Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 150: Who touched my brother

Outside the bus, a cursing voice sounded, and the driver could no longer maintain the driving posture safely.

As soon as the door was pushed out of the driver's seat, an oncoming **** came over him.

"Fuck, how do you drive?"

A young man in a hard hat shoved at the driver.

"Brother, I'm sorry." The driver kept apologizing, and he almost hit someone just now.

"I'm sorry, what's the use, I've broken your knee bone, and I'm sorry?"

"Tell you, my legs are broken, what do you say?"

The young man was unreasonable, and his arms were drawn in the air.

"I see him jumping around, how can it hurt?" Mo Xiaofei murmured aside.

"You can't see it yet, he is clearly touching the porcelain." Feng Gang pouted.

"Bumping porcelain?"

As soon as Mo Xiaofei's eyes lighted up, although porcelain touches often happened this year, no one has touched her actively. This is really a new thing for an unsocial girl.

"Let's go and see?"

Mo Xiaofei hurriedly pulled the five people in the back seat and got out of the car.

Listening to the conversation between the two, the passengers probably understood what was going on. The original curve was under construction, and this is exactly the blind spot of the driver ’s field of vision. Fortunately, the driver ’s response was fast enough and the emergency braking stopped The car.

At that time, there was still a distance of one or two meters from the youth.

"You hit me, of course, you will lose money." The youth took for granted.

"Nonsense, I have a driving record in my car, and we'll know if it hits you." The driver couldn't help yelling.

Upon hearing this, the youth ’s anger has also gone a lot, but it still buzzed: "At least you should also pay me for my mental loss. I was almost scared of mental illness by you. It ’s OK if you do n’t give money. Let ’s go to the city hospital Do a full inspection. "

"I don't have any hair. I've seen so many of you who touched the porcelain. I'll fall in love with you. Let's call the police."

The driver was also angry, and my heart said that I would not run this line any more than a day or two. Why do n’t you go on the highway blindly to find you the bill? You still have trouble with me.

The young man was still entangled, and the two were so arguing.

At this time the passengers also scolded.

"You said that what you did at a young age is not good. You have to touch the porcelain on the highway to harm others."

A little old man in his seventies couldn't help reprimanding.

"Rolling, Lao Tzu sent him this money? We are just talking about words, and I can't bear it in my heart." The youth impatiently said.

"Young people, you have to deal with people and people, people are not intentional, and you are not hurt."

The little old man tried to continue persuasion, but his kind persuasion was doomed to be superfluous.

"What kind of thing do you dare to train Lao Tzu, my mother sells it to you."

The young man spit into the ground.

"Bastard boy." The old man was so angry that he was so old, and it was the first time he had a child scold.

"You Pharaoh Eight Lambs."

The young man was not afraid and scolded him back.

Seeing the young guilty, the passengers in the car were too inconspicuous.

"You child, you don't know how the family educates, nor do you know how to respect the old and love the young."

"I don't know what's going on in society now, all kinds of people."

The middle-aged aunts also carried forward their specialties, and the number of sentences fell down like a mountain.

This young man is also a role. The rebuke of the people present was a sentence, and almost every one of them was passed back by him.

"You're too much, Grandpa is so old, you don't know to be respectful." Mo Xiaofei could not help but reprimand.

"What are you ..." The young man just wanted to scold, but when he saw Mo Xiaofei's look, his eyes flashed with astonishment.

"Little girl, you dare to scold me. If you scold your brother like this, I will get angry."

The young man grinned twice and talked and walked up to Mo Xiaofei.

"Get out of here, smelly hooligan."

Mo Xiaofei angered.

"I'm terribly angry. I'll fight myself even then."

Talking, the young man stretched out his salty pig and pushed it towards Mo Xiaofei's chest. This was of course the idea of ​​simmering oil.

No one expected that the youth would suddenly launch a sneak attack. Even Feng Gang did not expect that it was too late to protect.

Mo Xiaofei was so pale that she wanted to dodge in a hurry, but she had already stretched out her hands in advance and pressed it on the young man's head.

It was such a short-looking arm, but it was firmly pressed against the youth's head, making him unable to move forward and backward.

"Asshole, loosen me."

The youth can't stop struggling, but his hands are waving wildly but they can't reach each other at all, making the scene look like a dynamic picture.

When Mo Xiaofei came back, she found that the person who rescued her from the bad guys was a companion who hadn't known him.

"Go away and disappear from me right away, otherwise I don't mind dismissing you."

Lin Lang waved his hand gently, throwing the youth out of a buttock.

At this moment, the sound of crusade was overwhelming again.

A group of menacing, self-righteous passengers pushed forward, and there was a strong intention to do something different.


The youth's face growled loudly, and he turned and shouted behind him.

"Brother, I'll let people hit me without losing money, even hit me."

Soon after the words fell, a group of heavily armed ‘hard hats’ holding shovel sticks and other objects came near, and the number was about one or two.

"Who is going to touch my brother?"

A man who looked a bit like a young man was holding a guy in his hand and looked coldly at everyone. He stood at the forefront, obviously, he should be the head of this group of people.

"I ask you who wants to move my brother, stand up and see that I don't break his legs."

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