Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 175: First person under the guru

In a blink of an eye, the martial arts conference has reached its fourth day.

The battle continued, but it became a battle between one person and a group of warriors.

The rankings are constantly changing, and the only thing that has not changed is the straight figure like a javelin.

Up to now, there have been nearly ten half-step masters who challenged Lin Lang, and the number of warriors peaked at more than a hundred. As for the more common warriors, they are countless.

In these two days, the wheel warfare method, Yin Zhao poison toxins, assassination on the back, but all the tricks that can be used are used by them.

But he never failed!

To this day, few people have taken the initiative to challenge, after all, the opportunity for challenge is only one time, there is no need to waste on an insurmountable gap.

They are now only looking forward to the existence of a master who surpasses half a step, and take good care of him.

"With his strength, I'm afraid the master can't come out. No one can cure him in this world."

"Perhaps only an existence like Bai Chen can compare with him."

Countless martial artists were deeply shocked, and the two have been divided into a level in their hearts.

Under the Grand Master, there is no other enemy!

The emotions of Lu's family were also mobilized, and a cadre waited early to leave the Hall of Guidance and came to the mountains to cheer.

Every victory brings the Lu family's supreme glory. Whenever encounters a strong enemy, Lu Huowu will hysterically cheer.

The scene exploded.

At the back is the emotionally excited Lujia people, and at the front is the world warrior.

As for Bai's owner, he became a pig's liver color, and once he saw Lu Chunfeng, he said nothing.

The martial arts conference was presided over by the Bai family. Now it can't run smoothly. All the reasons must be attributed to Cheng Chengjin who was killed halfway.

At this moment, his hostility towards Lin Lang was even greater than the destruction of the Lu family.

"Go on like this, I'm afraid that the Bai family will become the laughing stock of the people in the world."

Even if the Lu family gathered up all the strong men under the Grand Master to challenge them one by one, it is estimated that the same result.

There are only two ways before him, one is to send someone to defeat Lin Lang, and the other is to reach a settlement with the Lu family to resolve the matter invisible.

The latter, of course, he could not pull that face.

There is only one way that can be left for him, and that is to defeat Lin Lang completely.

"Abominable, since the half-step master can't help him, let the master try it."

Bai Jiazhu said silently in his heart that the guru didn't deal with common affairs, but in this kind of thing, the guru should help.

Thinking like this, the Bai family hurried back to the clan and went to find the Bai family master.


Almost as soon as Bai ’s homeowner left, Lu Chunfeng immediately took the initiative and immediately replaced Lin Lang from the stage.

It is not that he does not want to continue to take the scenery of the landing family, but that the price of the scenery is too great to be large enough to capsize the entire Lu family.

Yes, as long as no one can defeat Lin Lang, the Lu family can always enjoy this glory of victory, and it can also protect the vital interests of the family.

However, Lin Lang went to war on behalf of the Lu family and blocking the 85th level was equivalent to choking the throats of warriors in the world.

This move will inevitably provoke the wrath of the martial arts in the world. At that time, I am afraid that without the Bai family's shot, the Lu family will be attacked by the crowd in the world.

The price is high ... The Lu family can't afford it!

Therefore, Lu Chunfeng did not expect Lin Lang to continue in the first place, nor did he dare to count.


Lin Lang's end undoubtedly relieved many martial artists.

If this guy is right, they will really get rid of others.

Lin Lang's departure undoubtedly made most of the warriors excited for a while, and some were afraid that Lin Lang would return to the ring again and go up one by one.

After a short period of hot scenes, the warriors quickly resumed their normal challenges.

Among them, half-step masters appeared frequently, all kinds of boxing martial arts appeared one after another, and hundreds of schools clamored.

Here, the ordinary martial artist has basically no place to stand.

In just one hour, from the 20th to the 60th, all of them were filled by the strong men who were half times the master.

As for the top twenty, that's all reserved places for the Grand Master. In other words, the strong who once demonstrated the strength of the Grand Master can directly inherit the ranking without having to pass the challenge.

Of course, if someone challenges them, they naturally need to fight.

These people are probably the martial arts forces of the whole of China.

After looking at it for a while, Lin Lang felt boring.

As he was about to leave, Lu Chunfeng leaned forward at this time: "Mr. Lin, if you are not interested in watching, you can actually go to Wanfoding to watch it."

"Wanfoding?" Lin Lang looked at Lu Chunfeng in doubt.

"You also know that as long as you reach the top 20 levels, you can be considered a master-level strength, and at this level, you will be invited to Wanfoding."

"There is a place for the masters to gather, and the higher-ranking masters who are more formidable are also there."

Lu Chunfeng explained.

"Oh? Senior Master?"

With a look of Lin Lang, there were only a handful of strong men he had seen since his rebirth. The ordinary masters could slap to death with a slap, and it was only possible to stop him from doing a few tricks, and it was estimated that he could only be trained as a deep master.

"Yes, the masters of Huajing also have the same level. There can still be one or two masters of each master of the martial arts in the early stage of Huajing, and only those with deep roots can have them in the middle stage. As for the late stage of Huajing ... basically there are few."

"As far as I know, Bai Mu's homeowner Bai Mu is a cultivation practice in the later period of reification, and there is Xu Zhan of that medicine king. Fang Ru of the Zhonghai Fang family, both of them are cultivation in the middle period of reification."

After what he said, Lin Lang had some interest.

The threshold to enter the top of Wanfo is to rush into the top 20, and Lin Lang is no exception.

Similarly, Lin Lang also needs to help the Lu family get a place in the top 20. Instead of waiting until the end, it is better to resolve it earlier.

Lin Lang didn't hesitate. After the rest, he stepped into Emei Mountain again.

This time, he came for the challenge!


Lead to the temple.

Two middle-aged men in dark long green uniforms stood side by side.

One of them was Li Yichen, and the other was a brother of the same family, Li Jing, who came on behalf of the Li family.

The Li family does not have a grandmaster. The two of them are already the strongest of the Li family. The other day, Li Yichen successfully broke into the half-step grandmaster.

Li Jingfeng's appearance, apparently, has just arrived.

"Brother, there are too many things to deal with in the clan, I'm late." Li Jing laughed.

The two of them trembled for a while, and Li Jing naturally asked about the key issues of the trip.

"Brother, you came earlier than me. Is it already a victory before me?" Li Jing laughed.

However, Li Yichen shook his head.

"I have lost."

"Oh?" Li Jing's face changed slightly, his cultivation was only the peak of the warrior, and Li Yichen's fiasco was undoubtedly a serious blow to the Li family.

Although a little disappointed, Li Jing took the initiative to comfort his brother and said, "It doesn't matter, the warriors in the world are crouching tigers and hiding dragons. There are also many people who are more arrogant than us. We only need to get a top 60 ranking."

I saw Li Yichen shaking his head again.

"Hehe, it's the first sixty, I didn't even go in the first ninety." Li Yichen laughed at himself.

"That man hit me in less than ten strokes."


Li Jing was not calm. According to the theory of Li Yichen's half-step master's practice, it should not be a problem to rush into the top sixty.

In the past, between the sixty and ninety, it should be the peak of the warrior, less than ten strokes to defeat Li Yichen, can these peak warriors be so strong?

"Big brother should have met the long-established guru, forget it, this time we are out of luck, we will make a comeback again in the coming year." Li Jing comforted.

"If it's a long-established grandfather, he's not." Li Yichen smiled helplessly.

"Who else is there?" Li Jing was even more puzzled.

"His name is Lin Youye, and his strength is comparable to that of a real guru."

Who is Lin Youye?

Is it the genius that the big family has been hiding for so long?

Prior to this, Li Jing had never heard of this number.

Li Jing looked at Li Yichen in doubt, but saw the latter stare blankly at the screen somewhere. Li Jing called for a while and didn't agree.

After a long time, Li Yichen just breathed a sigh of relief, the fingers pointing at the screen were shaking.

"He is Lin Youye!"


The emotional changes of the Li family brothers are not uncommon here, and very few people who do not know Lin Lang have asked questions.

"Don't ask who he is, all you need to know is Lin Youye!"

Sure enough, Lin Lang's appearance once again caused uproar among many warriors.

Even many martial arts players who are still in the future are anxious.

"Why is he back!"

"It's simply unreasonable, why not drop a thunder to kill this cuckoo stick."

The warriors are all crazy, some hate, some are scared, and some are Lin Lang's enemies.

There is no doubt that the name Lin Youye has grown to the point where all martial arts startled.

After a while of complaining, most people still saw that Lin Lang did not return to the level again, but reappeared as a challenger.

In this way, many warriors left their hearts hanging.

It can be seen how much hatred Lin Lang used to block the world warrior alone.

However, there are some benefits. For example, after Lin Lang showed his strength for three consecutive days, he is now on the field again, and basically the defenders have few obstacles.

Of course, they don't have that courage ...

Almost when Lin Lang stepped into the checkpoint, he did not encounter any substantial resistance. He either bowed his head and conceded, or voluntarily abstained.

Among these levels, the only one who can resist is the Bai family, but for Lin Lang, it is still quite good.

The gatekeeper Anxihai was seriously injured.

Keeper Deng Jian said that he was fainted.

Lin Lang walked fast, without touching his feet, walking on the tip of the grass, quickly approaching the next level.

Level 80, Level 60, Level 30 ...

In less than half an hour, Lin Lang went all the way from the customs to the twenty.

A dozen miles from the entrance hall to the top of Wanfo were basically used to hurry.

Far away, the shadow of a continuous group of attic gradually became clear.

Wanfoding is close at hand.

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