Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 151: Introduce you to a girl

At this moment, the recently aggressive passengers were also frightened. Surrounded by so many bright guys, most people have experienced this battle.

Faced with such a group of fierce hooligans, who has the courage to jump out and fight against it, isn't that looking for a puppet.

It is true that there is a sense of righteousness, but it definitely happens when the gap between the enemy and ourselves is very wide. In order to help someone who doesn't know, take another meal and beat him.

Later, some locals could not help but change their faces after seeing the young people who arrived later.

"It turned out to be Pi brothers, no wonder."

The Pijia brothers are very famous in Yingdong County.

Pi's second child has no patience. He usually bullies some honest people in Yurou Township, but Pi's boss is not an ordinary person. He contracts many projects in the city through his relationship.

How hard is the relationship behind being able to contract major projects on the second half of the highway to earn government money?

The passengers would go on and off right now. It's up to Pi Boss who can afford such a small citizen.

"Brother, it's them."

Pi's hateful complaint, lying on Pi's ears and didn't know what to say, in short, Pi's gaze stared at Mo Xiaofei for a while.

"I don't mean to embarrass you, I heard someone scolded my brother, and now I want this person to stand up."

Boss said coldly.

"I hope this person stands up, or no one will think about it."

At this point everyone turned his head, his eyes turned to heaven, as if things had nothing to do with them.

As a five-year-old youth in a new era, Mo Xiaofei felt that it was necessary to stand up just after being rescued by Lin Lang again.

"I was scolded, please contact me directly for anything." Mo Xiaofei snorted coldly.

Feng Gang's face changed slightly, and he quickly pulled Mo Xiaofei back.

"Don't cause trouble, we are unfamiliar in Chuanshu, and easily suffer."

"It's okay, how can he handle me in the broad daylight." Mo Xiaofei raised his eyes and showed no weakness.

She didn't seem to realize that there were few people around him.

The masses who have just claimed to be incarnations of justice have long been away from her in a state of mind that one thing is worse than one less.

"The little girl is kind of morale, I like your instinct." Although Boss smiled, her face became a little cold.

"But I heard that there was another guy with a blind eye who hit my brother. I don't know which one of you?"

Pi's gaze searched the passengers as if looking for a killer.

"Don't look for it, I hit someone."

Lin Lang fainted.

"Is this my brother you hit? You talk about how to solve this." Pi Pi said coldly.

"Then what do you want to do."

There was a hint of play in Lin Lang's mouth.

"I don't have to stop for a meal, and it's not impossible for you to let go." Boss Pi's eyes rolled around twice and pointed at Mo Xiaofei: "This girl should be your friend, unless she is with her at night I have a glass of wine. "

Feeling the obscene look from Pi Bo, Mo Xiaofei's face changed slightly. Where she had experienced this at school, the words just now were nothing but impetuous words.

Now calm down and think that in this place where people are not familiar, they only seem to be bullied. Even if they have the opportunity to return in the future, today's loss is also certain.

Fortunately, Lin Lang's words made her a little bit more at ease.

"What if I don't agree?" Lin Lang tilted his head, and a corner of his mouth rose.

"Don't agree, so don't you think about it today."

Boss snapped his fingers, and several of his men immediately moved the barricades to the highway and hung the signs for construction here.

Anyway, he contracted the repair work of half of the Sichuan-Shushu line, and temporarily closing the road is also within the scope of his power.

"Not only that, I'll hit you hard until you agree."

His voice fell, but the other passengers aside could not calm down. There are still more than ten kilometers of mountain roads to the urban area. Who wants to walk there?

"This is the road of the public, why should we not let us pass."

A middle-aged man complained, but when he saw the cold eyes of Boss, he quickly retracted his head and turned his mind on Lin Lang.

"Little brother, I'm in a hurry, and see if you can be accommodating." The middle-aged man looked down at the phone.

"Yes, little brother, you can discuss it with your friends, just drink a glass of wine, it won't be a problem. If you don't eat the immediate loss, you can avoid the pain of flesh."

"You were the one who hit you. There is no need to implicate us."

There are different ages around, and different tones continue to sound, some are requests, some are complaints, and some are ironic.

However, their words did not seem to be of much use to Lin Lang. He had always stood still and did not speak.

Finally, the passengers gave up Lin Lang and began to work from Mo Xiaofei.

"Little girl, I'm in a hurry, or should you do it?"

"Little boy, my mother is seriously ill and hospitalized. I won't see him after playing for a while. Please help."

"Go, just accompany it a few times, or you'll endanger your friends."

"Shut up, Xiao Fei, don't listen to them, he never wants to let us go."

Although Feng Gang's whistling was loud, he was also drowned in the crowd.

Mo Xiaofei's face was pale and his body kept going backwards.

The sound of every sound around made her look even paler. These people ... seemed to really sell her.

What the book never taught her was the human heart, the human heart that disappointed and could not stand the temptation.

At this moment, Lin Lang turned slightly.

"I can't give you this girl, but I can introduce you to other girls."

Boss Pi was a little hesitant. He had no intention of letting the kid go, but he just wanted to tease each other, but he did not agree.

Is this a stupid pig?

"Let me see which one?" Boss Pi asked with interest.

"Fire dance."

Lin Lang was on his back, so that he could not see any expression on him.

Hearing the words, the fire dance being nodded gently nodded, naturally Lin Lang's meaning was clear, and he took a step forward.

"Well? Another big beauty, this boy Yanfu is not easy."

Pi Boss also noticed at this time that Lin Lang had a beautiful **** par with Mo Xiaofei.

Especially the pair of slender beautiful legs came staggered, and the radian was going to hook his soul.

"Come and come, you can do it. I won't care about you when I go back to have a drink with Grandpa." Boss Pi swallowed, and the head card of any bath center couldn't compare with the girl in front of him.

"To shut up."

Lu Huo's face was like black charcoal. This guy with no long eyes dare to belittle her.

"Your friends have given you to me, and what are you holding back with me? Don't resist."

Boss laughed, and a pair of salty pigs touched it.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to try that smooth skin, the shoe print of a sneaker was first printed on his face.

Don't look at Lu Huowu who looks thin and thin like a girl, but this time the strength is not small, directly flew the boss of the skin, hit the ground and shattered a few teeth.

A lot of younger brothers couldn't watch the boss be beaten, whine and killed.

Although Lu Huowu is the weakest in the fifth group, anyway, she is also a warrior, and she has no pressure to deal with these ordinary people.

And to deal with a group of **** in Yurou Township, she had no intention of showing mercy, a pair of long legs danced, and soon all the hands of the guys were laid to the ground.

Pi's second child didn't do anything, but watching the situation was not good and was preparing to run.

"Abandon him."

Lin Lang's faint voice came out.

Lu Huowu hesitated for a moment, still a beautiful lunge flew out, kicked horizontally in the back of Pi's second child.

"I was wrong." Pi's second child quickly pleaded for mercy.

Lu Huowu ignored him.

After that, the pair of beautiful legs that were enough to make thousands of males go crazy on Pi's knees and twisted slightly.

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