Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 160: Golden Elephant Boxing

The words fell, everyone was stunned, and at the sight of the speaker, it was the young man whom they used as a prey.

"Is you talking?"

The head of the man in black looked slightly faint, and looked subconsciously at Lin Lang. It seemed that he had never thought that this was what he said.

Not just him, everyone else on the field felt incredible. It would be better to say this from the mouth of a guru, but it is an ordinary person who has no power at all.

Looking at the young man, there was no change in his body, but he looked at the crowd with a gaze, and he was a great teacher.

"Lin Youye, you figure out now that we want to catch you, OK?"

Even a man as serious as Boss Yang was made to cry and laugh for a while.

"You are a mortal without any cultivation, but you have control over things you shouldn't. I wonder where your courage comes from the Lu family?"

The scene was very embarrassing, and some even laughed secretly.

"I also want to know where the confidence comes from, with the Lu family?"

Facing the sounds of skepticism, Lin Lang didn't mean to refute himself, and he still stood in the same place.

How can the cultivation of immortals be seen by these pan-fans.

Since they all think they are smart people, let them be idiots in the drum.

At this time, Boss Yang also became serious, looking at the leaders of the other two groups, and said, "Let ’s not carry on with those backgrounds, old rules, whoever fist Da Lin You Ye will take away."

Since no one wants to retreat in this way, it is the fairest way to divide lives and deaths.

"it is good."

"I agree."

The other two have expressed their attitudes.


As the voice fell, whistling sounded.

A scuffle started instantly.

The warriors of the three families almost moved at the same time and rushed to Lin Lang. It seemed that they were fighting the same idea at any time. As long as one person captured Lin Lang, the remaining companions were responsible for blocking for a moment.

Among the more than 20 warriors, the strongest were the leaders of two men in black and the boss Yang, both of whom had achieved half-step master's cultivation.

In addition, the young man with the negative sword is not bad. Although he is not too high to have more than three people, but an iron sword has no place to stop him, even the half-step master did not dare to lighten his edge.

The monks at the King Kong Temple are not weak at all. A pair of iron fists wield the wind, and the fierce fist wind makes people cold. No three or five people joined forces to dream of being close to them.

It was the joining of these two people that led to a small group of boss Yang, but they did not have the slightest disadvantage in fighting.

Occasionally, the soldiers who rushed to Lin Lang were either stopped by the other two or blocked by the fire dancing in front of him.

"good chance!"

After the battle, a warrior in black finally saw the gap and quickly approached Lin Lang's side.

At this time, Lu Huowu was busy blocking, and the other two were also inextricably linked, which was a rare opportunity.

"Cover me, I'll catch him."

The man in black shouted excitedly, and a pair of eagle claws grasped at Lin Lang's shoulder lightningly.

His speed is very fast, and he repairs the martial arts that favors Shaolin's dragon claws. The power is average in actual combat, but it is suitable for catching people.

In ancient punishment, it was said that the bone was worn by the person. It was difficult to break free by holding the position with the iron chain through the lute bone, that is, the clavicle.

So he was confident of the blow.

His voice is not small. Basically everyone can hear it. Bai Jiuheng heard it as a success of his martial artist, and his expression was immediately delighted.

"After everyone breaks with me, give him a chance to escape."

Bai Jiuheng ordered methodically.

However, his voice stopped abruptly.

Disturbed, the warrior close to Lin Lang not only failed to catch the opponent, but was beaten out.

Bai Jiuheng avoided sideways, and after standing, looked at Lin Lang in doubt.

Lin Lang stood indifferently, with his forefinger slightly bent, making a finger like a finger, a few meters beside him, no one approached.

"Is there another master in the team?"

Bai Jiuheng wanted to come and go, only this possibility is the greatest.

However, his thoughts did not extend, and instead he was bullied by the boss Yang and tangled again.

"Boss Yang, you are too bullying!"

Bai Jiuheng roared again and again, and several people fought again.


At the beginning of the melee, each warrior had reservations to prevent others from taking advantage. But later, as the battle intensified, the wounded appeared one after another, and several warriors were directly abandoned here.

Kill kill!

Everyone struck a real fire, each practicing a unique skill, and the sound of **** into the flesh sounded, accompanied by the screams of wailing.

Even Bai Jiuheng, a master such as Yang Boss have suffered different injuries.

On the other hand, the other three of Yang's group were all sound. The monks at the King Kong Monastery had a pair of iron fists, which were immensely powerful.

The negative sword young man has a sharp sword, and the sword front has no one to stop.

Although the little old man is not high, but his light work is first-class, even more exquisite than that of the old man, and he stands high on the tree alone, waiting for an opportunity to launch a fatal blow.

Soon after, with the superior body method, the little old man finally avoided all kinds of attacks and bypassed Lin Lang.

But greeting him is the same force.

When Lin Lang flicked his fingers, an invisible force field appeared, pushing the old man out.

The little old man's face changed greatly, and at the same time the warning in his heart made him feel unprecedented, he broke free from the force field.

The old man gasped, thinking of the weird things that had happened before, and still had a lingering fear in his heart.

He had a hunch that if he was allowed to fly out of that force, he would only be able to shatter him in the middle.

"Grandma's legs. This kid is weird. I'm not going."

The little old head was screaming like a cat with a tail on it.

When he turned around, he actually gave up the crowd and was ready to run away.

The reason why the little old man can get away with countless cases is that in addition to his light work, the big reason is because of his cautious character. When he sees something bad, he will immediately slip away.

But this time, the habit of many years told him that it is likely to cause hard stubble. I'm afraid I won't have a chance if I don't run again.

"Run, can you run away again."

Lin Lang murmured expressionlessly, pointing forward.

The little old man was running upside down, but he was shocked to find that the air seemed to freeze at this time, and his body could not move at all.

Before dying, little old hair screamed unwillingly.

The sound dropped, an arc of white light passed through the chest, and the one on the Huaxia arrest list known for his escape was killed!

"what happened?"

The death of the little old man made other people notice the shocking changes here. All of them changed their expressions when they looked back.

They have only now discovered that it turned out to be more than just a little old man. In the direction of his death, three or five people had already died there.

All of them wanted to attack Lin Lang, and ended up like this.

As for the warrior who first attacked Lin Lang, he never stood up after that scream.

It is impossible to say that no one can get close to Lin Lang after fighting for such a long time, but the boy is too calm and strange.

May I ask if this is the case for a person without martial arts?

the answer is negative.

"This kid is not right."

Bai Jiuheng's complexion changed, and a gimmicky move to withdraw from the war circle. After standing, he looked diligently at the two younger brother Yang.

Boss Yang also collided with the man in black to quit each other.

Although the three were still defending each other, their eyes were all invariably cast in the center of the battlefield.

"I suggest you stop first, I'm afraid this kid is not so easy to deal with."

Bai Jiuheng whispered.

Needless to say, Boss Yang also noticed an anomaly here, and his face was dignified. In the same situation, the first round may be accidental, but the second and even more intriguing.

Although they have never seen the beginning and the end, it is clear that the three leaders have realized the importance of things.

Looking at each other, the three nodded at the same time.

"Bo Xi, try him." Bai Jiuheng called a junior Bai family.

This time, the other two leaders did not interfere, and seemed to acquiesce to Bai Jiuheng's actions.

The junior Bai family called Bo Yi answered and was about to come forward, but was interrupted by a cold voice.

"No need to try, none of you can run away."

Lin Lang fainted.

As the sound fell, a dazzling Jinxia flashed, and behind Jinguang, there was a continuous shadow of fists.

It is Golden Elephant Boxing!

The young man named Bo Yi bears the brunt of it, and the golden elephant fist waved at him at a speed that he could not react at all.


When the first punch went down, if Bai Bozhe was severely hit, he didn't even have time to dodge, and he was hit with a bang.

Not only him, but even the warriors around him, there are about six or seven of them, but they are thrown high into the sky, reflecting the golden light all over the body, like the golden light villains who have been shot down into the world.

There are three types of Golden Elephant Boxing, one stronger than the other. It was with these three punches that the King of the Immortals of the Year defeated the golden body Luohan in one fell swoop. In the end, several Bodhisattvas joined forces, which forced his other peerless.

That battle was the battle for the fame of You Ye Xian Wang.

In this way, the magical powers that can be divided equally with the Buddhist martial arts are not able to be blocked by these martial arts, even if Lin Lang's repair is now less than one ten thousandth of the subtlety that can be exhibited.

At this time, Lin Lang's second punch also fell.

The fist waves swept through, and no one around was able to stand safely, one by one, the warriors fell backwards like cutting wheat.

Every time Lin Lang punched, he was accompanied by a clear and loud groan. Every time his fist fell, the pictogram in Jinguang solidified three points.

Until the third fist fell, the sky was full of light, obscuring everyone's vision, and a golden behemoth stepped in from the sky, and the stout thigh stepped on the ground, leaving a disc-sized footprint.

As for the warriors who were stepped on the soles of golden elephants, they could not even make a scream, and they were immediately squeezed into the deep soil, which was more terrible than burying them alive.

More than twenty warriors ... none survived.

This is ... Golden Elephant Boxing!

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