Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 226: Five Masters

"Can't let him break through!"

The other three giants have the same mind and came to help quickly. At this time, Lin Lang shot arrogantly, leaping forward volley, his left hand shot forward.

Nozawajiro came west with a sword, the coldness of the mansions skyrocketed, and the light at the tip of the sword flourished. The light surrounding the five-foot sword reached seven feet. As for the extra length, it was the result of the high concentration of sword energy.

"I will kill you if you dare to kill her!"

Nozawa Erlang gave a low drink and stabbed behind Lin Lang. If Lin Lang doesn't want to be injured in the back, then he must give up this opportunity to kill Hong Qiuer and instead deal with him.

However, Lin Lang's body was stagnated in mid-air, and he suddenly turned back. I don't know when his right hand had been raised high, thinking of Nozawa's direction far away.

You Ye Shenfa, capture the sun with one finger!

A dark red beam visible to the naked eye sprayed out from the fingertips, and Nozawa's face changed, and he felt a lethal threat under Lin Lang's finger. This feeling was something he had never felt in many battles, perhaps because he had become famous for too long and his ease was overdone.

"It turned out that his goal was not Hong Qiuer, but me ?!"

Nozawa Erlang was horrified that the swordsman killed the sword, even the weird and conservative swordsmanship was also used for the purpose of killing. Previously, he held the sword to threaten Lin Lang.

Lin Lang seized this gap and wanted to kill him in one fell swoop!

"I will not only kill you, but Hong Qiuer will die too." Lin Langsen sneered, pointing his right hand forward, and patting his left hand backwards. His posture remained still, but his body moved strangely back, until his left hand was shot on Hong Qiu'er's chest.

Hong Qiuer flew out, the shirt on Jiao's body burst, and a carcass without a strand was exposed to the air, but no one has the taste to appreciate it ...

Because she was already deformed and her bones were not intact. If not a few giants were familiar with her, who could see the twisted corpse on the ground, but she was a big beauty in the country.

Nozawajiro felt a deadly threat, roaring in his mouth, as if a wild beast. But You Ye's body technique was created by Lin Lang. How can he avoid the implied killing style?

The dark red light beam hit Nozawajiro's eyebrow, and there was no silence around him. No horrible collision occurred. Even his forehead was not injured, and his skin was not damaged.

"I'm fine?"

Nozawa Erlang snapped for a moment, then laughed.

"I still think of you as a killer move, it turned out to be a bluff."

It seemed that the feeling of the rest of the life made him particularly comfortable. He laughed wildly, and the two beards hanging on his mouth were also unbridled shaking.

Lin Lang stood on the sidelines without warning.

As for the other giants, they were already watching, only they noticed that the flesh and blood of Nozawa Erlang was disappearing a little bit, and each one sucked in the air, and the sweat on his body was upright.

Laughter kept echoing, and there was only one white bone left on the spot, but the white bone was still closed and his mouth was closed without knowing it.

"Dare to scare me. I won't give you a life or death today, and you don't want to escape."

"Bone" Click it, click it out.

"But you are dead ..." Razer whispered.

"What's the joke, I'm going to die?" Nozawa Jiro laughed abruptly, suddenly feeling something was caught, took out a look, the bone bone wrist pinched a bone.

"Am I dead ..."

Nozawa Erlang said. Then there was clapping, all over the skeleton.

"This is the means of the great wizard. I have only seen it in my **** master ..." Ba Song took a breath in his mouth. In this way, he only saw it once with his master, and it looked like, Lin Lang's method is far more subtle than his master.

"Is he even more arrogant than the old dead ghost! No, if the old guy could live this long, wouldn't he have been in the divine realm already!" Ba Song only felt a cool rush from under his feet to the heavenly cap.

His teacher Cheng Tai G wizard, the old guy was born decades earlier than Wan Jianyi, and then closed for decades, whether life or death even his apprentice did not know.

"This is a cruel guy. If this method is used on our own ..." A few Chinese masters in the distance have dark faces.

Even Kevis, who has been watching, was moved by the fact that he has already entered the top ten of the dark list, naturally he disdain to join hands with these little guys. However, at this moment, since Lin Lang killed the two giants with one stroke, he has no idea whether he can deal with Lin Lang.

"Master Lin, what are you doing?" Kevis leapt forward and fell among the crowd.

"Yu Ye body method, one finger to capture the sun." Lin Lang said indifferently, at the same time he created the You Ye body method, this finger to capture the sun's lore of magic.

One finger deprived of the sun, deprived of devouring is the spirit of the monk, and finally sacrificed to the night, the night fairy king, the messenger in the night was named.

"It is really a good method. Even the strong man in the late period of the sword division cannot resist."

Kevis was full of praise, the dignified light in his eyes had revealed his fears.

"You have such a means, and I really regret that I haven't eliminated your confidant with them just now."

"Let's fight then." Lin Lang fainted.

Seeing the death of one of the strongest giants and the weakest giant at the same time, the killing of Lin Lang by Razer and others could not be dissipated.

Only war!

Ba Song took a deep breath and joined the war team again.

With the joining of Kevis, the pressure of the crowd abruptly decreased, and even the combat strength was stronger than the four when they were complete.

Kevis became an oak tree, and his hair turned into dense leaves. He raised his hand, sprinkled a seed of different colors forward, stomped his feet, and the grass grew wildly. Countless unknown flowers, fruit trees, at this moment poked out from the soil.

Some flowers are dazzling and dripping. The color is blood, and the dark red juice emerges from the flower stamens, drips on the ground, emits bursts of blue smoke, and is surprisingly toxic. There is also a tall sunflower-shaped plant with a single person. The whole flower plate has sharp teeth, and it is a cannibal flower.

Razer obviously did not have this eyesight. When he stepped on an inconspicuous grass on the ground without notice, the toxin pierced into the soles of the feet and he was repaired to be difficult to use. He stumbled a step back, but unfortunately, Cannibal opened his blood door from his back and swallowed it in his stomach.

Razer struggled twice, and then silent, pity a giant in the middle of the realm, so easily killed by a few small grass.

Sprinkle all kinds of seeds with you and use the origin of the wood system to achieve a single bloom. This is his fighting style.

"Good method, the wood spirits didn't come to cultivate the aura, but cultivated the origin, and realized the mystery of the origin." Lin Lang stroked his palm and sighed, admiring. There is a lack of aura on the earth, but it is another method of fighting developed by some great wisdom.

"You are not bad. If the **** of the sacrifice was created by you, then I would be inferior to you." Kevis said lightly.

The voice dropped, and the two hands started.

The oak tree incarnate into a branch, branching out, and drew lightning to Lin Lang. The previous Edvard was also a natural wood spirit, but his strength hit the superb tree control method.

But Kevis is completely different. He is the creator, and the vitality of the wood spirit is fully exerted by him. One is control and the other is creation.

What's more, the wooden origin of Kevis is equivalent to the master of the late stage of transformation, and Edvard is at best the peak of the warrior. The two are not a grade at all, and they are not comparable.

Lin Lang runs the seventy-two styles of the large leaves, opens and closes, and uses the night body technique to his fullest. The poisonous weeds cannot approach, killing in and out in a dangerous environment.

In an instant, the three had collided in place for no less than 30 rounds.

"Eat me a tree!" Kevis sighed, the oak tree was split in two, and another trunk rammed into Lin Lang.

"Good job!"

Lin Lang was energetic, his blood was gushing out, and a clever, unworked palm was shot on the tree. The oak trunk flew out and hit a nearby boiler room. Back and forth brightly, he was pretended to have a big hole.

As for the trunk of the oak tree, it was still standing still.

"This is the treasure tree I practiced. It is a heterogeneous species. After being strengthened by my daily cultivation, even rare alloys may not be able to beat it in strength." Kevis laughed, quite contented.

"Amazing." Lin Lang's eyes flashed with admiration, at this time he was somewhat certain that this kind of tree-like fighting method was definitely not following his predecessors, but by the hand of Kevis.

This is a wizard!

Lin Lang walked on the grass, occasionally sprayed with venom, and he was dispelled by the mist one by one.

As for Ba Song, at this time when Kevis played, it became a deputy completely, the role has been very weak.

The trunk of the oak tree is like an Optimus Prime. It has a height of two or three people, and it is powerful to stand up against the wind.

Even Lin Lang's palm shot on it can only leave a shallow palmprint dent.

"How about, how long do you have confidence to persist?" Kevis said.

"To deal with you is actually very simple." Lin Lang laughed heartily.

The voice fell, and a flame spewed from his eyes, and a fire dragon opened his teeth and claws.

Fire is inherently restrained with wood properties, and sky fire is even better. As for the poisonous grass on the ground, it is just ordinary grass. How can it resist the fire of sky fire?

Under the flames of fire, these things were almost on fire. Kevis's heartache was dripping blood. He didn't know how many strange places he had collected before collecting these seeds. Now, a fire came out, and all his efforts were lost.

As for the oak tree, the bark also rose up a little bit at this time. Hula, a flame rose from the end.

"Not good!" Kevis jumped. No matter how strong an oak tree is made of wood, how can it prevent disaster?

Kevis' complexion changed and changed, and he hurried away the magical power of the wood system, and the deity returned to the normal human form.

"You win, I'll handle it with you." Kevis was in a low mood. His body was completely covered in poisonous grass and oak trees. Now that the two are empty, his fighting power is not as good as that of the Thunder Snake.

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