Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 153: Lujia Dinner

The bus started again, thunderous applause in the car, and applause continued.

For these ordinary people, a Pi Boss is already a god-like figure in their eyes, and now the cows who are more powerful than Pi Boss bow their heads, which can satisfy their little pleasure.

"This is the heart of a person. Changing face is faster than turning the book, and take it for granted." Lin Lang sighed in his heart.

Soon after, the bus stopped at a station in Shuzhong City.

Mo Xiaofei and Lin Lang also reluctantly counted as sufferings and shared classes in the Sichuan University campus. They invited Lin Lang to play Sichuan, just waiting for a few days of the school season.

Lin Lang naturally has no interest, and besides, there is still a thing to wait behind, he declined politely.

However, Mo Xiaofei had no plans to stop there. He had no help in Chuanshu. Now, when he met an alumni from the same campus, it seemed that he was not an ordinary person.

"You saved us once, then I'll ask you to have dinner." Mo Xiaofei smiled sweetly.

After speaking, before waiting for the other party to answer, Mo Xiaofei pulled Lin Lang to a Chinese restaurant near the station.

"While you want something to eat, I treat you today."

Mo Xiaofei patted his **** with arrogance.

Because Lin Lang looks younger, and has just happened to set off, the image of the gentleman of Lin Lang is getting taller, so the two big beauties of Mo Xiaofei have no worries and ordered a dozen bottles of beer in one breath.

In fact, Mo Xiaofei originally wanted to intoxicate Lin Lang, and then took the opportunity to detect the identity of the other party. From the recent incident, she could faintly see the amazing background of Lu Huowu, but for Lin Lang who directed Lu Huowu's affairs, no idea.

However, she was finally disappointed. Although she had a good drink, she was nothing in front of Lin Lang. The three of them worked together to get drunk by Lin Lang.

In the end, the two of Lin Lang returned the drunken three to the hotel, and after exchanging contact information, the two went to Lu's house.


The richest man in Sichuan Province is the Meng family, but in addition to the richest man, there are four families: Bai, Lu, Deng, and Chen. The status is not worse than that of the Meng family.

After all, the richest person is just a personal name. It is impossible for one person to have more assets in the name to drive all the family. However, the four major families have been entrenched in Sichuan for many years and are deeply entrenched. It is difficult to coordinate the small asset industry and the gray chain in the name. Together, this gave the Meng family the name of the richest man.

To talk about family connections and influence alone, the Meng family has to be slightly inferior, and the Sichuan and Sichuan martial arts prevail. In particular, the four major families are still the Xiuwu family, supported by many warriors, and their status has been as stable as Mount Tai.

None of these things are comparable to the newly emerged family of the Meng family for decades. As a result of the rise of the Meng family, it can only be ranked at the bottom of the family ranking, and it can barely be counted as the 'fifth family'.

Time is not long, Lin Lang came to the door of Lu's house.

Most of the warriors are deliberate, they don't have as much desire for things outside of the ordinary, such as the Lu family, everything is simple, there are no luxury villas, some are just a row of antique high-rise courtyard courtyards.

Lu Chunfeng, the current owner of the Lu family, and Xiu Wei, the master of the warrior, heard that his daughter was back and went out to meet him in person.

"Xiaowu, is this?" Lu Chunfeng asked with a frown.

"He is the new team leader of our group, Lin Youye, this is my father." Lu Huowu introduced warmly.

Lu Chunfeng was shocked in his heart. He knew that his daughter was working in a special department in Huaxia, and the colleagues around him were also good martial artists.

What surprised him was Lin Lang's age. It seemed that he was still a lot younger than his daughter. Such a young man of eighteen years old could hold heavy weights, how could he be an ordinary person?

As for Lin Lang's Xiuwei, it was not in his consideration at all. An 18-year-old boy was just playing her martial arts to catch up with her daughter.

The only explanation is related households.

"You can do this at a young age, and you don't have any practice on your body. It is estimated that which big man arranged to exercise."

Lu Chunfeng thought to himself, the more he thought, the more shocked. Huaxia is a society of personal relationships, where people will have friendships. How terrible the background behind this teenager is, he can be arranged into that organization at a young age.

"Leader Lin has such achievements at a young age. He can be regarded as a young talent."

Lu Chunfeng was very enthusiastic and took the initiative to talk with Lin Langpan.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Lu Chunfeng enthusiastically received a meal from the family of Shang Lu and Lin Lang.

Due to the vague guess of Lin Lang's extraordinary identity, the dinner was naturally staggered, and the guests and hosts were happy. At the end of the meal, Lu Huowu took the initiative to bring up the martial arts conference.

"The presidency of the martial arts congress has always been exchanged in turn. It is held by the winners of the previous generation of martial arts congresses. The previous generation of martial arts congresses have Bai Mu, the owner of the Bai family, as the most powerful. Naturally, this presiding power is in their hands. Lu Chunfeng explained.

"Tomorrow is the official day of the Budo Convention. By then, there will be many if you can find an obstacle-breaker."

"Well, this Bai family is getting more and more prosperous. Let's not talk about Bai Mu's crushing strength. Even Bai Chen in the younger generation is already a half step master, and there are few rivals in the younger generation." Sigh.

"This is also a superficial phenomenon. I heard that Bai Mu's brother Bai Ting has been in retreat for a few years, and I don't know if he has broken into the guru. If he also steps into the realm, plus Baicheng, the Bai family will have three masters. , I'm afraid it is extremely bad for our Lu family. "Uncle Lu Huowu also sighed.

There was a sorrowful cloud at the table, and a sigh of sighs continued.

Among the four major families, the Bai family and the Deng family are the best. Before that, they were all double masters. Only the Lu family had only a dry environment of the old man Lu, and there was not much time left.

The relationship between the Lu family and the Bai family has always been tense. After that, there was news of an alliance between the Bai family and the Deng family. If another three masters were to appear in the Bai family, I would be afraid of a devastating blow to the Lu family.

"I have good news," said the Lu family. "You all know about Yunwu Mountain a while ago, right?"

Everyone nodded, Yunwushan Yibao was born, and the Lu family sent some people at that time, but it was later reported that most people were damaged there, and few escaped the ascent.

"When the Deng family also sent military men, the leader was the Deng Ai of the Deng family, but then there was no news at all, and he should have died there."

There is irresistible excitement in the deep voice of the clan old. For the Lu family, the death of a great master of the Deng family means that their pressure will be reduced.

Everyone was unbelievable. The dignified Master of the Realm was astonishing. How could there be a threat to their existence in the world today?

"I have already confirmed this news. At that time, a young master appeared in the Yunwu Mountain. This Deng Ai was hit by a cliff by himself. This incident was accidentally revealed by the warriors who fled from the Chen family." The old man solemnly said.

The Lu family was convinced for a moment, but a lot of doubts arose in their hearts.

Young Master, is there such a figure in the Chinese martial arts world?

"The specific things are not well understood, but this young master should have this person, and Chen Jiawu mentioned it more than once."

"Young Master, how could there be such a character?"

Everyone took a sip of air-conditioning, and their hearts were horrified, especially the peak warriors such as Lu Chunfeng. It was difficult to change the situation and it was difficult to go to heaven. Otherwise, their peak warriors would not be stuck for so long before the transformation.

The peak warriors of the whole Sichuan and Sichuan may add up to dozens or even hundreds, but the master of the realm only has one hand, and there is such a proportion. Of course, there is no need to say more about the difficulties.

However, Lu Huowu took a look at Lin Lang without leaving a trace, and her heart had an answer.

"Forget it, such a vain thing as a young master, only the brothers and sisters of the Chen family escaped. One-sided words are not believed." Lu Chunfeng waved his hand.

After such an interruption, the topic returned to the family affairs. Everyone expressed their opinions and proposed many methods, but they were not satisfactory.

"I want to see that we can only join forces with the Chen family for this purpose, maybe we still have a chance to live." Lu Chunfeng said in a deep voice.

The Lu family nodded one after another. The form before them could not allow them to think any more. Only when they joined the Chen family could they save the Lu family.

The Lu family did not evade Lin Lang who was present, and each of them came up with their own opinions. This matter was quickly finalized. Tomorrow's martial arts conference will invite the owner of the Chen family to discuss the matter together.

"This matter is resolved, but I am worried about tomorrow ..." Lu Chunfeng still looked sad: "Baijia is bigger and he also has the right to host the martial arts conference. I am afraid it will be difficult for us. This is what What I worry about. "

The martial arts conference is not just a simple confirmation exchange. The final competition is the top priority. This involves the status and power division of each family. If they cannot get a good ranking, they will be regarded as weak and eventually annexed. Off.

The Lu family had a town in Huajing, but it was also an old man, and his blood was not as good as that year. If he had some misfortune and was there, it would be the day of the Lu family's collapse.

In the past, there were also many families who lost their top pillars because of the martial arts convention.

"Master Lu is absolutely incapable of participating, let's just get a little wronged if we get a little wrong." Lu Chunfeng said with a gritted teeth.

Although Lu Lao has the strength to transform the realm, but he is not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

Listening to the dialogue of the crowd, Lu Huowu's face also dignified, half a year away from home, I did not expect that Chuan Shu's situation has changed so much.

"Dad, actually this martial arts conference is not that nervous."

Lu Huowu suddenly made a noise.

Everyone looked sideways, and even Lu Chunfeng looked puzzled.

Feeling everyone's eyes, Lu Huowu took a deep breath and introduced.

"This is my team leader, as well as the helper I invited for our family."

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