Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 224: All enemies

Her voice is soft enough to be so alert and alert, but when you think of her record, she will definitely not be as simple as it looks. It was a poisonous snake, a poisonous snake with deadly charm.

"I'm afraid you can't take me by yourself." Lin Lang shook his head.

"Of course I am a weak woman named Master Lin. Of course, I have to bring a few more to show respect. Do n’t hide from cats either, my little brother has already found you.

The woman giggled and looked around.

Immediately afterwards, several men walked out in all directions. Young people with hawk-nose noses, old people with cricket bodies, and middle-aged people with black charcoal. There are also strangers in Japan who have stomped on wooden clogs and have beards. They also have a bunch of silver bell earrings and various strange symbols on their faces.

"Presumably Master Lin may not know us. Let me introduce you."

"I, the evil fire phoenix, Hong Qiuer."

Hong Qiuer patted his breast and introduced them to Lin Lang one by one.

"This is the master of Muay Thai, Ba Song, a pair of iron fists hit no opponents all over the country, but he is not far away to invite you."

The man with the silver bell earrings looked arrogant and stood on his chest. An Qi sank in the bottom of his heart, this person easily defeated the master of the Yu family, his strength and Bai Mu only between Bo Zhong.

"This is Kimoto Samurai, the first sword master of Kanto, Nozawa Erozawa." Hong Qiu'er reached out to invite.

Hearing An Qi was even more shocked, but this strong man who could be defeated even by the bitter student host was afraid that his strength was stronger than the living Bai Mu.

"This is my Hongmen giant, a secret master, Thunder Snake."

"This is the wood-like transcendent, Kai Weisi."

Angie was horrified. But Kevis, who was in the top ten of the Dark List, is also an extraordinary person, but his reputation is not as strong as Hong Qiu's rising star. You know that a figure like Wan Jianyi can only linger after the top ten!

Hong Qiu'er, Thunder Snake, Ba Song, Nozawa Erlang, and Kevis are each a powerful giant. Who would have thought they would be here today.

"Well, this pomp is enough to invite Master Lin." Hong Qiuer smiled sweetly.

Every transcendental giant is an extraordinary existence. One by one, they are arrogant and difficult to meet their opponents. In their eyes, the ordinary master is just a chicken and a dog.

However, today there are five giants joining forces at the same time, and the purpose is to besiege a Chinese warrior.

This kind of thing may have happened only in Huaxia Valkyrie. Angie thought silently.

Are these only those who besieged Lin Lang? actually not!

Lin Lang swept over the five, and finally fell directly behind the five, where he noticed several breaths. These people are hiding very well, and I guess they can't find them at all.

Compared to the few in front of him, the group of people hidden in the dark may pose a greater threat to him.

"Courageless Rat."

Lin Lang shook his head. It is estimated that a group of people are thinking about waiting for them to fight for both defeats and get hurt.

"However, since you don't plan to come out with five of them, there will be no chance in the future!"

Lin Lang took a step forward, and he was raging with impunity, and the willows around him trembled just by the momentum.

At this time, he seemed to be rising in a round of rising sun, rising steadily, and the sky was dazzling. Even if these strong men stood in front of them, they still had the meaning of court resistance.

Hong Qiu'er's face changed slightly, and even Kevis was a little bit surprised.

"I have heard of the intractable nature of Huaxia Lin You Ye, and now it is a perfectly right decision to call so many strong at the same time."

"You all, let's do it together!" Hong Qiu'er whispered.

Several people nodded silently, indeed, facing such a strong one, no one is sure of them. To win, you must lose face and join forces.

Hong Qiu'er took the lead. She took a soft breath, Tan mouth slightly opened, a ball of fire burst from her mouth and shot at Lin Lang.

The reason why she is called the evil fire phoenix is ​​inseparable from her awakening fire ability. Not only does she have superb fire control skills, but she can also create flames. Air is drawn into her lungs, but flames are spit out.

The phoenix was born from a fire and bathed in the sun. The quality is better than the so-called ground fire essence for several grades. Although Hong Qiu'er has not yet reached that level, he has essentially escaped from ordinary flames.

Lin Lang turned aside and the fireball passed by.


Hong Qiu'er breathed out again and spit out five or six fireballs in one breath. He had a good grasp of all angles and blocked all the escape routes of Lin Lang at once.

"I'm not afraid of anyone more than flames."

Lin Lang also sprayed with colorful flames in his eyes, and instantly connected with Hong Qiu'er's flames.

One is the real sun fire that has not yet formed, and the other is the sky fire. The evolution direction is similar, but the power that the two can play today is very different. I saw the place where the two were in contact, the air was blowing purple smoke, the colorful flames transformed the giant beasts, and the big flames swallowed Hong Qiu'er's flames.

"How could this be ..." Hong Qiu's son-in-law continued firing the fireball unbelievingly.

The fire of the Xeon in the world is the true fire of the sun. This sun does not refer to the sun running in the sky. The word Tai represents the beginning, and the yang represents the yin and yang, the first flame born for the heavens and the earth. That temperature is not air, even space can ignite.

The first level of Zixiao God Eyes repaired by Lin Lang is sky fire, the second state is **** fire, and the final state is the true fire of the sun. If you want this magical power to evolve quickly, devouring other flames is the fastest shortcut.

As for the flames of Hong Qiu'er, although the end point is the same, the degree of evolution is slightly worse than that of the sky fire. They belong to the same vein of the true fire of the sun, and the strong meet the weak, and naturally swallow up without any burden.

Lin Lang retracted the sky fire, feeling that the flame was actually a trace of pureness, and then a trace of march toward the direction of the **** fire, can not help but excited. By the time the fire is complete, a flame can burn a Jindan monk.

At this moment, Lin Lang was alert suddenly, and he could not help lowering his head.

A sharp blade of iron that cuts iron like mud, pressed against the scalp, brought Mori Han sword's spirit, and when the move failed, Nozawa Erlang cut it into a chop, and severely cut down where Lin Lang was.

Lin Lang's feet stepped on the exquisite night body method, and his toes moved extremely percussively, as if he was stepping on a hurried drum, moving quickly. Han Mang kept swallowing behind him, walking through with the piercing chill hole, and the shadows of the sky were hidden by him one by one.

"It's too fast. I can't fight him at the speed of a sword."

Nozawajiro felt awkward. The guy in front of him looked like a muddy slick and didn't keep his hands. It was obvious that the sword body had been cut in front of him, but he couldn't touch the corner of the opponent's clothes.

However, after all, he is a swordsman. He is well-honed in consciousness and tactics. Lin Lang moves fast, but his sword slows down, and suddenly changes direction. With a slow stroke, he predicts Lin Lang's position.

Lin Lang nodded secretly. Nozawa Erlang's understanding of swordsmanship is unique. Wan Jianyi's swordsmanship is based on fierceness, and he focuses positively, while Nozawa Erlang is a tricky and strange line, a good sword. It will never be dusty in his hands.

"If the two of them have a chance to fight, it is estimated that it is between Bozhong. Although Wan Jianyi is powerful, he can't stop Nozawa Nozawa who wants to escape." Lin Lang thought.

After a short beard, Nozawa's swordsmanship changed nearly ten strokes, and even two or three times predicted the location of Lin Lang.

Lin Lang flicked open his sword and flickered backwards.

Ba Song, carrying a pair of iron fists, was killed from behind, terrifying. Most of Muay Thai is non-recruiting and flexible. It is difficult for anyone to cope with the flaws, but the traditional Muay Thai tradition is not the same. They have a systematic cultivation method and are no less inferior to the Chinese martial arts tradition.

On the exquisite Huaxia is the first, but on the fierce, Muay Thai is definitely not bad. Their biggest feature is the strong attack. Ba Song practiced the boxing method to the master's state, only to fear that a house could be directly collapsed under this boxing.

Lin Lang was inevitable and raised his fist to meet. The fists of the two crashed into one place instantly, as if a comet hit the earth, and only heard a dull impact sound that broke the eardrum, Ba Song stepped back two steps, and Lin Lang also stepped back.

Razer waited for the opportunity to move, with dark energy wrapped around his fist, constantly harassing Lin Lang's movements.

"They are not ordinary characters. They are not afraid of Danlin Youye alone, but they are afraid that they are not so good to deal with ..."

The fighting between the five people saw An Qi endlessly, and deeply sweated for Lin Lang. She even took out her mobile phone and reported the situation here to the top, but the distant water could not save the near fire. The special operation team used flying and could not be called in a short time.

"Come, look at my sword!"

Nozawajiro walked with a sword and changed his moves again. This time he actually aimed at Lin Lang's landing point accurately and stung. You Ye's body skills are exquisite enough, but in the face of five giants siege, the space around them is too small, even if it is blind, one of ten attacks can always hit Lin Lang.

What's more, this is a sword where Nozawa Jiro's spirits are concentrated, how fast.

"This sword does hurt my capital."

Lin Lang clasped his hands together, the moment he held the sword's body in a flash. Nozawa Erlang did not let go, Lin Lang also did not shy away, and the two of them struggled with each other.

"good chance!"

Razer's eyes brightened, and he made a sneak attack from behind Lin Lang. The opponent's hands are limited, as long as they release their hands, they will be pierced, and the bottom chassis cannot move. It is no different from a living target that cannot move. There is no better opportunity than this.

In his thinking, maybe this time, Lin Lang was easily killed.

"go to hell!"

Razer's strong repair is concentrated on the palm of his hand, even though the repair is not as late as Wan Jianyi's old-fashioned state, but also has Bai Mu's level.

Incomparably thick, dark energy poured in, his arms suddenly swelled in a circle, full of explosive power, he reached out and moved forward in a black tiger's heart, the situation changed color.

At the same time, Ba Song and Hong Qiuer launched an attack at the same time.

Hong Qiu'er's mouth bloomed with fire lotuses, and one after another, the fire lotuses quickly disintegrated during the journey, turning into flames, the heat was soaring, and the air became violent.

Like a humanoid beast, Ba Song came sideways, and on both sides of his ribs, a pair of fists aligned with his chest, ready to go.

The three masters launched an attack at the same time. Only Ke Weisi stood aside indifferently. He did not shoot from start to finish, and did not know what he was thinking.

"It's over!"

An Qi felt cold.

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