Blood Curse, and the first evil curse of the fairyland is extremely delicate, it is likely to involve an ancient and incomparable existence. In order to crack, Lin Lang is trying everything. Naturally, Lin Lang can be said to be the best when it comes to accomplishments in mantras.

Although this witch **** curse is just an ordinary curse, it is nothing in fairyland, but it is enough to deal with Lin's father and son.

"The sacrifice is inferior and the deities are worshipped. I curse the Lin's leopard, and the spirit root will be cut off.

"I curse Lin Leopard for depriving him of blood and draining Shou Yuan."

"I cursed the Lin Leopard's family, and died." Although Lin Lang was dull, it contained thousands of murderous things.

"Tiandao loses money and gains humility, authenticity turns into profit and flow humility. This technique hurts heaven and peace and takes you fifty years of life. Can you serve it?"

Suddenly, a loud sacrifice sounded in Lin Lang's mind.

The faint voice was so vicious that it was soaked with terrible causes and effects, and opened his mouth to ask Lin Lang's birthday.

Lin Lang opened a mouthful of blood, only to feel that the life span in his body had plummeted, from the hundred-year-old monk to the fifty years. However, his pupils were still energetic, and Leng hummed, "The witch **** also wants to take my life, you are too greedy!"

"Don't worry about the cause and effect of this seat, cut it for me!"

Lin Lang turned into a knife with one hand and chopped down in the void ahead. What he cut off was not the power of the witch god, but order!

The space is slightly distorted, and there comes the cold voice of the witch god: "Human race, why do you borrow me without paying the price? You can find the flaws of the witchcraft, it is better not to have the next time, otherwise this God will cut you off. "

The Witch God's voice was getting smaller and smaller until it finally dissipated.

Although the witch **** at this time is powerful and matchless, one hand can pinch Lin Lang, but after all, the immortal world is separated from here by hundreds of thousands of miles, and then resolutely cultivated, it will consume almost the same.

Lin Langshouyuan returned to his body and was not taken away by the witch god.

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