Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 159: Ambush on the road

This is a strange group of middle-aged men headed in a brocade, which depicts a black and white Tai Chi figure.

Following him, a young man holding his chest and carrying a sword, it stands to reason that in modern society, there would still be some people walking around with cold weapons, saying that he could not be caught just out of the office.

But this youth is one.

Around the youth, a monk with six scars on his head, tall and strong, looks like an iron tower. Next to him was a little old man with a blind eye, a bald head, but the insignificant temperament was obvious at a glance.

Taoist priests, monks, swordsmen, wretched old men and a group of four people belong to those categories that are completely out of reach.

Lu Huowu looked like the enemy and watched the four with vigilance.

"At the forefront is the orthodox heir of Yang's Taijiquan. The boss of the Yang family is said to be the descendant of Yang Luchan's predecessors. A pair of fists is rarely capable of fighting."

Lu Huowu was well-informed and introduced one by one with her knowledge of the martial arts circle.

"I don't know the background of the youth, but I saw him once at the last martial arts conference, and rushed into the top 100 of the martial arts conference with one shot, and the strength cannot be underestimated."

"I've also met a monk for the first time, but it looks like his monk should be wearing a monk at King Kong Temple. The monk at King Kong Temple is known as King Kong Fuhuquan, and has become famous in the military circle."

"As for the little old man ..."

Speaking of which, Lu Huowu's complexion was hard to look at once, silver teeth clenched, and a sudden burst of fierce light broke out in his eyes.

It's hard to imagine that she has such a spleen and temperament on weekdays.

"This guy is nicknamed Li Erse. He is a mischievous casual repairer. In the past two decades, more than 100 girls have been scourged, and he is ranked 10th on the Chinese arrest list."

Lu Huowu said with gritted teeth. Facing such a **** demon, she has natural hostility as a female, not to mention that she has been a fugitive for many years, and the special operations team has failed to bring her to justice.

Lin Lang knew for himself that he had been in contact with the fifth group for so long. He knew what the Huaxia arrest list was, which was equivalent to a wanted order in the world of warriors. The list included all the most sinful warriors.

"Also, since I was caught up today, I simply packed him up." Lin Lang thought secretly.

"Now that the little girl is finished, let's talk about it first."

Boss Yang took a step forward and looked at Lin Lang with great interest, especially the little old man next to him. When he saw Lu Huowu, he even lightened his eyes and rubbed his palms.

"Is there anything to talk about? We have no grievances in the past and no revenge in the past. It is not good to stop someone's way for nothing." Lu Huowu frowned.

"The husband is guilty, and you are pregnant, you did not offend me, but he ..."

Mr. Yang smiled and looked at Lin Lang with interest.

"You all came to build Kidan."

Lin Lang said indifferently. In fact, when he came out of the lead-in hall, he found the sneaking followers of these people, but now he has taken the initiative to show up.

There should be no other reason to provoke these warriors than Zhujidan.

"It's different to deal with smart people, and you don't need to talk too much." Boss Yang smiled and said, "Since you understand in your heart, then don't make nonsense obediently give me Zhujidan. Power cannot be maintained. "

"By the way, and Dan Fang, who builds Jidan, I can hand it over to you."

Boss Yang stood with his chest in his arms. Seeing this, it really seemed that Lin Lang was not in his eyes.

The rest of the people probably did the same. They looked like they were in the big picture, especially the old man in color, after seeing Lu Huowu, flashed a seductive look in his eyes.

"Well, this chick has perfect thighs. I really want to have a good time."

"I want this chick, and I'll have to pack up later."

The old man licked his lips, and his gaze stayed on Lu Huowu's slender legs, without blinking.

These slender legs almost made him want to stop, more than the hungry ghost saw food.

"You guy's sick again ..."

The others were a little speechless, the little old man was lascivious, and they knew the legs, but they didn't expect that the color embryo would still be able to color in this case.

You don't need to look at it, the old man's saliva has left the ground.


Lu Huo danced angrily.

"If you hit your mind on us, aren't you afraid of the revenge of the Lu family?" Lu Huowu said coldly.

"Lu family? Are you from the Sichuan family?"

The little old man's face changed slightly. The Lu family had a good reputation in the martial arts world, and there was a grandmaster sitting in the town.

But these things, the boss Yang did not explain to him clearly, only to find a few pressure to find them.

This made him look at each other subconsciously.

"Interesting and interesting, all say that you are so daring and embarrassed, Lao Li, why do you have the heart and the courage today?"

Boss Yang laughed.

"Fart, Lu Jiake and the Grand Master sit in the town. You have Yang family to support you."

The old man scolded him badly.

After ridiculing his companions, Mr. Yang turned back and looked at Lu Huowu: "Don't you think I didn't investigate your identity well before intercepting the two of you?"

"Not only that, I also know that the old bones of the Lu family are coming. He is afraid he hasn't survived for a few years, right? Do you think I'm right, Miss Lu?" Yang boss mocked Lu Huowu.

Lu Huowu's complexion changed slightly, and her heart felt an unpleasant premonition.

"So what? The Yang family has a long tradition, our Lu family is not bad, and we are anxious to fight for your life. The Yang family is not much better."

Lu Huowu reluctantly responded.

"The current Lu family still has time to worry about you. It may still be Miss Lu's family, but I'm afraid it will not be after the end of the martial arts conference."

Although Boss Yang's voice was faint, the amount of information sent out shocked several people present.

"Does the Bai family have to do something with the Lu family ..."

When I think of it, the little old man can't hold back anymore, and weighs it in his heart, after all, his heart is over reason.

No matter who he likes, the allure of women is more addictive to drugs than drugs.

"Boss Yang, I don't want the reward you gave me, I want this chick, but let's talk about something wrong and carry it together." The old man whispered.

"The deal."

Boss Yang nodded, these were all he called for help, he would be happy to share a small share of the reward.

"This little girl plays as you please, I want to shock the realm, as long as the Chikidan on him."

Boss Yang pointed at Lin Lang and clearly stated his own conditions.

"Then I want Dan Fang and everything else on him."

The monk of the tower said in a snorting voice, don't look at him like a monk with great compassion, but it's unequivocal to discuss benefits.

"I want someone."

In a blink of an eye, the four people had finished dividing up in front of Lin Lang, and seemed to treat each other as a lamb to be slaughtered.

In fact, it is true that these four people are all Xiuwei from the late period of the warrior. As long as they are not bad luck and run into the guru, they are basically invincible.

"You are just an ordinary person. Even if you have the Lu family to support you, you won't be able to protect Zhugedan. Give it up, and you will suffer from the flesh, otherwise ..."

Boss Yang made the final ultimatum, and several others followed his palms and surrounded him with a poor complexion.

"Too much bullying."

Lu Huowu's body trembled and her fists clenched. If it wasn't for Lin Lang who was looking for peace, she would have rushed to teach them something.

"Yes or no?"

Boss Yang pressed it step by step.

In the face of this situation, Lin Lang smiled instead. Just trying to clean up these unopened guys, his expression followed.

"It looks like your competitors are here."

Lin Langruo looked deeply at the four people.

"What do you mean?"

Boss Yang froze and asked, frowning.

His voice had not completely fallen, and a dozen people in black suddenly came out in the depths of the jungle, some walking on foot, and others jumping from the tree crown.

After these men in black stood still, they invariably turned to the left and right, and became two distinct groups of people, both watching each other with vigilance.

Although it is also covered in black and covered with black cloth, these are two very different groups.

Boss Yang suddenly realized that he understood the meaning in Lin Lang's remarks. Many people who had the same idea with him were there.

Boss Yang is also serious. Although he is extraordinary in strength, he has reached a half-step, but at the same time facing so many warriors, even if he feels tricky.

Lu Huowu's face also dignified, she felt that these people have a long breath, the worst is also the middle of the warrior, are all top masters. Several of them are even the culmination of the warriors when she rushed into depression.

However, thinking of Lin Lang singled out the whole of the fifth group, she could be a little relieved.

"Taking the team leader's practice as an example, even if it can't deal with so many people, at least it should be no problem to retreat from the whole body." Lu Huowu thought secretly.

For a while, the vigilant group of three people turned into a corner and surrounded Lin Lang in the room. No one did it first.

"This person is ours, and I ask you to give me the next face and give him to us."

A man in black stood up and arched his hands.

"Why should I give you this man?

Another group of men in black didn't budge.

"There should always be one who comes first, then this one. I found this person first, and it should be given to me." Boss Yang was also unwilling to show weakness.

"Boss Yang, I think you should be able to hear who I am, and look at our friendship in the past. Maybe you and I will join hands, there will be good returns in Japan." The man in black said calmly.

Boss Yang narrowed his eyes slightly. He naturally heard that his old friend, Bai Jiuheng, was speaking from Baijia.

"Boss Yang, you dare, I work for others too, don't say I didn't warn you, the big thing behind the Zongmen behind me is broken, even the Yang family can't afford it."

Another group of men in black is also threatening.

Most of the martial arts circles are divided into portals. Today, the major families are almost all branches of ancient sects. For example, the Yang Family Taijiquan used by the Yang family was created by the ancestor Yang Luchan, but it was born out of the Wudang school.

The Wudang School's Chen, Yang, Sun, Zhaobao Taijiquan and other eight schools show the Wudang School's influence in ancient times.

Although now Wudang Mountain is already empty.

In a nutshell, there is a larger sect above the family.

It's just that these ancient gates should be declining, the annihilation should be almost gone, and few are born.

There are still active martial arts in the world, and it is estimated that there is only Wangzong.

Although the identity of the two men in black is not on the bright side, the boss Yang has already guessed is inseparable, but this is not the reason for his withdrawal.

When it comes to marching into the realm of heaven, even if Laozi Laozi comes, he has to be a little behind.

"Zongmen, you're so out of breath, I'm not a vegetarian, Yang Huaren, just come and go."

Boss Yang pretended not to know, and snorted coldly.

Seeing that the leaders of the three parties can't stop arguing, the atmosphere suddenly opened up. It ’s full of gunpowder, and it seems like there may be a big hit in the next moment,

At this time, a playful sound sounded.

"Don't fight, you can't run away anyway."

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