Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 223: No one at Huaxia!

Not long ago, the martial arts conference in Huaxia just ended. At the same time that the warriors of each family suffered heavy losses, there was also an upsurge in fighting in the country. The warriors of each family discussed with each other and confirmed each other's progress while progressing.

And these days, due to the holding of the Life Yuanye press conference, the foreign ninja warriors, transcendents, yin and yang divisions, and even many killers are watching the wind, and their arrival will naturally inevitably compete with the local warriors.

In less than a week, strangers and strangers from various countries have fought with warriors no less than ten times.

Each fierce and dazzling battle caused a sensation in the forums of the martial arts circle.

The most notable among them was the battle between the Emperor Kongoji and Nozawajiro. After more than half an hour of fierce fighting, even the plaque of the Emperor Kongoji was shattered and eventually won by Nozawajiro in one move.

The host of King Kong Temple is the master of bitter students and the master of Heng Lian. It is said that after losing defeat at the martial arts conference, he felt pained and painful. After a few days of retreat, he finally broke through the early stage of Heng Lian and reached the middle stage.

Because the Taoist masters of the King Kong Temple major in the flesh, the same realm can basically crush the dark master without injury. The master of the bitter life after the breakthrough is also worse than the original Bai Mu.

However, such a strong defeated in the hands of Nozawa Jiro, this result, let the martial arts boo.

Another battle that people talked about after dinner was the dispute between Yaowangzong and Hongmen giant Razer. Razer was originally from a Chinese warrior. When he was still weak, he offended Yaowangzong, a giant, and was confronted with it. Many pursuits and calculations later went abroad with anger.

This walk is decades, and now he is returning again. He is no longer the little martial artist who is in control, but a giant in the middle of transition. The stomping martial arts circle will exist in shock!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Razer first found Yaowangzong when he returned. At this time, the Emperor Yaozong was in deep retreat, and Elder Xu Qing was beheaded and killed by Lin Lang. The incompetent in the case, after smashing the gate of Yaozong Mountain and arresting a few masters, Razer went away. And did not attack the mountain.

Everyone is rumored that there are some secrets hidden under the medicine king sect, which has the ability to kill the guru.

"Just got news, the Yujia warrior ran into a Japanese ninja and was eventually beaten to death and dragged back to the Yujia."

"The Muay Thai Grand Master Ba Song also came, sitting in the town of Wanzhou Pavilion in Jiangzhou for nearly ten days, and even frustrated three dark masters, and none of them dared to fight."


In Wanhua Pavilion, a middle-aged man with silver bell earrings and bare shoulders hugged his chest. Between walks, the earrings collided and the bells rang, and the strange blue runes were painted on the face, which was even more bizarre. His physique was strong, standing there like a sturdy bull, standing up, his fist full of sandbags, full of explosive power.

The sea area near Wanhuating has long been blocked by the Xiuwu family. Many warriors from the Xiuwu family are surrounded by a stretcher. On top of the stretcher are the dying old Jade masters. He came to challenge Bason for failure, and is now severely wounded.

"I really do n’t understand why Master did n’t let me come to Huaxia, and what Huaxia Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is, the bottom line is unfathomable. I do n’t think so, a group of Wuhe people." Ba Song shook his head endlessly.

"What's so crazy about it, don't you forget the war ten years ago, Zhao Zilong pressed the warriors of various countries and killed three times and three times from the Myanmar-Thailand border. Why didn't you see you crazy then?" The warriors angered.

"Zhao Zilong is also old, maybe I will fight with him today, and I may not lose." Ba Song haha ​​laughed.

The crowd was furious. Zhao Zilong had the ability to crush the peak master ten years ago. There was no master Muay Thai, and he did not even have the late stage of refining. If it were not for Zhao Zilong's retreat, such a character would be able to slap to death, would he let him speak wildly.

Everyone took turns to challenge, but unfortunately their strength was poor, and it was useless to go up.

The situation here is just the tip of the iceberg in China.

The strong foreigners ran to Huaxia for continuous provocations, but no one was in sight, but at this time Zhao Zilong was still in retreat to impact the realm. The same is true of the second strongest Yinyang Taoist.

The current situation inside Huaxia is that there are many warriors and insufficient high-end powerhouses.

Mess, the martial arts circle is completely messed up.

The martial arts circle is turbulent. As for the local public security, it has been affected to some extent. The special operations team cleared more than once, but unfortunately they suffered heavy losses and returned.

"In this way, Huaxia is about to use hot weapons."

People in the other five great powers are also watching. If no one can come out to suppress the blame of these strangers, I am afraid that Huaxia will use modern weapons, and they cannot allow the extraordinary to go on like this.

By then, I am afraid that the impact will be international.

"If no one can suppress these strong men, I am afraid that their behavior will become more and more arrogant."

An Qi murmured constantly, the rain curtain outside the window continued, the wind and rain were swaying, and the posture of a mountain rain was coming to the wind.

Although these are the battles in martial arts, and do not involve the people, but the Chinese warriors have been frustrated twice in a row. It is difficult to guarantee that these foreign powerhouses will not be arrogant. Some even released words to call Huaxia unmanned.

"If it wasn't for the high-ranking Grand Master of Huaxia who was slaughtered at the martial arts convention, how could it have fallen into the present tragic state."

"That guy didn't even come out and manage this time."

An Qi was stunned, and thought of the guy who shined in the martial arts conference.

At this time, she suddenly received an order from above, and she left in a hurry, and then hurried back.


At this time, Lin Langke didn't know these things. He was busy being a teacher.

Because of the Life Yuanye conference, Sichuan University also faced Lin Lang's famous 'guest professor'. On the second day after the conference, Director Liu of the teaching department found Lin Lang and asked him to open a biology. Electives.

Lin Lang thought about it and agreed. Although the name of the visiting professor was arranged for him above, after all, it was his school, so he could n’t just sit and eat.

"Then it's settled. I will offer an elective course to Professor Lin this Thursday afternoon, but students from all departments of the school will participate."

Director Liu left before, and An Qi found Lin Lang on his hind feet. As for the purpose, it is naturally a matter for the military.

"This is the situation now. You are the one who caused it. You should do the tail sweeping work anyway." An Qi crossed his arms.

"Is there no one in China who can cure them?" Lin Lang frowned. Whether it was the smelter that appeared in his Jubaolou before or later he got the soul-smelling jade flute from Baimei, these things are definitely not something that a little master can refine from.

As for the little blue sword in his hands, it was even more remarkable. It was a precious treasure made by a master in the early infancy, and more guarded by the imprint of the soul.

I dare not say on the earth, but in the vicinity, there may be the overhaul of the Yuanying in a secret place. To say that Huaxia has this background, he is the first to believe it.

"In China, Zhao Zilong is the first, and he is still retreating ..." An Qi said. Obviously, she has limited knowledge, and perhaps it is because she has no access to this level.

"Rest assured, they'd better come together, just because they don't have the courage." Lin Lang said lightly.

"Just blow it ... now there are several strong men no less than Bai Mu in the intelligence, and they will retreat by three points when they join forces."

An Qi glanced at Lin Lang silently. From the information she got, the master who sneaked into Huaxia these days has exceeded five, and each one is no worse than Bai Mu.

This is a superficial article. As for how many opportunistic killers are on the ground, it is even more unknown.

The two strolled along the road from the teaching building to the laboratory. At this time, it was almost dusk, and a ray of the sun shined on the roadside building, reflecting the lush reflection.

The sporadic little couple walking along the road walked with affection and love.

"and many more."

Suddenly, Lin Lang looked and felt the murderous surging behind him, looking back, the stone forest behind was calm and calm.

"what happened?"

An Qi murmured in confusion.

"They're here."

"Come out, I know you've been waiting for me for a long time." Lin Lang fainted, his eyes fell on a stone figure that was one person tall.

"You can find me?"

Behind the stone elephant came a surprised female voice.

A beautiful woman slowly walked out of the stone forest. Her beauty is different from those rouge vulgar powders with thick makeup and bright makeup. Just slightly applying powder daisies has a feeling that makes people look bright.

On her face, you can find the gesture of the little daughter of the East, and also the heroism of the western women. The beauty is natural, no matter which aspect of the aesthetic view it is, it is impeccable.

Looking at the women Lin Lang has seen in this world, this woman can definitely rank in the top three, and even An Qi is not as good as her.

"The flaws you exposed are too obvious. Compared to the other few, you are the easiest to find." Lin Lang smiled with a smile.

"You are not bad and you are not bad at all. No wonder Master Lin has a good reputation and has a place abroad." She smiled sweetly, as if she was a big girl next door.

"She is ... the evil fire phoenix!" An Qi suddenly changed. As the only secretary of the Special Operations Service, how could she not know this female giant.

The reputation of the evil fire phoenix is ​​very loud in Canada, which is one of the giants in overseas flood gates, the evil fire phoenix! A few years ago, he had dug up his fire abilities completely. A fire burned the original boss, which was Hongmen's previous giant.

"If only she was fine, Lin Youye could cope with one or two ..." An Qi could not help worrying.

"Presumably you also came for the life fluid." Lin Lang smiled.

"That's natural. Compared to hands-on snatching, the little girl is more interested in Master Zong himself. I'm kind to invite you to sit at the headquarters."

The sound of the phoenix phoenix is ​​as thin as glutinous, so sweet that it loses its teeth, but the Chinese language is not much different from Chinese.

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