Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 154: Meet the Guru

"Forget it, such a vain thing as a young master, only the brothers and sisters of the Chen family escaped. One-sided words are not believed." Lu Chunfeng waved his hand.

After such an interruption, the topic returned to the family affairs. Everyone expressed their opinions and proposed many methods, but they were not satisfactory.

"I want to see that we can only join forces with the Chen family for this purpose, maybe we still have a chance to live." Lu Chunfeng said in a deep voice.

The Lu family nodded one after another. The form before them could not allow them to think any more. Only when they joined the Chen family could they save the Lu family.

The Lu family did not evade Lin Lang who was present, and each of them came up with their own opinions. This matter was quickly finalized. Tomorrow's martial arts conference will invite the owner of the Chen family to discuss the matter together.

"This matter is resolved, but I am worried about tomorrow ..." Lu Chunfeng still looked sad: "Baijia is bigger and he also has the right to host the martial arts conference. I am afraid it will be difficult for us. This is what What I worry about. "

The martial arts conference is not just a simple confirmation exchange. The final competition is the top priority. This involves the status and power division of each family. If they cannot get a good ranking, they will be regarded as weak and eventually annexed. Off.

The Lu family had a town in Huajing, but it was also an old man, and his blood was not as good as that year. If he had some misfortune and was there, it would be the day of the Lu family's collapse.

In the past, there were also many families who lost their top pillars because of the martial arts convention.

"Master Lu is absolutely incapable of participating, let's just get a little wronged if we get a little wrong." Lu Chunfeng said with a gritted teeth.

Although Lu Lao has the strength to transform the realm, but he is not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

Listening to the dialogue of the crowd, Lu Huowu's face also dignified, half a year away from home, I did not expect that Chuan Shu's situation has changed so much.

"Dad, actually this martial arts conference is not that nervous."

Lu Huowu suddenly made a noise.

Everyone looked sideways, and even Lu Chunfeng looked puzzled.

Feeling everyone's eyes, Lu Huowu took a deep breath and introduced.

"This is my team leader, as well as the helper I invited for our family."


A word from Lu Huowu fell, and everyone was stunned, more than ten eyes glanced over, and finally fixed on Lin Lang's body.

"What is this younger brother?"

Not everyone knows who Lin Lang is, just thinking that it was the boyfriend Lu Xin brought back, so he didn't ask much. Many people have noticed him now.

"This is my team leader, Lin Youye ..."

Lu Huowu briefly introduced the relationship between the next two, and the Lu family also knew something about Lin Lang.

"How does he help us, does he call you a member of that special department?"

Lu Chunfeng wondered. He knew that there were a lot of experts in the special operation group, and it would be possible to bring them back to the situation.

Lu Huowu opened her mouth and later remembered Lin Lang's promise to him on the road, so she said, "If possible, the team leader will help if necessary."

"He shot?"

Lu Chunfeng was stunned. If it were not for his daughter's face and Lin Lang's special identity, he would have been annoyed by a change of anger.

However, he did not speak, which does not mean that other Lu families will not question.

"Xiao Wu, you are kidding me. The master of martial arts is like a cloud, let a boy who has nothing to do, everyone else thinks that our Lu family is gone." The Lu family whispered.

Others did not say so, but the meaning was already revealed.

I saw Huomao stood up and shook his head, looking at Lu Chunfeng.

"Dad, do you remember what I did when I left home?"

Lu Chunfeng nodded his head, glanced at Lu Huowu, and then wondered: "Hey? Daughter, you broke through again?"

Lu Chunfeng has a happy face and a sense of pride. He remembered that when Lu Huowu left Lu's house six months ago, he had just entered the middle of the warrior. It was only half a year later that he broke through to the late warrior.

And the condensed atmosphere is even worse than that of ordinary warriors in the later period.

Lu Huowu said, pointing to Lin Lang, saying: "One month ago, I was in the middle of the warrior's practice. Since I was instructed by the leader of the team, it is now the late warrior."


Everyone was taken aback by the fact that one month can improve a realm, which is really a bit scary. And listen to the meaning of Lu Huowu, these are all done by this young man?

"Yes, in fact, the real strength of Team Leader ..." Speaking of which, Lu Huowu looked at Lin Lang as if asking for it, and he saw that the latter had no unwillingness and simply spoke.

"He is a Grand Master."

Although Lu Huowu's voice was dull, it sounded like a sullen thunder, ringing in everyone's mind.


This is a guru!

"How could it be that I didn't question him intentionally, but even the Huaxia Valkyrie today does not achieve this level."

Someone has muttered.

This kind of transcendence of common sense is almost a subconscious denial that a master can have, but such a young master has never heard of it.

The rare silence of the Lu family all looked at Lin Lang with various eyes.

Silence is the most polite question.

Lu Chunfeng is naturally unbelieving. How many shocked and amazing people have been from ancient times to the present. Such people have at least about twenty breakthroughs. How can a young master be possible?

But he also knew that his daughter was not a boastful person, and what he said must be well-founded.

"It's a big event, and the martial arts conference involves a lot of people, so I'm afraid I might worry about my life, so I have to take the liberty to ask the last one, is it sure that the leader Lin has changed the situation?"

Lu Chunfeng looked diligently at Lin Lang, and the answer in his mouth was the most true.

"Do you think I need to lie on this matter?" Lin Lang said indifferently.

"This ..." Lu Chunfeng was speechless for a moment, and he asked these words to confirm Lin Lang's cultivation behavior, but he heard Lin Lang's acknowledgement and became even more unbelievable.

It is not that he looks down on the other person, but that things have exceeded his cognition and cannot be believed.

"I'm really sorry, can Team Leader show me something, in case something happened in the martial arts conference, we are sorry for you."

Lu Chunfeng hesitated again and again, and finally chose to speak.

"Okay, then I'll give you a good look, what is the guru."

After that, Lin Lang's momentum changed, like a sword out of nowhere, aggressive. He sat in his seat and didn't get up, just pointed far away at the seat where Chunfeng landed.

One finger dropped and there was no sound for a long while.

Lin Lang closed his hands, like the silent people, no one spoke.

In the end, Lu Chunfeng couldn't help asking: "Leader Lin, you are ..."

He also wanted to say what are you messing with, why didn't I understand?

Others are similar, and my heart said that you want to show, there has been no change in this half a day, is this to show that your fingers are longer than other people?

Even Lu Huowu looked puzzled.

"Master Lu, try to stand up and take a look." Lin Lang said leisurely.

"Let me stand up." Lu Chunfeng was puzzled, but still obeyed Lin Lang's instructions and slowly got up.

What shocked everyone was that something happened.

I saw in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the chair under Lu Chunfeng's **** turned 噗嗤 寸 into a 寸 powder, leaving a piece of wood dust.

"Uh ... so amazing."

Lu Chunfeng understood what was going on. It turned out that the chair had been turned into a powder when the other man pointed out, but he kept reluctantly keeping balance. Later, when he moved, the dust returned to the dust.

This precise control ability is frightening.

"If it's not the stool, it's me ..."

Lu Chunfeng swallowed and dared not think about it.

Lin Lang's hand showed shock, and everyone quickly reacted from the shock and realized the most critical issue.

Secretly released, the guru's logo.

Determined that this is really a Grand Master, and still ... a young Grand Master!

Lu Chunfeng soon recovered from the horror and stood up solemnly punching Lin Lang.

"Meet Master Lin!"

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