Professor Xue asked with a whisper, it was heartfelt, especially the last sentence, ‘You have n’t read any of these biological works to tell us what ’s going on’.

"That's right, I now have some doubts about the intention above, and let a kid who knows nothing to direct the overall situation."

"Such people, we are ashamed of them!"

Everyone is looking at Lin Lang with distrustful eyes. Instead of letting such a mediocre person lead them, it would be better to break it completely before this happens.

"I haven't read what you said, but there is one thing no one in this world can compare with me, including those biological masters you believe in." Lin Lang said slowly.

"What is it?" Professor Xue frowned.

Lin Lang smiled, stretched out his fingers and pointed at his head.

Professor Xue and others are even more ridiculed. This still has the initiative to boast about ourselves. We have no head if you have a head?

Or is your IQ better than Edison Darwin?

No one is so clear, compared to Wei Dawei who is a rising star, it is a world of difference.

Only An Qi stood calmly and looked like a big picture.

"The knowledge I have will far exceed modern technology for hundreds of years. How can you know that there are thousands of stars outside the earth, and you can walk freely in space without wearing a space suit." Lin Lang said indifferently. .

The crowd was black and they were very embarrassed.

It's not over yet, it's just now related to science and technology, and bragging is not like that.

"It works."

Professor Xue couldn't listen anymore, and quickly fanned his palms a few times to signal Lin Lang to stop.

"These things you said are not in the scope of our research. I will put them here in one sentence. You can prove your ability and convince us all. My surname Xue is respectful."

"Otherwise, hum, don't blame me for disobeying the country's orders. I will also strip your skin," Professor Xue said fiercely.

"Proof?" Lin Lang smiled to himself: "Since you don't believe it, I'll convince you today."

"Whoever goes out and finds me a dying flower, I will prove it to you."

Lin Lang glanced around.

Eventually this task fell to Song Tingqing.

Because it is close to autumn, yellowed or withered flowers and plants can be seen everywhere on campus, and there are flower beds on the roadside.

Time was not long, Song Tingqing hurriedly pushed in the door, and in her hand was a bunch of withered evergreens, with a lot of mud stains beneath.

Obviously, she had just taken it out of the soil.

"What do you want for a million-year-old plant? Can you make it alive?" Song Tingqing said angrily.

"That's natural." Lin Lang nodded.

"You said you were going to resurrect it?"

Song Tingqing froze for a moment, then suddenly realized something, she turned around and was preparing to push the door out.

"Then I'll dig some dirt back."

"No." Lin Lang waved his hand.

He really wanted to revive the daffodils, but what kind of artificial planting environment was needed.

"It doesn't have to be that good, the old man will have to wait and see. I'll see how he can make it live again."

Professor Xue sneered.

Most of the other people were also looking at Lin Lang with strange eyes, waiting for himself to be ashamed.

Some biological insights know that plant growth, sunlight, soil, and water are all indispensable. Anything is missing, let alone in this season, even in the spring when all things are recovering.

"Fantastic! The flowering period of the evergreen is from June to September. Now this season is also when it has just faded. Resurrecting it is harder than climbing the sky." Zhong Tiancheng sneered.

As a member of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, it is estimated that no one here knows better than Wan Nianqing.

Even he remains skeptical, which means that this matter is simply not feasible!

"You are a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. You are in the medical world and no one cares about you, but now you have come to the biological world to embarrass yourself in front of so many experts and professors. You are simply asking for trouble."

Regardless of his everlasting youth and inability to open, in short, now Wei Da is blossoming in his heart.

Anyway, the resurrection of a plant could not be explained scientifically, he determined that this was a farce from the beginning.

"Then I will show you."

Lin Lang murmured indifferently, one by one the complex Indian styles hit the void,

That posture looked like it was scratching into the air.

This is a simplified version of Ju Ling Zhen. Although it can't be like a hilltop villa, it is more than enough to gather nearby auras.

"What is he doing?"

"I don't know. It looks like jumping from a big god. Does he want to ask a fairy?"

The faces of everyone looked terrified.

Finally, Lin Lang let go of his hand and dropped his hands, standing leisurely near the evergreen.

"That's over? Nothing happened." Song Tingqing looked frowning, looked at Wan Nianqing doubtfully, and then turned her eyes to Lin Lang.

Looking at the opponent ’s posture, it should be done with preparations, and you can wait quietly. The point is, nothing has changed.

One minute later, Wan Nianqing still looked like that.

"Boy, what the **** are you doing, aren't you saying that you want to revive the everlasting youth, and I don't see what you have to do?" Professor Xue said nothing politely. At this time he suddenly thought clearly that this family of Lin was just trying to get them off.

"Don't worry, you will see it after five minutes." Lin Lang was confident.

Maybe others can't see it, but he can clearly feel that these basic polyprints are already slowly taking effect.

In the situation that you don't want to waste your body's spiritual power, you have to use the method of gathering spiritual seals, which has a simple and slow effect.

"Okay, then I'll give you five minutes. I'll say ugly first. If it doesn't come back to life, you can call me back and forth. You are not welcome here!"

"Even if you have a huge background behind you," Professor Xue Qiang said, holding on to Qi.

One minute, two minutes, everyone's eyes stared at the evergreen without blinking.

They expect the evergreen to change, and they don't want it, even if they know in their hearts that this is simply impossible.

In a blink of an eye, the five minutes were over.

As for Wan Nianqing, he is still half dead, and there is no change at all.

"I'll just say it's impossible. If this can be achieved, it is estimated that the next Nobel prize will be his."

Zhong Lao sneered.

"Go away, staying here is also pleasing, you only have to make fun of it."

Someone who is a little irritable has long been polite.

Even An Qi shook her head afterwards. Although she was very confident in Lin Lang before, it was limited to rumors. The words were spoken by himself and did not come true. That can only be blamed for being too full.

"I see what else you have to say."

Although Professor Xue did not speak, there was no doubt that the indifferent expression had revealed this sentence for him.

"Don't make a conclusion so early, how do you know that is impossible?" Lin Lang was still calm.

"You said you could resurrect it, but now it doesn't. Am I waiting to accompany you until the next quarter and wait until it blooms?"

Professor Xue snorted coldly. He had never seen such a dead man since he grew up.

That's it, everyone can see clearly. But the other party is still arguing and dying.

"It's nothing, it is a waste of time to play with your junior today."

Shaking his head, Professor Xue has turned and walked out, preparing to force out the door.

Since An Qi insisted on guarding, he made a noise, and he wanted to get down this unreliable kid.

Suddenly, Professor Xue only heard a restlessness coming from behind.

"Look, look!"

"Oh my god, what did I witness, how did it happen? It's not scientific!"

The sound is endless.

Professor Xue turned around subconsciously, and when his gaze was on the evergreen, his neck was stiffened.

Evergreen, blooming!

The pink flower buds are slowly raising their heads, and slowly blooming in the eyes of a lot of wooden chickens, so delicate and dazzling, just like the new born, completely unable to see the previous dying.

Not only that, even the grass leaves that had been plucked back before Song Tingqing also revived, the yellow leaves were gradually fading, and large patches of tender green appeared a little.

"how can that be!"

Zhong Tiancheng exclaimed.

Resuscitating plants is itself a violation of the laws of biology. The earth is turning, and the day and night are distinct, which gives the species room to grow.

Resurrecting dead things, even the highest level of technology is difficult to achieve.

Although greenhouse cultivation in certain tropical weather, crops may be harvested two or three times a year, but that is not to say that dead things can be revived.

Anyway, it's a sentence, it's impossible! No wonder these people questioned Lin Lang so before.

But now ... the resurrected evergreens completely broke their cognition.

From life to death, heaven and earth are righteous, and from death to life, it completely breaks the laws of nature!

At this moment, Professor Xue felt that he had read the book for half his life. Even in the origin of the species, he had not introduced this situation ...

Song Tingqing is even more so, all the magic is written on his face.

"If such technology can be used on those endangered precious seeds, why would it need to waste a lot of human and financial resources to protect ..."

The emergence of this technology is enough to rewrite history! Even those who are not famous anymore, as long as they are proficient in such technology, they can go down in the annals of history and immediately rank among those great men.

Do not!

He denied the wrong theories of his predecessors, and even more precious than their research!

Everyone's breathing began to rush, and it seemed that they had foreseen the future development trend.

"So what else do I need to prove to you now?"

Lin Lang took a step forward, then made a faint voice.

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