Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 161: Kill in the air!

After a long while, the golden glow of the sky finally converged.

The ground was full of scars, and the trees collapsed lying in front of them, looking like they had been bombed by missiles.

"The power is still too far away, and the golden elephant boxing in its peak state can even directly blast a star. Now it is only used by a few warriors who have not reached the foundation period, and the consumption of spiritual power is also huge. "

Glancing around, Lin Lang retracted his fist, but kept shaking his head.

The golden elephant fist is the main attack in the battle victory method. Although the power is overbearing, the consumable spiritual power is also first-rate. The three punches almost drained more than half of his spiritual power.

If it is not to meet a strong enemy, this method of combat is still better to use as little as possible.

"Besides that, there is also the Ming King's tactic to lead the thunder, killing one thousand enemies and self-damaging eight hundred. It is also best not to use this trick, as well as the purple flame **** eyes. It takes tens of days to accumulate at one time ... "

Lin Lang, like several treasures, thought about his magical powers one by one, but came to a conclusion that could not be laughed at.

It seems that since he advanced the foundation, he can't make subtle moves in the past. It is indeed possible to make subtle moves, but it has to be used with his hands and feet ...

Either it costs too much or the loss is too high.

Obviously there is a peerless school that destroys the heavens and the earth, but it can't be easily used, and it just calls people to cry. This is like a game's pk, everyone is a small move, but you ordered a bunch of big moves, but the amount of blue is not enough.

Tomorrow the Tao will build the foundation to save the spiritual strength and strength, but today it is necessary to constrain in this regard, which will inevitably make people feel happy and sad.

"The thunder tactic is okay. As long as you find the congenital spirit tree and practice the five elements, you can solve the consumption problems of Jinxiangquan, only when you reach the level of Jindan, and reach the level of the Aura of Heaven and Earth. "

Lin Lang thought to himself that any magical power before the foundation could be used as martial arts, but now he has to consider these issues.

These tricks can be used as a big trick at the bottom of the pressure box. If they are not used, they will definitely kill a few Xeons.

But ... in ordinary combat, it is possible to give up magical powers and use martial arts to fight.

Prior to this, Lin Lang had always used magical powers. The magical powers were generally in the hands of powerful men such as the immortal kings and immortals. The monks who practiced in general could only use martial arts to fight. The two were basically impossible to compare.

But there is one point, although martial arts is not as powerful as magical power, it is definitely not an equivalent.

For the current situation, it is the most suitable.

"I have only seen dozens of supernatural powers in the past thousand years, but the martial arts I have seen are so vast. It is not easy to find a few martial arts skills, but if I want to choose a few that are suitable for me, I must carefully consider one. Fan. "

Lin Lang closed his eyes, countless messages flashed in front of him, and his thoughts were constantly selected among them.

He seems to have forgotten everything around him, as well as the four and a half step masters who survived the dance and luck.


The four and a half step masters are no longer shockable.

Boss Yang couldn't wait to stare into the ground, his chin was dislocated, until the saliva almost came out, then he closed it back.

He couldn't believe that the giant foot that came down from the sky, where did the physical golden elephant come from.

"What kind of practice is he doing? The master is afraid that he can't do that?"

Yang Lao Dalian swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva. In his cognition, the master can indeed inspire foreign objects to move with him, such as smashing boulders and setting off a few waves, but the scene that just happened was completely without any foreign objects .

If so, where did the golden elephant come from, heaven?

If the illusory shadows are just like the light and shadow refraction, but the giant elephant and the entity, how come a big pit on the ground?

All this is beyond his cognition, cognition of martial arts.

In addition to him, Bai Jiuheng also looks like a ghost, and his heart is horrible. The Bai family does have masters, but he has never heard of any master who can still possess this level of power.

This ... non-human means!

"Isn't the warrior fighting on his body?"

Bai Jiuheng thought about it.

Suddenly, Boss Yang seemed to remember something, and his face changed.

Look at the few companions he brought, none of them survived, especially the young man with a negative sword, and his body was not found.

"It's over. Fang Mu is Wan Jianyi's sweetheart. If his death news returns to that ear, will it be enough?"

Boss Yang was a little scared. Before Wan Jian became famous, he belonged to the old monsters of the older generation. He was an era with the yin and yang Taoists, and he was extremely short-serving.

As his proud disciple, the young man with a negative sword, Fang Mu, will surely shock the old monster by his death.

Even he could be killed by venting indignation.

"Broken, you have to tell the old monster whether you are dead or alive, otherwise I will die ..."

When this kind of thought arose, Boss Yang was ready to run. Whether it was the ‘prey’ in front of him or the old monster with a long-standing reputation, he could not bother one of them.

It's the best choice to leave without heeding.

The two Bai Jiuheng also resigned, and did not dare to stay longer, their bodies fluttered backwards.

Lu Huowu could clearly see from the side, and couldn't just watch a few people walk away under her eyelids.


But the three of them who escaped would care about her, and a few flashes disappeared into view.

"Leader! Did you just let them go?"

Lu Huowu asked in doubt.

However, Lin Lang turned a deaf ear to her words, not even raising her eyelids, as if she fell asleep.

"Leader ..."

Lu Huowu bit her lips unwillingly.


About half an hour later, Lin Lang's closed eyes opened again, and the bright light kept flashing.

Although in his mind is full of martial arts, after all, to find a perfect fit with him, hasty is not a good decision.

After a long time, Lin Lang finally sorted out a complete martial arts skill.

First of all, in the melee martial arts, he chose Daye Seventy-two styles of the Emperor Xianzong, combining offense and defense, which is the best martial art for low-level training as a monk.

The Great Leaf Emperor Xianzong, one of the seven immortal gates of the immortal peoples, is a holy place for fighting.

Although Lin Lang created his own ancestral gate at the beginning, Daye Xianzong was the place where he was first accepted by the immortal world, where Lin Lang sat down from the lowest-ranked disciple to the position of law enforcement.

Later, because of the relationship between the protoss, he was unwilling to be tired of Zongmen, so he took the initiative to break away from Daye Xianzong.

It is for this reason that Lin Lang has the deepest understanding of the large-scale seventy-two styles and is well aware of this transcendental martial art.

Properly used, it is not an exaggeration to call it the first martial art of melee.

Secondly, in the long-range attack martial arts, he chose the Qingxu method. This martial art is not an orthodox Taoism or one of the seven holy places. However, it has happened to be a genius who is amazing in history. Then the world evaporates.

Some people suspect that he was assassinated by several holy places, and some people say that he became epiphany once and closed for millions of years. But there is no doubt that the classics left by him are admired by future generations. They are a powerful emperor of Xiandi, and they are ashamed when it comes to creating exercises.

The body system is completely out of consideration. There is a night body system and everything is sufficient.

Lin Lang looked up at Lu Huowu, and the latter was full of anxiety. From time to time, he also went around to watch the alert and looked like a guardian.

Lin Lang's heart was slightly warm, and he did not expect this little Nizi to have this intention.

At this time, Lu Huowu saw Lin Lang return to normal, first asked with a worried face, and then she was relieved when she was sure that the other party was okay.

"I haven't seen a move for a long time, and I don't want you to answer. I thought you were out of control."

"If you go into trouble, it is estimated that no one can save you as a great master." Lu Huowu joked half-jokingly.

"Rest assured, only I let others go into the devil, not when I go into the devil."

Lin Lang said with a smile.

"Huh, bragging again." Lu Huowu poked her lips and thought of the previous events.

"They were just run away by Boss Yang. When they go back and prepare again, they are not good because of the influence behind them."

Lu Huowu cautioned carefully.

Although he did not know the identity of the other two parties, he could guess about it. None of these three forces is weaker than Lujia, and even moving the entire Lujia may not be able to compete with it.

"Anyway, I let them go on purpose."

Lin Lang waved his hand, but Lu Huowu was even more confused. In the situation just now ... shouldn't we cut the grass and eradicate the root cause?

"What do you mean?"

Lin Lang smiled and didn't say a word, only to see his fingers gently out of a complicated gesture.


Since Bai Jiuheng suffered a loss in Lin Lang's hands, his courage was almost frightened. Even if he ran away, he was frightened and turned back in three steps.

"It's okay, that person didn't follow me."

Bai Jiuheng didn't see Lin Lang chasing for a long time, which relieved him, but he didn't dare to slow down his escape. He just wanted to see the Master of the Bai family as soon as possible. The strong Bai family head Bai Mucai will do.

Finally, Bai Jiuheng, who had fled for a long time, finally rushed back to Bai's house, and told Bai Mu what he heard.

"You said you met the young master?"

Bai Mu asked in a reclining chair.

"Yes, he punched a giant elephant nearly ten meters in one punch, trampled a dozen people on one foot, a dozen people, even the monk who was repaired by King Kong Si who was similar to me was killed by one foot. . "

Bai Jiuheng tried to describe the scene he saw.

But Bai Mu, who was listening, frowned.

"Do you want to say that he has the medicine king Gu Fang, who is so popular?" Bai Mu asked.

"Yes." Bai Jiuheng nodded.

"Do you have to say that besides that, he has not yet reached the age of twenty, but has reached the realm of the Grand Master, or even the legendary divine realm?" Bai Mu asked tirelessly again.

"Yes, yes, you always know this."

Bai Jiuheng chick nodded like a peck of rice.

"Junk stuff, are you crazy or am I crazy?"

Bai Muzhen stood up.

Bai Jiuheng didn't expect that his parents would suddenly become angry. When he was in a hurry to explain, he was surprised to find that his mouth was blocked by a foreign body, and he wanted to speak, but he couldn't open his mouth at all.

If you look at it from other angles, you can see such a picture. The blood vessels on Bai Jiuheng's body burst, and even the smallest capillaries burst out, showing a dense blood network on his face, and it looks quite dazed.

"what happened?"

Bai Mu also noticed something wrong and was thinking of getting help, but it was too late.

Bai Jiuheng bleeds Qiqiao, but he is completely ignorant, staring blankly at Bai Mu. He grinned a little, and then fell backwards.

Upon entering, Bai Jiuheng had no breath.

"Did you die in the spell?"

Bai Mu frowned, staying beside Bai Jiuheng's body and meditating.

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