Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 152: Who said that the bus is poor


The sound of a cracked bone sounded, and the second child had no time to scream, and then the pain came to his mind and passed out.

There were tears in the corner of Mo Xiaofei's eyes.

Everyone is still still. If anyone could think of such a weak and water-like girl, she would have so much power under her feet.

Boss climbed up with blood in his mouth, only to feel that there were a few hard foreign objects in his mouth, and his mouth spit out like a few white flowers.

While he looked up, he just saw the scene where Pi's second child was abolished.

"I'm sloppy ..."

Pi Bo's eyes are spitting fire. Since he joined the society, he has been sailing smoothly and when he has suffered such humiliation.

Not only was his face badly damaged, but he also made people lose a few teeth.

"Grass ... you wait for me."

Mr. Pi pulled out his phone and immediately dialed a phone number. After a few words, he hung up.

"Let's go."

Lin Lang turned slightly.

The crowd was watching while they were watching. It wasn't until Lin Lang's voice fell that they reacted, and their expressions couldn't help changing.

Who is Boss Pi, a famous bully in Shili and Baxiang? There is not much to do in Yurou Township. Usually he is the only one who bullies others. Now he is so miserable that he can swallow it.

For the sake of today, the sooner you can escape from this right and wrong place, the better.

"Boss Pi will definitely retaliate against him, but let's run without any problem."

A middle-aged woman took a nap. At this time, a speed broke out that the young man couldn't reach. She ran up her leg and ran into the car.

The rest of the passengers were also the same, for fear of being caught by the pond fish, and went back to sit down.

After getting seated, the passengers spoke.

"Master, if you drive, you will end up here if you don't leave."

The driver obviously also realized the seriousness of the matter, nodded hard and restarted the car.

How can Boss Pi be able to deal with such a big loss today? This will let them go again. Where can he lose his face?

"Don't even think about leaving anyone. Just now Fei Ge said, whoever dares to leave today will be his enemy and my Pi Zhiyou."

Boss Pi ran to the middle of the road and opened his arms to block the road.

Although Boss's speech was not clear, some passengers distinguished his name from his vague words.

Flying brother!

Fei Ge made a speech to keep them away.

At the same time as the voice fell, many passengers' faces suddenly changed, and they no longer looked at the scene when they were just busy. Fei Ge made a speech.

"It's over, it's a big deal, and no one can run away when Fei is here."

A passenger murmured.

"Who is Feige? Why do I seem to have heard it?" The young man in the headphones asked vaguely.

"Feige is Big Fei, Big Fei in Shuzhong City."

"Boss Pi is standing behind Big Fei?"

It was said that the youth seemed to have remembered something and looked pale for a while.

Little Pi's name may not be known, but Da Fei's name is well known. One of them is a small magpie, and the other is a big maggot, which is not comparable at all.

"Blame them all. It's okay to mess with the boss, otherwise they would have been in the city now."

"They blame them for their own responsibility, and what we do."

"That is, don't let a few of them get in the car, lest Big Fei think it has something to do with us."

Many passengers began to complain that Lin Lang and other talents were the culprits.

Only the little old man was kind, pushed the window, and thought of Lin Lang below: "You guys, run away, Big Fei is coming."

"Just come if he wants to, I'll wait here for him."

Lin Lang shook his head.

"Why don't you listen to me, Da Fei, you can't mess with it." The old man was anxious.

"You may not know that you are a foreigner. Da Fei was a demolition team when he was young. Then he dared to fight and seize half of the city of Shuzhong. Now there are countless fighters, and there are dozens of unknown murders And no one was checked on him. "

"The other day, a small boss at a coal yard clashed with him, and the next day he committed suicide, and you can't deal with such people anymore."

"It's okay, I've seen many of these little characters, and which one is not obedient in my hands." Lin Lang said indifferently.

Seeing dissuasion was useless, the little old man had to sit back and he had done everything to Lin Lang.

Lin Lang didn't take it for granted. No matter how many thugs, he could wipe out all of them with one finger. Lu Huowu is also not afraid, let alone her skills, no one dares to touch her in Chuanshu.

So the two men who were full of confidence just waited here and confronted Boss.

On the other hand, Feng Gang was frightened, and reached out and gently dragged Mo Xiaofei's sleeve, making a look.

Although this incident was caused by them, it wasn't them who did it. Besides, depending on the meaning of the people around them, Fei Ge was definitely a ruthless character.

Mo Xiaofei's eyes hesitated for a moment, and soon became firm.

How to say that Lin Lang was also to save her, so I ran away so sorry for others.

"No." Mo Xiaofei didn't make a sound, just spit out a "no" mouth shape.

Feng Gang was so anxious that he looked at Ai Xiaoxue. They are not natives, they are very helpless in Chuanshu, and they can easily suffer.

Ai Xiaoxue also sat on the wax. She wanted to leave, but she didn't want to leave Mo Xiaofei here alone.

"Run? Can you run away? Even if you run Fei Ge, you can get you back right away." Boss Mo sneered.

"Close your mouth, otherwise I don't mind cutting your tongue."

"Let your brother Fei hurry up. I only give him five minutes." Lin Lang said lightly.

"Also, you'd better make another call and ask him to call him, so that I can solve it a little bit."

Boss Mo was a little surprised, what level of Da Fei brother, did not scare the boy to report the fame, but the other party urged.

But after thinking about it, listening to this kid's accent has a northern flavor, it should not be a local, and I do n’t know that Fei ’s name is normal.

"Feige has over 200 younger brothers. There are more than a dozen nightclubs in operation, and the Deng family stands behind him. Even if the leader of Shuzhong City sees him, he will make him three points.

Boss Mo spoke coldly, then shook his head.

"Forget it, what will I do with you, you can't reach it at your level."

Lu Huowu's eyebrows frowned slightly. After listening to the mention of Boss Mo, he felt that the name was familiar.

With a little thought, she searched for a humble name from some corner of her memory.

"The flying brother you said is Xiang Hongfei?"

"Which is the onion Xiang Xiangfei, can he have a flying brother?" A younger brother who had just climbed from the ground couldn't help but rebuked. As soon as his words were finished, a black palm was patted on his face .

"Boss, what did you hit me?" The younger brother said wrongedly.

"I beat you lightly, Bai has a dog mouth, Fei is Xiang Hongfei."

Boss Mo's face is sinking like water. Fei Ge ’s real name is rarely known. After he became famous, he was called by Fei Fei. Otherwise, he is a big fellow, but he knows that his name is Xiang Xiang. Hongfei.

"Feige likes to call himself by his nickname. It is impossible for ordinary people to know Xiang Hongfei's name, isn't it ..."

Boss Mo suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Even if the little girls know the name of Fei Ge, it is probably a hearsay to bluff us, I really don't believe he can know Fei Ge."

The little brother was anxious to behave in front of the boss, so he added another sentence.

"A group of poor ghosts who have to take buses when they go out, they really think they are counterattacks."

Lu Huowu froze and laughed, she was even despised ...

"What are you laughing at?" The younger brother angered.

"I laugh at you, who said the bus must be the poor." Lu Huowu giggled.

"Shut up girls, you will look good in a moment."

At this moment, a jeep opened the road, and three or four vans came behind, stopped behind the bus, and hurriedly got out of the car.

噌 bell!

The sound of a stabbing knife sounded, and more than 50 people came forward aggressively with a dazzling mountain knife. They were not in the city anyway, and they had no worries when they started.

"Fei brother!"

Boss Mo trot all the way. After standing, he hit a standard upright posture and greeted the middle-aged person headed by him.

"Little Mo." Fei nodded, then looked forward.

"It's these people. Wait for me to cheer you up."

Feige said half of it. After seeing Lu Huowu's expression clearly, his throat was like a fishbone stuck.

"Fei brother, this group of people, especially the boy is what he instructed, I'm useless to mention him to him." Boss Mo added jealously.

"To shut up……"

Feige was black-faced, and his steps could not help speeding up a bit.

"Feige, why are you walking so fast?" Boss Mo whispered and stepped up.

"Are you Xiaofei?" Lu Huowu frowned. Although she had seen each other, she was not very impressed.

"Smells, Fei Brother is what you can call, Grandpa Fei." Boss sighed coldly, but in his heart he was scolding Lu Huowu for not knowing whether he was alive or dead, so dare to call Fei Xiao Fei, and you will blame it if you don't kill him.

Unexpectedly, a big slap on his face instantly.

"Nima, you want to kill Lao Tzu, this is Miss Lu."

Fei Fei's anger faded, and he looked at Lu Huo Wu.

"Miss Lu, I have offended you with long eyes, and I'll pack him when I go back."

Boss Pi was beaten with aggression, but he was still able to realize that he had caused people who should not be, especially Miss Fei's sentence, which made him panic.

Miss Lu, surnamed Lu, is the only Lu family who can make Feige like this in Chuanshu.

"Oh my god, how could she be Miss Lu's scalp?" Pi's scalp was numb. His backing was Feige, and the backing behind Feige was Deng's. Lu's family and Deng's were only in the middle of the middle. He was in the end. How much trouble is caused.

"I remember that someone said just now that the public are all poor people, who rules?"

Lu Huowu glanced, said.

Boss Pi felt like crying for a while, and said that you Miss Lu's family was okay to take any bus. With a sound, you can line up the luxury cars. What a fun to come here.

But he didn't dare to say this anyway. In this case, as long as he was not a fool, he knew what to do, so he hurriedly apologized.

"It's no use giving me an apology, you ask him for not forgiving you."

Lu Huo pointed at Lin Lang.

Mr. Pi hesitated, Miss Lu could not provoke him, but he apologized to the boy. He was unwilling to do anything. The situation was better than others. Lu Huowu was standing beside him. He had to obediently come to Lin Lang. .

"I'm sorry," said the boss, scratching his head.

"Sorry to finish it?" Lin Lang said blankly.

Fei Ge seemed to understand Lin Lang's meaning, and scolded: "Be louder, be sincere, and apologize so that people can see your sincerity."

Pi Bo gritted his teeth, humiliation and resentment poured into his face, and he was about to speak, but was interrupted by Lin Lang's voice.

"No, I mean to abolish him." Lin Lang said lightly.

"What?" Fei Ge stunned, he was just jealous of Lu Huowu, but he didn't expect the boy to be fooled.

"I said I was going to abolish him."

Lin Lang's voice was not loud, but it made Feige angry. He had a close relationship with Boss Pi, otherwise he would not come here in person today. Later, it was already his bottom line to apologize to Pi Lao Da Dao. How can you abandon a general because of a woman who is relying on a woman?

"Shit boy, don't go too far, it's not good for anyone."

Fei Ge's face was sinking like water. He really was afraid of Lu's forces, but it did not mean that he could be slaughtered by anyone. The Deng family behind him was no worse than Lu's.

Moreover, the two families have a bad relationship, and even if they fall out, someone will protect him.

"Entrust it to you, Fire Dance."

Lin Lang took up his hand and took the bus.

"Yes, team leader."

Lu Huowu nodded, calmly stepped forward, and abusively shot the Boss, who had no time to react, to abolish the tragic situation.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Huowu did not solicit a little Fei's meaning, it was almost like slap face to face.

Surprisingly, although Fei Ge's complexion was cloudy, it did not occur.

Waiting for Lu Huowu to get on the car calmly, Fei Ge flew the younger brother aside.

"It's strange that this boy is the one who made the Lu family chick move."

Feige frowned. He could see clearly that the boy was completely directing Lu Huowu, and the other party was completely obedient. This is incredible for a girl who does not need to bow to anyone in Chuanshu.

Confused, Feige suddenly thought of something, and quickly called.

"Hey, Deng Shao, I saw a little white face with Miss Lu ..."

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