It was amazing how the three powerful men from mid-to-late period joined forces to strike, even if the existence of the yin and yang Taoists came to be embarrassed.

On the ground, Hong Qiuer spit fire outwardly in the air, and every time he inhaled, he was quickly converted into a burning flame, and sprayed out of his mouth.

The flames shot out one after another, a sea of ​​fire formed under Lin Lang's feet, and under the reflection of the fire, Hong Qiu'er's face had a different color. She was three feet above the ground, wearing a crown of flame, like an elf born of bathing in flames. Noble and elegant.

Razer made a quick move. In just ten seconds, dozens of moves fell on Lin Lang.

In the back of Lin Lang, the shadows are endless, and Ba Song's fierce fist is extremely fast. The naked eye can only capture the residual shadows that have not yet disappeared, and he has become a thousand-handed demon.

The body was restricted, and three masters at the rear attacked at the same time.

"No matter how fast you can avoid the attack of one person, how can you compete with the three masters at the same time."

Hong Qiu'er also thought so.

"It's too strong to give people a way to live."

An Qi in the distance even sweated deeply for this, everyone's every move in the field affected her heart.


Chuanshu campus at this time. Occasionally young men and women walking at night on the road talked and laughed.

"Zhou Dong's concert was awesome. A lot of classic songs were released today. Even in the auditorium, even Kun Ling was there. I knew that I would sell the higher seats."

Everyone was talking and their faces were full of joy. A few of them just returned to school from the concert venue and immersed themselves in joy.

The noisy discussions were endless. In the center of several people, a beautiful young girl was in a hurry. Although she also participated in the concert, she did not discuss as fiercely as everyone else. As her temperament and tranquility, elegant.

Beside her was a young man in white, smiling at the comments of the crowd, with a temperament similar to that of the girl.

"I heard that Xia Bingbing's tour concert has also begun these days. The next stop should be our Sichuan Province. It is said that the concert is still on our Sichuan University campus."

Hearing this news, even Chen Miaoxuan's eyes were bright. Although she was not as crazy as the others, she was a **** fan of Xia Bingbing.

"Xia Bingbing is coming to Sichuan and Sichuan for a concert. Such a major event cannot be missed, if only she could be contacted."

Thinking of this, the girl shook her head again. Xia Bingbing's debut has so far been rather unbending. The image of Bingqing Yujie was rumored that one of the four main boys in Kyoto was rejected. It is not easy for the average person to see.

"Rest assured, I know the senior management of Wanshi Films. We can go directly to the back office when we want to see Xia Bingbing. It's easy." A powerful second-generation rich man patted his chest.

Suddenly, they just felt the heat wave suffocating and suffocating. They widened their eyes and looked forward to the hot sea of ​​fire ahead.

"How is this going?"

"Oops, the campus is on fire!" Someone stunned. The greenery inside Sichuan University is very dense, and a piece of green space is followed by another. If the fire is not extinguished in time, it is estimated that the entire school must be lit.

"No, there seems to be someone in front, it seems to be a juggler ..."

Everyone looked intently, and saw a very beautiful woman in front of him vomiting flames, and someone stood in the air. It was estimated that they were walking on a tightrope, but it was really like a juggler.

"It looks so good. You can eat by your face, you have to rely on your talents ..."

A rich second generation was slandered.

"Let's take a closer look. I also saw a juggle at school for the first time." Everyone's faces were strange.


On a tree not far away, a man was leaning on a tree trunk, leaning Erlang's legs, and watching the battlefield ahead. A pickup truck was parked underneath him, and there were also several uniformed men and women in tights. Their breath is long, and there are bursts of sharp breath coming out from the introverted, extremely refined.

Obviously, these are all good trainers.

"Qinglong, this boy is not the same as your evaluation. Kevis is in a crisis of life and death before he shoots. Should we help out?"

Below a warrior looked up at the man on the tree crown.

"Anyway, he is very strong. These people will not be able to save his life for the time being. You see that he has been surrounded, but in fact it is not. On the contrary, he surrounded the five people." Qinglong smiled.

"What do you mean? Now Lin You is still inferior." The man questioned suddenly.

"The fighting space is too small, and Lin Youye's unpredictable body style is not restricted. On the contrary, the attacks of several other people must be fettered, fearing to hurt their own people, and no one dares to use their full strength, so I say it is him Surrounded several others. "

"Now that the circle is full, it is when he fights back. It is estimated that this trick will fall and one of the four giants will die. This person's fighting consciousness is indeed a wizard."

Qinglong stretched a lazy waist, and there was a glimpse of admiration in the vast eyes like Xingyue.

There was a horror of warriors below. Several of the battles are giants, with profound controversy and countless ways to save lives. It is basically impossible to kill them with one stroke.

"The weaker of the four giants is Hong Qiuer. The fire control method is naturally extraordinary, but the physical strength is dwarfed. Lin Youye's goal should be her."

"Not necessarily, let's wait and see." Qinglong smiled.


One person contained three sneak attacks. This tactic immediately broke the deadlock and completely lost Lin Lang's magical figure.

"go to hell!"

Ba Song Leng snorted, and Mantianquan struck Lin Lang's chest.

When the three attacked, Lin Lang stepped backwards with horror. He stepped on the ground with two deep footprints. His head and arms remained motionless, but his legs were drawn in an arc.

He clasped his hands together, still covering Nozawa's long sword, but the entire body was perfectly parallel to the ground.

The attacks of Hong Qiu'er's three were missed, and they were skipped from below Lin Lang.

"Shit boy, the response is fast."

Razer snorted coldly, the volley changed, and the five-finger bending was still a black tiger's move, but the speed increased a lot, and the flesh in the fingernails was covered with brown. There is still a lingering black gas.

"I have trained Tiesha Zhang to a great degree, and this claw is my original creation. The power is no less than that of Tiesha Zhang."

Razer laughed, and was extremely confident in his heart. He tried it in private, and by this means he once scratched the steel plate that passed through three feet. No matter how strong the guru's body is, it is impossible to take over.


A golden iron symphony sounded, as if a dull drum sound rang out.

Thunder Snake's face changed greatly, but his palms seemed to be photographed on a hard rock, and the anti-seismic force almost broke his account.

Lin Lang loosened his sword and dropped, facing his back to Razer. At the back of his heart, his shirt had just been broken by the Razer, and there were five distinct red fingerprints on the skin, but it disintegrated and resumed as usual.

"Good refined body. If I hadn't practiced the method of Iron Sand Palm, I'm afraid that this move would not only kill him, but would break my bones." Thunder snake was shocked.

At this moment, Lin Lang's body turned around in a flash, and he killed Hong Qiuer in the past. Those mighty acts like a thunderbolt, the sound of rubbing against the air just like setting off firecrackers, fast and amazing.

"Oops, the evil fire phoenix is ​​dangerous. At the moment when our moves are settled, it is the easiest to be defeated by everyone. He must first remove the weakest."

Ba Song's pupils shrank.

Hong Qiu'er was even more embarrassed. She was the weakest body and could stand the collision of Lin Lang. It was too late to dodge at this moment, and had no choice but to breathe out the real fire in the chest.

After a long sacrifice, she has condensed a kind of flame in her body. This kind of flame is the origin of her fire spirit body. It will not be used until life or death, or it will hurt the source, and it will have great vitality in a few years. .

"Burning Tinder!"

At this moment, she had no time to worry much, and sprayed with the tinder, a bean-sized seed hovered quietly on her chest. There is a vast sea of ​​fire near it, and a faint firebird is formed in the faint, with a sharply beak, and a bright phoenix from ancient times. From now on, the temperature alone has forced several giants to hesitate.

Occasionally, scattered Mars spattered, and a large pothole fell on the ground, and the soil could not be melted away.

The power of the fire of origin can be seen!

"The origin of fire." Lin Lang's eyes brightened. Hong Qiu'er absorbed the air and transformed into a flame after being transformed by a tinder. One was a child fire and the other was a mother fire. The power of the two is naturally not a grade.

In detail, the concentration of the fire source is above the sky fire!

"My magical powers are dedicated to catching flames. Instead of burning me, you're cheaper." Lin Lang smiled softly, his eyes rose sharply, and his eyes were rendered with a luxurious purple-gold ripple .

When I saw the flaming bird formed by the original flame flying into the air, the body shivered involuntarily. Not only did the attack not collapse, but a horrible suction came from the other end.

The firebird was originally an inanimate object transformed from a flame, and it was a rootless fire. But now, with Lin Lang whispering, not only the Firebird Ethereal, but also the Tinder were also involved.

Lin Lang opened his mouth and swallowed the tinder into his belly to slowly refine it. As for the Firebird Ethereal, he was directly sucked into his pupil.

Hong Qiu'er vomited blood in a big mouth, and the momentum fell and fell again, hurting the source, even the fire spirit can't bear it.

"When I completely refine this kind of tinder, the smallpox at that time will probably evolve into a stronger state."

Feeling that the purity of the colorful flames has improved a lot, Lin Lang contentedly withdrew the magical power and turned his eyes on Hong Qiu'er.

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