Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 206: Freshman party

Things in the laboratory came to an end.

About the afternoon of the same day, William called Lin Lang.

"Hey, Lin Lang, are you in school?" William asked.

"Hey, what's wrong."

"I want to ask if you were out of bed again last night. That Chen asked me to ask ...

William asked weakly. Although he did not return to the dormitory often, he had not been so arrogant as Lin Lang. He had only appeared in school once more than a month.

"Um ... it seems like that."

Lin Lang stroked his forehead, and he really didn't ask for leave. But asking him to take a leave, he really didn't want to waste this tongue, and he didn't have time to deal with the teacher who didn't feel very good.

"Let me tell you, a friend of the Student Union just told me that it is said that Dao Chen was furious and was clamoring to expel you from school."

"If you can come back, come back quickly, if you can apologize, you can have some recovery." William's tone was very serious, not like joking.

"Okay, I know." Lin Lang nodded.

"By the way, we have an orientation party at school tonight. Would you like to come with us?" William suddenly said.

Lin Lang hasn't shown much interest in these all the time. He was about to say no, and William spoke again at this time.

"It is said that there is also a dance show by Chen Miaoxuan at the finale of the party. Chen Xiaohua, you know, the big lady who gave you clothes last time."

"Well, I'll contact you at night." Lin Lang suddenly changed his mind.

"See you in the auditorium that night."

When the phone was dropped, William looked helplessly at the other two roommates.

It is said that their roommate named Lin is also a god.

What is absent from class and absenteeism is commonplace, and even the teacher does not take it seriously.

Although there is only a half-level difference between the university's instructor and the students, Qianglong does not hold his head against the snake. Four years at the university, he still points to others to take care of him.

This guy is so good now. As a teacher, Chen Dao is so stupid that he doesn't even know what the students look like.


When Lin Lang served Zengyang Dan, the medicine in the body was resolved and stabilized. At this time, it was not too early.

Counting the time, the welcome party over there will start.

Lin Lang simply packed up,

They went out.

Chuanshu University is a public university in 1985. The campus covers a large area, and it is not a problem to get in and out of three or two cars at the same time in a single direction.

Even if I walked on weekdays, I didn't even want to go across in a few hours.

The laboratory is located in a remote corner north of Sichuan University, a few miles away from the most central auditorium.

This point is not as strong as those pheasant universities except the dormitory is the teaching building.

In order to avoid trouble, Lin Lang gave up the high and high walk, and drove a shared bike nearby.

"Well, I am a monk who is going to ride a shared bike, even I feel so awkward." Lin Lang felt his chin, his face was a little weird.

Although the foundation period can also achieve a short flight, after all, in this densely populated campus, it is still not very good.

He now wonders if he will get a driver's license in the future, or it will be too much trouble.

Suddenly, Lin Lang patted his thigh: "I remember that I had a driver, why did I forget it?"

Soon, Lin Lang's face became bitter again. Although he also had a full-time driver sent by Zhou Shihai before, it seemed ... that he was thrown away ...

In desperation, Lin Lang had to get on the bicycle and walk towards the auditorium.


Chuanshu has been rich in beauty since ancient times. In addition, the university is a cosmetic knife, and Chuanshu University is also a gathering place of Tianjiao students. Therefore, the quality of beauty here is at the top level in all universities in China.

At this moment, there was a word, the sea, all water, all the legs in the auditorium


Looking around, there are beautiful white legs around the auditorium. Some of them are well-dressed audiences, and some are cosplay beauties in different clothes.

Not far from the auditorium, at this time a group of young men and women in loose martial arts clothes came to talk and laugh. The most conspicuous among them is the frosty beautiful girl, with a sense of detachment that is not close to those who are born.

"This time our show was scheduled to the golden date, only a little earlier than the finale of the dance club's guzheng accompaniment. This is an opportunity for our martial arts club to beat the dance club."

"Shi Lanna, as a new star of our martial arts club, you have to play well." A middle-aged woman patted the girl's shoulder gently.

"Well, I will, Teacher Gong." Su Shilan nodded gently.

"And you, Ye Feng, you are the president of the martial arts club, but you must lead the team well, and there must be no mistakes." Teacher Gong Dingding said.

"Rest assured, wrap it on me. This time, Shi Lan is playing with me. I am full of confidence."

The young man with golden glasses banged on the chest. He was Ye Feng, one of Su Shilan's suitors.

"Speaking of which, a lot of people who watched martial arts programs this time were directed at Shi Lan. I am a green leaf. I need to set off your red flower well."

Looking at the frosty Su Shilan, Ye Feng couldn't help laughing at it.

It's just that ... Su Shilan was short of interest and barely coped with two sentences.

Members of the martial arts society couldn't help but sigh for a while that the quality of the new beauty was very high. They were privately elected to the three school flowers. One was Ai Xiaoxue from the Department of Biopharmaceuticals. , Especially for men, the other is Su Shilan, although also a bit cold, but much worse than the former.

As for the first school flower, Chen Miaoxuan can't run away. Whether it's temperament, appearance, or family, that's the best choice. Not to mention the presence of her suitor, Bai Zhizhen, and no one wants to think of her.

"Of these three beauties, it is probably the easiest thing to pursue is Su Shilan."

Everyone was thinking like that.

Suddenly, Su Shilan's footsteps stopped, her face changed before the indifference, and an irresistible surprise immediately made her smile.

"It's him!"

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