This Zhujidan is the elixir that he specially made for his parents. There is exactly one of the elixir on his body, and he simply took it out.

Different from the previous Xiaozhujidan, after all, Xiaozhujidan has a small character. Its medicinal properties are only one-third, and Zhujidan is the panacea of ​​the immortal.

Such an elixir is nothing in the immortal world, but it is not an exaggeration to call it "xiandan" in the vulgar world. It is no wonder that the people in the medicine Wanggu are difficult to calm down.

"Building a base, building a base, isn't it ... the kind mentioned in Dan Dao's brief history?"

Sun Yanzi's face changed, and Yao Wangzong had an ancient book about Dan Dao. The word Zhujidan was mentioned in it, but the method of refining was long lost.

As soon as I think of it, Sun Yanzi can no longer be calm. Every elixir mentioned in Dan Dao's brief history is the existence of Zhen Gu Shuo Jin. Yao Wangzong has been standing so far. Disabled party.

After calming down, Sun Yanzi said slowly: "Will this Zhugedan be sold to us, the medicine king Zong is willing to exchange it for a large price, I can take full control here."

Although Sun Yanzi did not directly say what the price is, everyone knows how the price given by Wangzong ’s position in the martial arts world is unusual.

This is already a kind of show of Yao Wangzong.

"Then what price can you give me?" Lin Lang asked.

As soon as the audience went down, their eyes fell on Sun Yanzi. They also wanted to know what price Wang Yaozong could give.

Sun Yanzi took a deep breath and said, "I have a jade amulet made by the Grand Master. In one blow, I can deal with the power of a serious Grand Master. It is perfect for life protection, and I can also give you a strain. A century-old spiritual plant, you choose ... "

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Lin Lang.

"I have no interest other than elixir. I want this."

Lin Lang said, pointing to a wooden box containing red ginseng.

"Uh ... I'm afraid ..."

Sun Yanzi is a little bit distressed. Although Zhujidan is good, it is only precious in quality. It must be less valuable than red ginseng. She doesn't want to take it, she just wants to get back a refined material.

Moreover, every elixir that is more than five hundred years old is very precious. There are not many king medicines that collect Luotianxia elixir. In this way, it is definitely a loss.

At least she thought so.

"Although Zhugedan is good, it is still a lot worse to exchange red ginseng, unless you take out two more Zhugedan." Sun Yanzi gritted her teeth.

"I made only four kidans in one furnace at that time, and only this one was left in my body."

Lin Lang shook his head.

Sun Yanzi keenly grasped the point in the remarks and looked at Lin Lang in shock.

"You mean ... you made this Dan yourself?"

"Are you the alchemist ?!"

Sun Yanzi stared at Lin Lang for a while, and seemed to want to see through the details of the other side. Just as the division of martial arts is divided, Dan Dao also has the division of strength along the way. There are three types of masters: Dan Chengdan, Dan division, and alchemist division.

And to be able to make elixir like Zhujidan, she doesn't have this ability. It is estimated that only the king of the medicine king, the medicine king has such means.

Lin Lang smiled and said nothing, but Sun Yanzi knew that the other party was acquiescent.

Even so, she is incredible, such a young boy has reached the level of the drug king?

Fortunately, Sun Yanzi did not forget that she was still in the negotiation period, and then she said, "Since you are an alchemist, then I will not go out of circle. Presumably, your lord should also know the value of red ginseng. It's hard to see. "

"It's not impossible to change red ginseng, and I have already promised you a position of medicine king Zong Keqing here."

"I don't need to build Zhugedan. I just need to take a look at Zhudan's Danfang. What do you think?"

Her voice fell, and the audience became noisy.

Due to its particularity, Yaozong Wang has always been aloof in the martial arts circle. On weekdays, only others ask for their alchemy, when is it when they are looking for elixir. For a panacea, it is common for the masters to come to the door. Even so, the medicine king may not necessarily agree.

As the King of Medicine King Zong, he has the privilege of free refining and enjoys the resources of the Medicine King Zong.

"Yao Wangzong has been ruthless. So far, there are only two or three people in Keqing Zong's guest. The strongest one is the Yin and Yang Taoist who ranks third in the list."

The warriors murmured, not to mention the value of red ginseng, and the position of Hao Qing of Yao Wangzong alone was enough to be worth ten red ginseng.

In their hearts, the promise of Yao Wangzong alone is worth a thousand dollars.

However, Lin Lang sneered at the obvious gesture of Yao Wangzong. There are indeed numerous Danfangs in his hands. Taking out a few low-level Danfangs is enough to drive the warrior world crazy, but this does not mean that he will be willing to be an injustice.

"I really have Dan Fang's Dan Fang in my hands. I want to exchange Dan Fang for thousands of years of elixir, otherwise I won't talk." Lin Lang said lightly.

"This is impossible."

Stefanie Sun's answer was surprisingly decisive, and she could not help being decisive when it came to the millennium elixir.

The elixir is a watershed from a century to a millennium. Don't look at the years that are not far apart, but the difference between the two before is like a world divide.

The millennium elixir has a harsh growth environment and knows how to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. The year can be refined even if it is older. Even its ten-nine-year-old elixir is not comparable.

According to Sun Yanzi's estimation, it is unknown whether the whole Huaxia can make up the ten millennium elixir, and the medicine Wang Zong Lizong only received three plants in a century.

It is for this reason that Sun Yanzi's rejection is so decisive, that it is worth the damage for a Dan Fang to damage the foundation of Zongmen.

"The millennium elixir is impossible. Change the conditions. I can do my best to satisfy you."

Sun Yanzi couldn't help laughing, thinking in her mind that this was the other party's deliberately high price. Negotiating, wasn't it just a lion opening each other, and finally arguing over a price.

But what she didn't expect was that after she said this, Lin Lang shook her head calmly, got up and put away the banner. It seemed that she didn't want to stay.

"Wait a minute, your Excellency no longer think about it, Yao Wangzong is absolutely sincere ..."

Stefanie Sun exits in a hurry.

"I refuse, unless you get what I want."

Lin Lang helplessly spread his hands and left calmly.


"He turned down Elder Sun?"

Everyone was a little weird. What kind of ancestor was Yao Wangzong, and everyone else rushed to ask for it. Today, it is absolutely incredible to do business with a little-known boy.

What's even more incredible is that people only have millennium elixir in their eyes, and they don't want bird medicine Wang Zong at all.

"What the **** is this guy doing? How dare he?"

The warriors were amazed, shocked and confused at the same time.

Of course, some fighters sneered in the heart: "How is Yao Wangzong an easy-going generation? Today, he dares to reject Yao Wangzong in person, and this boy is probably in danger."

Sun Yanzi's expression was stiff, but there was a flash of coldness in her eyes. She had already said this, and she was still rejected.

It was not just her face, but the dignity of Yao Wangzong.

"Since you don't know how to behave, then blame me for being ruthless."

Sun Yanzi's eyes were cold and vomit, looking back at Xu Zhan, without talking, everything was in silence.

Xu Zhanyi nodded, nominated a good disciple, and quickly followed.


Out of the gate leading to the hall, Lu Huowu quickly caught up with Lin Lang.

"Leader, you shouldn't have rejected them in person just now. At least you can discuss it privately. Although Yaowangzong is an alchemist, his overall strength is not worse than that of the Xiuwu family."

Lu Huowu couldn't help it.

"Really?" Lin Lang glanced at Lu Huowu lightly.

"It is said that it is the alchemy sect of alchemy, but in fact their method is more vicious than the Xiuwu family. Why does the world's Danshi only gather in Yaowangzong? There are many doors in the middle." Lu Huowu worried.

The meaning of her words is very clear. Yao Wangzong is not a good person. In order to eliminate dissidents and achieve the sole purpose of a family, God knows how many Danshi fellows have been eliminated before they have the scale today.

"Just as long as they come, I will kill as much as I can."

Lin Lang said indifferently, anyway, he was in need of the millennium elixir, and the medicine king Zong dared to provoke him, using this as an excuse, and came to pick it up.

Seeing that the persuasion was useless, Lu Huowu sighed.

"The King of Medicine Wang Zong is not an ordinary person. Even if the weakest Xu Zhan among the three big guests is in the middle of the transition, it is far from an extraordinary master who can resist.

Lu Huowu was quite worried.

The martial arts conference has come here. Since Lin Lang does not have the elixir needed, he naturally does not need to stay.

At least until the next five days, he was not going to show up.

The two walked forward, and soon broke away from the coverage of Mount Emei, walking in a quiet forest, and Lu Huowu soon realized that something was wrong.

It's too quiet around here.

As a member of a special operations team, high reconnaissance ability is their strength, so before she can sense the enemy's breath, she has detected the anomaly and began to prepare.

"Leader, do you feel that the neighborhood is too quiet, as if someone is staring at us from behind."

Lu Huowu's psychological quality is very good, she still said quietly while walking and lowering her voice.

"Anyway, there are a few annoying little flies around, just pat to death."

Lin Lang paused, looking back to the back of the sky tree.

"Come out."

Lin Lang said lightly.

Pop, pop!

Several applause sounded, and several weird men came out from behind the tree.

"Your alertness is high. I didn't expect you to find it so hidden."

A middle-aged man smiled and clapped, but his face suddenly became cold.

"Even if you find out, it's late."

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