Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 228: Bimonthly Tonghui

While Lin Lang was competing with many foreign giants. The villa district of Splendid Washington, Shencheng, Nanliao Province.

Below the hilltop villa, three or two or two vans were driving continuously at this time. The vehicle stopped, and a group of men in black rushed out of the car, separated on both sides in a regular manner.

As for the leading Maybach, a middle-aged man with a low eyebrow walked out of it, without anger and arrogance, with a certain arrogance. Behind him, two young men in black picked up a young man from the car and carefully lifted him into a wheelchair.

"Everyone, Yangjun is used for a thousand days, and Lin Youye is besieged by a dozen foreign giants at this time. There is absolutely no possibility of survival. Now all we have to do is rush up the mountain and wipe off all the holy spirit water on the mountain. "

The middle-aged man gave a cold drink, there were no emotional greetings, but many people in black below responded in unison.

After the change, the middle-aged man lowered his posture and looked back, looking at the little old man with a "three-inch nail" behind him: "That kid is a pulse of meditation, and it is estimated that some means will be reserved here, but also Uncle Lau shot. "

"Anyway, just raise your hand." The little old man said lightly.

The words fell, and the black people were like floods with long opening gates, and Hula La swarmed towards the top of the mountain. Some of them in black can even reach a distance of several meters, which is obviously not an ordinary thug.

The little old man flashed left and right, and disappeared into view in a blink of an eye.

"Lin Xiao's old husband is probably in there. When your father catches him, you must abolish the old husband's legs. Yu Yu, Lin Youye waste your legs, I will let him die today!"

Lin Leoping was embarrassed in his eyes, watching the deceased man cultivated on the mountain approaching the villa slowly, and finally a resentment was able to relax.

"I can't help your cultivation, but I have a way to kill you, including your family, don't even try to run one."

Lin Bao pushed the wheelchair and went up the mountain step by step.

Each of the dead men in black was astonishing as a tiger descending from the mountain. Suddenly, a scream from the top of the mountain slowed their pace.

"what happened?"

"There are arrangements left by the real practitioners!"

The people in black looked at each other, and saw that the person who had just screamed first stepped into the villa 100 meters away, and an invisible Jianguang suddenly appeared, cutting his legs.

"Anyway, little Dole!" Cried the little old man. "The layout is good, but unfortunately your repair is too weak."

With a wave of his hand, the momentum swelled like a violent wind, turning the master of the realm into full display.


The little old man drank three times, and the palm of his hand immediately came into contact with Jian Qi.

The thunderous thunder in the sky was thorough. In a short period of time, the old man had regretted Jian Qi more than ten times, so that Jian Guang only slowly dissipated.

"There are some ways. If I hadn't become a master, I'm afraid this sword will be able to die with me, but fortunately, I will refine him."

The old man was a little dignified, and then he turned around and looked at several men in black and instructed: "I have broken the sword gas, you can move forward with confidence."

Even so, the old man didn't mean to move, and made it clear that he was asked to go to mine. This group of people have complaints, but they have to follow the rules of the other party to explore the road, otherwise they will die here now.

Before walking a hundred meters, three people were killed. There, the little elder found a thorn that had been transformed from the earth, from the sole of the man in black to the skull.

"Get out, I'll break him!"

The little old man rushed over and set out to solve the solution of the thorn, but the formation of the thorn was obviously more mysterious than that of the sword. By the time he was completely broken, he was panting and repaired half of the damage.

"This Lin Youye is indeed a strange man. Actually, he consumes half the energy of the old man. The formation method should be the limit." The little old man was secretly shocked.

At the end of the speech, a trembling trembled across the top of the mountain, as if something huge had awakened from the ground, and everyone stood unstable and fell.

"what happened?"

A group of people are unknown, so they get up and stare at the sky.

I saw a round moon rising slowly, hanging from the sky, the left round was only a palm-sized meniscus, and the right was a round full moon, which was very close to everyone, as if you could take it off.

In the sky, the double moons are bright and beautiful. The hazy moonlight was falling, and everyone's faces were covered with a bright veil, which was extraordinarily peaceful, making people involuntarily calm down.

At this moment, the hilltop villa shook, and the dense clouds gradually dispersed. A snake body, antlers, tigers, fish scales, and a five-clawed golden dragon that dazzled more than gold, came on the clouds.

At this moment, the dragon **** guarding the villa was finally shocked!

The dragon dragon's body has not fully landed yet, and a sound of explosions sounded below.

Bang Bang!

Everyone in black who has been exposed to the moon has burst into blood mist, and the bones are not there.

"No, this is the real killing!" The dwarf master was terrified. It turned out that he had just exhausted all efforts to solve the problem, and even the formation method was not touched.

The dwarf old man is still able to support him with his strong master's practice, but his inner strength is consumed quickly. As for others, who has this ability?

At this time, unknown leopard actually pushed the wheelchair and walked slowly from the mist. The little old man couldn't help but be anxious: "Retreat, there is great danger here."

Lin Leopard had just climbed the mountain, his footsteps were suddenly stuck, and his right foot was left outside, but his left foot had already stepped into the range of the Moon Array, and almost followed those of the warriors.

The moonlight splattered, Lin Yudi burst into blood mist instantly, and died in front of Lin Leopard, mixed with mist and blood stains, wet Lin Leopard's face.

Lin Bao was frightened, and hurriedly retracted his legs. The Moon Array did not operate against him. It was barely escaped.

The dragon dragon's eyes glared, and they had collected their prey, but they were scared away by this old shrimp. At this time he did not allow Lin Leopard to escape and swooped forward. Lin Bao was scared and ran away.

How fast is the Dragon God, and not to mention that Tengyun driving the fog is its housekeeping skill, it is not a mortal that can be thrown away in ordinary times.

"Nothing." The little old man sighed.

"Father and son Lin and I have a life-saving grace, how can the old man give his life back to you today." The little old man Qi Qi smiled sorrowfully, never suppressing the destruction of the robbery and stopped the dragon god.

"Your opponent is me!"

The little old man whispered, fighting one at a time. His cultivation is not as good as that of the Dragon God. At this moment, there is still a shock from the moon robbery, and his death will sooner or later.

Not long after, the dragon **** opened his mouth and swallowed the other side. Looking at the direction that Lin Bao escaped, the dragon's body shook endlessly.

"The host asked me to guard the hilltop villa. I can't chase it out."

Lin Bao crawled up and down and finally returned home. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night. He brought a dozen dead men who were desperate to death, and another master of the realm came, and in the end only he escaped. This is so tragic.

This night Lin Leopard was frightened. He couldn't forget the magnificent dragon, but also couldn't forget the two months of Tonghui's battle and death, and the grief of the bereavement.

At this moment, he finally realized that Lin Lang wasn't the character he was able to blame. Even if the deity was absent, he could just kill his family by leaving a little trick.

枉 He always thought that if he was surrounded by a guru, he would be brazen ...

Until another news came, completely destroying Lin Bao's mind.

"Lin Lang didn't die. Instead, ten giants from abroad died in his hands!" Lin Bao completely collapsed.

"No, he knows this and will kill me. He must run away, but fortunately I have left myself a lot of retreats."

Lin Bao was secretly grateful that he packed up everything without saying anything and put all the funds that could be used on the card. He quietly left Beiliao Province without alarming anyone. Even his mother-in-law didn't know where he was going.

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