Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 230: Death knell

In a luxury villa in Beiliao Province, the area of ​​the villa is about 300 square meters. Outside is a garden house with an independent swimming pool above it. It has a luxurious style.

Neighbors nearby knew that this house had no men, and lived with a pair of orphans and widows plus an old servant. It is said that this woman is a big three who is raised by a big man, and that is naturally an illegitimate child.

As for the hostess of this family, she is indeed a mistress. She is usually supported by a **** and has no one in her eyes. The so-called upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. As for this woman's son, it is not a good thing. Nothing to do, in the end his father came out and settled down. So the neighbors couldn't even see the three of them.

"Mom, I do n’t have any money to spend. The 100,000 yuan I gave me last night spent a night club, so please find my cheap dad." The young man sang lazily on the sofa.

"You child, can't give it to you." The woman shook her head.

"You don't give it, I'll find a cheap dad."

The young man hummed the small song, and before taking two steps, suddenly his body would bleed in place, eyes, nostrils, and ears, and fell on the ground with a 'plop', without moving.

The woman was frightened, and hurried forward to pick up the young man. She called her name for a long time and did not agree. She reached out her nose and took a look at her nose.

"Call an ambulance!"

"I need to call your father!" The woman hurried to dial several numbers in a row.

Maybe ... until the dead youth did not know how he died, not even who his father was ...

In a nightclub in DG, at this time, obviously it should be hi, but the store was empty. Only the most central group of middle-aged and elderly men set a table.

The resident singing band on the platform in the center kept singing, and Shi Shiran was dancing beautiful women behind.

Around a few people, there were also some pretty babes, and the princess accompanied the wine, and fed fruits and tricks, so chic.

It's not that business is bad here, but someone has reserved it.

"Master Lin, why do you have time to enjoy your face here with my younger brother? I called a few princesses to come." The manager laughed with a smile on his face, and his posture was minimized, so he licked his knees. Because he knew the grandfather in front of him could not afford to mess with him, but this was the Lin family of their first family in Beiliao Province.

And the fat man Lin Lin in front of him, or the brother of the Lin family's owner, has great power.

"No need, I have to talk business." Ye Lin waved his hand.

"Mr. Wei, the land in Xishanping was indeed photographed by me, and I don't hide it. I'm afraid it was supposed to be a factory. I wouldn't let it out if it wasn't for a special relationship with you."

"But the price is ..."

Ye Lin smiled, but seeing how that expression did not look like he could cut his love.

"Master Lin, rest assured that money is indispensable for you. I'll figure it out." Speaking, Wei on the opposite side had five fingers.

"50 million is a bit of contempt for me, Lin. I spent 100 million in the original bidding." Lin Lin laughed.

Mr. Wei's expression was rigid. Of course, he knew that the price of less than 30 million yuan in the original tender had been borne by the Lin family, and it became clear that this was about to knock on his bamboo pole.

But he really ca n’t take people. The Lin family is a terrifying snake in Beiliao Province, but he is only a real estate agent from another province. He has invested nearly one billion. Now that the building is half built, this is the case. If I don't win Xishanping, I'm afraid that one billion yuan will have to fetch water.

"Master Lin, can this be discussed again ..." President Wei Lenghanjinjinjin.

"No discussion." Lin Ye resolutely.

His voice had just fallen, and suddenly he felt light and flirtatious, and felt like a runny nose, raised his hand and wiped, it was blood!

At the same time, within his seven tricks, black blood poured out. He leaned back in his chair and kicked himself dead.

Exclaimed in the club. After confirming that Lin Lin was completely dead, his confidant quickly hung Lin Bao over the phone to report.

JZ City, Lin Leopard's nephew, died on a woman's belly. In SD City, Lin Bao's youngest son was in a sports car with speed and passion. Suddenly the car got out of control and was planted in Yangliujiang. DH City, the third brother of Lin Leopard, walked and quacked to death, and his death was no different from the others ...

Such a scene has repeatedly happened to the Lin family in Beiliao Province.

A remote manor in the south of the river. Lin Baozheng is enjoying the wine, and is surrounded by his most trusted confidant. This is a master. Although he is not as good as the old master, he has at least reached the peak of the warrior.

As for this manor house, it was the retreat he left earlier. Except for himself and the confidant who had been helping him look at the house, no one knew.

"I believe that as long as I avoid this trend and rely on the funds I have left, it will not be difficult for Dongshan to rise again." Lin Bao not only did not have any discouragement, but enjoyed life instead.

Because he knew that his hiding place was absolutely safe, and he couldn't find him even if he called monitoring.

At this time, a rushing bell rang.

Putting down the phone, Lin Bao's muscles trembled and his face was cloudy.

"Master, why is this expression?" He asked tentatively.

"Lin Zhengbiao is dead." Lin Bao took a deep breath and spit out slowly.

"Dead to death, this old guy has been gnawing at my homeowner's position, and I can pass it on to my son justified."

Lin Bao comforted himself.

The phone's ringtone sounded again. Lin Bao answered the phone, but the news from the other side made him seem to have been hacked by thunder. He looked sad and gasped, clutching his heart.


"My youngest son has fallen into Yang Liujiang, and now I don't know whether he is alive or dead." Lin Bao's facial muscles continued to twitch, and his eyes were red and swollen.

The phone rang again.

Lin Bao hesitated for a moment and motioned to his henchman: "Take it for me and let me calm down."

Soon after, the confidant put down the phone and said, "Xiao Yuan is also dead."

The phone rang again.

The beautiful melody that was so intoxicating at this time sounded like a sad music in Lin Bao. He really didn't dare take it.

He let down his phone and said, "Wen Zhong also ..."

"Grandpa Three has died ..."

Bell bell bell.

Bell bell bell.

Ling Ling Ling!

A rapid bell rang, as if the death knell was ringing. Every time a report was made, a person with a close blood relationship was killed.

Just once or twice, as a coincidence, this is not the case, but now there are more than a dozen calls!

At this moment Lin Bao suddenly thought of something, and suddenly stood up from his seat.

"I still have an illegitimate child, so I shouldn't jeopardize my seed." Lin Bao took a deep breath, and at that moment he sounded the **** from the outside world.

The phone dialed, and Lin Bao's heart was completely cold when he heard the woman's voice.

"All are dead ..."

Exhausting his last strength, he slumped on the sofa, his huge house full of bleakness.

"It's all dead. The Lin family is left with me alone. Who am I offending?" Lin Bao murmured, saying that he might not wake up, but complained about his weakness before death.

He didn't know how to comfort him, so he had to stand by his hands.

I don't know how long after that, a line of blood and tears slipped along Lin Bao's face.

"Is it finally here?"

Lin Bao exhausted all his strength and died peacefully.

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