Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 177: Destroy it

Wanfo Pavilion.

Three rows of rosewood hollowed out tables and chairs, the table is decorated with good fragrant tea, overflowing with tea, more than 20 people sit facing each other, discretion.

At the forefront are several old men, many of whom are no small in age. They are the best among the old masters and have a great reputation in China.

In the row from the left, most of them are middle-aged and elderly. These people are the great masters who have won titles at previous martial arts conferences.

As for the right row, there are young people, Bai Chen and Bai Yutang are also listed. These are the strengths of quasi-guru, only the realm is a little different.

Lin Lang roughly glanced, some of whom were familiar with him, such as Xu Zhan, Bai Chen, Bai Yutang and others.

In addition, in the seat, Lin Lang also found an old acquaintance, Mo is idle here.

When Mo Lang saw Lin Lang enter, he nodded with a smile on his mouth, and said hello.

The Bai family owner also followed, and after entering the gate, quickly found a middle-aged man at the forefront and whispered in the past.

This middle-aged man is another master of the Bai family. Bai Ting's reputation and status are only slightly different from Bai Mu's strongest.

He is also the host of this martial arts conference.

There, Bai Ting looked at Lin Lang coldly, then tilted his head, and talked with Xu Zhan thinly, during which Xu Zhan also looked back at Lin Lang from time to time.

Obviously, the topic they are talking about should be related to Lin Lang.

I don't know what the two said in private. In short, Xu Zhan's eyes on Lin Lang slowly became unhealthy.

Naturally, the two little movements could not conceal Lin Lang, but he did not take it seriously.

Anyway, no matter what the two of them are, they won't be able to destroy it.

He definitely has this confidence.

Since coming here, of course Lin Lang couldn't have stood in the middle all the time, glanced slightly, and found an empty place casually, and Dadao Jinma sat down.

Next to him was a middle-aged uncle wearing a white horse gown and a half-foot braid on his back.

Lin Lang really had some impressions of him. This man was named Wu Xinghe, and in the first day of the competition, he broke through the seventy levels with the strength of a half-step master and became famous in one fell swoop.

When it comes to strength, it is only a little bit worse than Bai Chen.

However, just as Lin Lang sat down, Wu Xinghe stared at him, and looked at Lin Lang in an incredible way.

"You guy ..."

Not only him, but even the rest of the people around were stunned, and some looked at Lin Lang gloatingly.

The seats in the Wanfo Pavilion are exquisite. From the top to the bottom, there are thirteen to twenty in the martial arts convention, on the left hand there are five to twelve, and in the middle is the top three.

Honor and order are orderly, and the strength is clear at a glance.

Lin Lang, the newcomer, should have sat in the last place, but ran to the position of Baicheng.

Isn't this an initiative?


Lin Lang frowned, wondering at the strange manners of these people.

"Friend, you may be sitting in the wrong position, where is Baicheng's position ..."

Out of good intentions, Wu Xinghe still whispered a reminder.

Seeing Lin Lang still didn't understand, Wu Xinghe continued to explain this.

"The arrangement of this seat is quite elaborate, but it is not a random sitting. According to the ranking of the martial arts conference, it has been lined up to the gate of the hall."

"A newcomer like you should sit at the end, otherwise you will be in trouble."

Wu Xinghe smiled.

"Baicheng? Baicheng in Chuanshu's Bai Family?" Lin Lang asked casually.

"Yes, Baicheng was already the strongest half-step master three years ago. Three years later, I'm afraid his strength has reached a rather scary level."

Wu Xinghe thought Lin Lang was afraid, and patted him on the shoulder, and said meaningfully: "So you still have to change your position, the eldest husband can flex and stretch, and he should not be embarrassed by counseling."

"What if I can't afford it."

Lin Lang said slowly.

"That can be regarded as a challenge to Baicheng. You must have a victory or defeat between Baicheng and you."

After all, Wu Xinghe took a look at Lin Lang. In this case, I believe that as long as he is not afraid of being a strong master, others should step back.

However, he looked at Lin Lang for a while, but the latter didn't mean to move at all.

"You guy ..." Wu Xinghe muttered.

At this time, Baicheng also found that his position was occupied by someone, and his face was not very good.

He walked down to Lin Lang with a low face.

"Are you challenging me?"

Bai Cheng stood high, palms pressed against the bar of the chair.

"It's a good show again." The martial arts around looked at Lin Lang with interest.

Baicheng is not a good man. At one auction, a half-step grandmaster was severely injured because he stole the elixir that Baicheng wanted to take.

Now being proactively provoked to his head, how could he bear it.

Most people took a few sips of tea and laughed to see this good show happen.

"I'm sitting here anyway, as you understand." Lin Lang looked indifferent and refused to stand up.

"Arrogant boy, get me up!"

Bai Cheng grunted coldly, his hands resting on the chair exerted force in vain, and an overbearing momentum sprang wildly.

I saw Bai Jing's arms on the arms straight out, and the horrific force was vented to the chair.

Baicheng wanted to embarrass Lin Lang.

"Even if Baicheng's strength is not a guru, the difference is just a kick in the door." People sighed in the hearts of the people around. Seeing this, the Bai family will add another realm soon.

However, the force used by Baicheng has the effect of breaking through the iron stones. It is conceivable that the chair that meets the rosewood will be broken immediately.

However, strange things happened.

Lin Lang stood still, as if he was sitting still, his face was calm. The chair under him was not affected in the slightest, let alone broken.

Even under the pressure of the two, there was no trembling.

It's a little incredible.


Bai Cheng was wondering, and unknowingly, the strength infused in his hands also increased a lot.

Baicheng is also hard to ride a tiger and refuses to relax at all.

Slowly, Bai Cheng was tired and sweaty, but still had nothing to do with Lin Lang, including the seat.

"It's strange!"

Finally, Baicheng had no choice but to help. He looked at Lin Lang for a while and then laughed again.

"Your strength is very good, but if you want to challenge me, you still rush to the top eighteenth and defeat Baichen."

On the other side, Bai Chen naturally understood his uncle's embarrassing situation and stood up without hesitation.

"Lin Youye, right, if you want to challenge Baicheng, go through my level first."

"Come with me."

Bai Chen stood up from his seat and turned to the platform outside the hall.

The Wanfo Hall is the remnant of a thousand-year-old place of historical interest. The destructive power of the Grand Master of the Realm is very strong, and the warriors naturally cannot fight in the hall.

The spacious platform outside is just the right place for battles between masters.

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