Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 176: Kill him back and forth

Through the rows of winding mountain road fences, the top of the mountain is close at hand.

The bronze hall, the high platform, the giant bell, and the most central golden statue of Puxian Bodhisattva pleated in the sun. When it was on the top of the mountain, the weather was magnificent.

In particular, the most famous Jinding Pavilion of Mount Emei reflects a wonderful light, a mountain peak soars into the clouds, huddled in the middle of the clouds.

From a distance, it can be regarded as a fairyland on earth, and the dream is infinite ...

Lin Lang stepped hurriedly and stepped out, which was a leap of several tens of meters.

He gently tapped on the tip of the grass, and the long warbler in the grass flew, and the breeze cried softly, like the scroll of a fairy house.

Wanfo Pavilion, Wanfoding, is the gathering place of master-level combat power of various masters.


Below, the images returned by countless warriors through the aircraft boiled.

They looked excited, as if witnessing a miracle was being born.

"The record was broken. It took half a day for the Huaxia Valkyrie to hit here from the bottom of the mountain, breaking previous records."

"And he ... took less than an hour!"

How old an old warrior was pointing at the screen, so excited.

There are not many people who are fortunate to witness in this scene of no ancients and no later.

"Yeah, this is already the limit that human beings can reach. We are trying to break through the barriers, and people are just hurrying ..."

The master of the Chen family sighed softly, his eyes overflowing.

Lu Chunfeng grinned his jaw and laughed wildly. At this moment, the anger and grievances accumulated in his heart were vented along with his laughter.

Laughing and smiling, a drop of tears that no one noticed was wet on the jacket.

Lu Huowu is carrying a group of people, running behind Lin Lang, as if to witness something.

She knew that there must be stories in the future.


Bai Jiazhu has just stepped out of Wanfo Pavilion, with a majestic middle-aged man beside him.

This is the new master of the Bai family, Baicheng, who was asked to suppress Lin Lang.

But at this moment, he was completely stunned.

In front of him was the boy who had been killed countless times in his dream.

"How come you are here, Wanfoding is not allowed to enter the top 20 warriors, do you regard the rules as nothing, and see me as nothing in the Bai family!"

Bai's owner gave a drink order, full of momentum.

He was worried about killing the kid for no good reason, and now the opportunity came.

Lin Lang was not angry, but chuckled: "Of course I called it myself, believe it or not."

The owner of Bai was a little hesitated. It didn't take more than an hour before and after he left the hall. How could that be ...

He wanted to question the exit, but at the moment when he saw the soldiers flying from the 21st distant level, he was at a loss.

"You really called, didn't you climb up from the cliff?"

Bai's homeowner was still unbelievable.

Lin Lang ignored him, turned around, and stepped into the Wanfo Pavilion.

Within the Wanfo Pavilion, three rows of rosewood carved wooden benches seated more than 20 warriors facing each other.


As soon as Lin Lang walked into the door, a horizontal figure was hit and flied out. During the flight, red blood dripped into the sky.

Lin Lang avoided the side slightly, followed by a flick of his sleeves, sweeping away the blood.


With a loud noise, the figure fell heavily to the ground, and the rest of it disappeared. The body kept tumbling off the pavilion and rolled down a dozen steps.

At first glance at his old appearance, it was the old man of the Lu family, Lu Lao.

Lu Huowu just chased from the foot of the mountain, and just ascended the steps of the top of Wanfo, saw the miserable Lu Lao.



A group of Lu Jiawu exclaimed, hurriedly rushed, and helped Master Lu in an endless manner.

Lu Huowu hurriedly searched for a few elixir from her body, and trembled to feed Father Lu.

After taking the elixir for a while, Lu Lao's look turned around. After waking up, he squirted a few mouthfuls of effort, and his face only became more complex.

"Grandpa (homeowner), what happened?"

Lu's family asked eloquently.

With a sigh of relief, Lu Lao sighed, slowly exhaling three words: "It's Bai Family."

Needless to say in detail, others have generally understood the whole story.

It must be that the Bai family settled on Master Lu in Wanfo Pavilion.

Breathing for a long time, Father Lu finally said a complete sentence.

"All Lu Jiawus will be convened, and the Lu family will be called immediately. The property and resources will be divided. Everyone will go high and fly, and no one will return.

"and also,"

Lu Lao took a long breath and hugged her to his ears regardless of the blood-stained Lu Huo dance he sprayed.

"And there is an institution under the Lu's shrine, there is an important treasure there, and it will be your dowry."

This sounded like an account of the aftermath.


Lu Huowu's crying pear blossomed with rain, and she couldn't bear it, whispering constantly.

"Grandpa, don't say that, you'll be fine. I'll find you the best doctor in the world."

"No, the cure is not good. Whether I can survive today is all a problem. Immediately call the family of Shanglu. No matter how late, we can't go."

Father Lu opened his muddy eyes and kept admonishing.

Some sensible Lu families also realized the seriousness of the matter. Knowing that it was not the time for the children to have a private relationship, they forced Lu Huowu.

Just before leaving, Lu Huowu suddenly thought of something, exclaiming: "Oops, Mr. Lin is still inside."

"Leave him alone, it's important to save the family." Lu family blurted out behind him.

"No! You take Grandpa away, I stay!" Lu Huowu said firmly.

"Mr. Lin?"

Mr. Lu's consciousness was a bit confusing, and it took him a long time to remember who Lin Lang was.

"That's a benefactor of the Lu family. You can't help but you can't help it."

Father Lu murmured softly, and then reached out and touched Lu Huowu's waist pocket.

"give me."

"No!" Lu Huowu refused.

"Give me, the Lu family is overthrown, but the integrity is indestructible, and it must be worthy of the ancestors, otherwise the old husband Jiuquan will not be able to face the ancestors."

"This is my last wish."

Father Lu coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood again.

Lu Huowu could not beat him, so he had to pull out a dark black elixir from his pocket and feed it to Lu Lao.

After slowing down for a while, Lu Lao's complexion gradually turned red, and eventually his whole head turned purple.

On both sides of the body, the green smoke continued to rise.

But he was able to stand up again.

And the price is that the whole body is smelly, and the rows fall off from the mouth, and there is no hair on the top of the head. From a distance, it looks like a monster.

"Grandpa, don't ..."

Lu Huowu gently held Lu Lao's arm.

She knew that Lu Lao, who had taken this elixir, would only look back. If not for an hour, Lu Lao's consciousness would be annihilated, and his body would slowly decay until it turned into a dry smelly body.

Even more evil results, until death, not the whole body.

Since ancient times, no old man has wanted to leave a whole body after his death.

Father Lu just shook his head gently: "Although Lian Po is old, he can still eat five buckets. Although my generation is hurt, loyalty and filial piety can't bear it."

"Just stay with my husband ... and kill him back and forth!"

Having said that, Mr. Lu took a firm step, wobbled, and walked towards Wanfo Pavilion.

Lu Huowu cried.

The Lu family's eyes burst into tears, and they cried loudly.

At this moment, he was patient and the selfish Lu family felt deeply.

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