Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 205: Zengyang Dancheng!

The crowd stood still, their worldview seemed to be being rebuilt. The evergreen plant looked even more flamboyant under their gaze.

"What else do I need to prove to you?"

Lin Lang's voice sounded lightly.

"Uh ..." Song Tingqing paused, and said astringently, "It's really unnecessary."

"What about you?" Lin Lang's eyes looked around.

"I'm served!" Professor Xue said simply. He did have a prejudice against Lin Lang before, but at this moment his attitude has changed a lot.

People who can afford to put down, even if they admit defeat, must be beautiful.

Others followed suit.

"It's just that I don't know what principle Team Leader used, and it's easy to tell us a little bit. As far as I know, this technology has no precedent even abroad."

Professor Xue pushed his glasses and asked for advice with an open mind.

"Have you seen our research topic before you came?" Lin Lang looked at each other with a smile.

"This ..." Professor Xue's old face could not help but feel awkward.

He usually holds himself as a creature, and when he walks anywhere, he can say a five, six, seven or eight, so he didn't really look at this carefully before he came ...

"Future human potential technology research ..." Song Tingqing reminded in a low voice.

"Future biological potential?" Professor Xue said for a moment, which is a good name for this scientific name. To be clear, it is not to study anything beyond human beings, such as Spider-Man, Batman or the like.

"Okay, well, when the lab is really on track, you should know what you should know." An Qi said in a timely manner, and she was really afraid that Lin Lang would pout and say everything.

With the addition of Lin Lang, the laboratory's research was quickly on track, and what was lacking were some special instruments.

On the scientific and technological stars that Lin Lang visited in previous lives, the biggest achievement is the birth of the life fluid, which is a kind of thing that is comparable to Reiki.

But compared to the aura that can be seen everywhere, in the eyes of immortals, the life fluid is undoubtedly a waste of time and labor. But where the aura is thin, this is the miracle.

To put it simply, the so-called vital element fluid is to extract aura from various materials, because the compression of various materials will eventually show a liquid state.

He first gave everyone a brief answer to his ideas. Of course, the generation gap between them was not so close.

In the clouds of fog heard by everyone, they finally understood Lin Lang's meaning. They are only responsible for guarding the machine. As for what they can learn from the machine, it is their own business.

In fact, this group of pedantic intellectuals is actually very easy to deal with, as long as they show some means, they can follow their rule.

Of course, Lin Lang does not expect to be able to completely conquer these college students with his hands, as long as they are obedient.

Anyway, he has already handed over the technology to the country. As to whether the research results will be spread outside, that is not the scope of his concern.

Although it is spread out, it is enough to improve the technological progress of human beings for decades.


By the time the arrangement was completed, the time was close to the afternoon, about half an hour, and strange-looking instruments were being transported in from outside the laboratory.

This was what Lin Lang had asked for before. After several months, many departments had to work day and night, and this was completely completed today.

The next task is for these experts and scholars to act as coolies. They were wearing white coats one by one near the machine, left and right, and curious about these steel monsters.

Lin Lang was on the side to give guidance. As long as the door was brought to these people, he didn't need to repeat it.

Endless work, leave it to these people.

After all, the thinking of these people is still in the twentieth century. Rao was corrected by Lin Lang, and it was not until the early morning of the next day that the first drop of life fluid was born.

This allowed the entire laboratory to boil for a long time.

This drop of vitality fluid was sealed and stored in a test tube, which was taken seriously by An Qizhen, and brought back for delivery.

In this long night, everyone benefited a lot, and most of the previous books read the feeling of shit.

Unconsciously, the next day was almost coming to the afternoon, and the experts were devoted to the scientific research cause with enthusiasm. It was not hard work, and they always had to rest.

Because it is a completely closed study, these people's daily lives have also been arranged in Sichuan University. To the outside world, they are all visiting professors at Sichuan University.

When everyone returned to his residence, Lin Lang also relaxed.

He did not return to the dormitory. On the one hand, there was no way to release cultivation. On the other hand, all the auxiliary medicines in his hand were collected. I just wanted to take this opportunity to refine Zengyang Dan.

As soon as Lin Lang turned around, he opened a few portals and appeared in a simple, spacious room.

In the corner of the room, there was a **** guy, about two people tall.

This is the Dan furnace he applied to the country. It is said that it is an ancient object of which era, which is more than ten times stronger than the previous fake Qin refining gas tripod.

It's perfect for alchemy.

Lin Lang first transformed the Dan furnace, brought open flames from the ground, and then took all kinds of medicinal materials and refined them one by one.

The flame under the Dan furnace rose, and in the laboratory, a cloud of mist transpired.

After a while, Lin Lang raised his hand upwards, the lid of the Dan furnace was opened, and a stout mist column rushed to the roof.

In his hand was holding three round red sedans.

Zengyang Dan, refining is complete!

"If this Dan is made with real pre-Qin refining gas, the grade is another matter." Lin Lang shook his head. Involuntarily remembered the pre-Qin refining Qi Ding he had been thinking about before.

I remember when he was reborn, the price of one billion yuan in the pre-Qin refining gas trip only made him sigh, but now, what is one billion for him!

Lin Lang then contacted Mo Bingzhu to start the smelter.

Now that Zengyang Dan is out, the next step is to slowly absorb its medicine.

Breaking into the middle of foundation construction is just around the corner!

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