Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 149: Martial arts competition

The martial arts conference is held every year, and this year's martial arts conference is precisely in Shuzhong City, hosted by the Xiuwu family Baijia.

"Each martial arts conference will last for half a month. The first ten days are when martial arts fellows exchange magic miracles and exchange experiences, and the next five days are the highlights. At that time, the martial arts of all families will gather and divide Up and down, "Fire Dance explained.

Lin Lang knew in his mind that this martial arts convention had a meaning of Huashan on swords. No wonder it was called a martial arts convention.

The venue of the martial arts conference is different each year, with the winner of the previous year as the host.

Fire Dance has been training in the mountains in recent months, calling it isolated from the world, so the specific agenda of the martial arts conference is also unknown, and you have to rush back to ask the elders at home to understand.

Lu Huowu's family is in Shuzhong City. Naturally, it is impossible for them to pass by helicopter. They simply walked forward on foot, and soon came to the boarding and landing place of the bus.


The double-decker bus stopped slowly, and then started again.

Due to the large number of passengers on the car, Lin Lang had to sit in the last row of seats.

On the left hand side of Lin Lang is a pair of **** shorts with a long-legged fire dance, while on the right hand side is a beautiful girl with a looks and a tall figure almost comparable to fire dance.

The only difference is probably the size of the Bra.

Since breaking into the foundation, Lin Lang has faded away from the mortal body, and the overall appearance and temperament of the whole person has increased by more than one grade, even compared to the small fresh meat on TV.

The appearance of fire dance is not bad. Natural beauty handsome guy got into the car, but it attracted many passengers' amazing eyes.

When nothing happened, Lin Lang took out his mobile phone and did a bowed race, rumbling through it.

Since coming to Chuanshu, Lin Lang has basically not touched his mobile phone except for a few phone calls. As soon as the letter V was opened, the unread news was like a stream of water, rushing out.

Several of them were sent by Wang Xiaomei, and the rest were blessings from the students in the New Year, but more belonged to a girl.

Su Shilan's.

‘2018.2.16: Happy Chinese New Year!

2018.3.2: Happy Lantern Festival!



What did you do, Lin Lang? No news for months.

2018 ...

Hoohoo, you ignore me.

It ’s time to take the college entrance examination. I heard you want to take the Sichuan University? I also work hard.

2018.06.29: Oh, I finally finished the last test, so tired, how are you doing? Why don't we go out and play tomorrow? I'll treat you.

Alas, how about you, if you do n’t return to me, I will report the missing person. ’

There are more than ninety unread articles. In addition to some greetings, the meaning of complaints can even be read from the lines.

Maybe in her mind, this V letter that had disappeared has been used as a venting place to talk about feelings.

Seeing here, Lin Lang's heart sank a little, and the girl's voice and smile loomed in her mind.

July 18: "The transcript came out. The first volunteer I reported was Chuan Shu University. How about you? Are we the same university?"

Alas, you haven't told me to make a phone call after leaving Shencheng for so long. I left my hometown, lying on the bed, thinking of me, remember to make a call, I have been ...

Seeing this, Lin Lang's face was also a little dignified. He flipped through the address book and found the familiar contact to dial through.



Inside the Splendid Washington House.

The beautiful young girl in a robe was sitting in front of the bed, holding her jaw with her hands, watching the drizzling rain outside her window, her face indescribably lonely.

The window wasn't closed tightly. Through the gap, the young girl's green onion fingers gently stretched out and drenched in the rain. The water flower seemed to be soft and lingering around the fingers.

This is perhaps the best portrayal of her mood at the moment.

The girl smiled bitterly, and Slender hand held a handful of water.

"It's raining here, where are you?"

The girl whispered to herself, her eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the high-rise buildings, and she hoped.

Yeah, how she hoped a phone call would come at this time, even a simple greeting.

"The lingering suffering is only known to Acacia talents. When you are taken into your arms, that moment is eternal ..."

The ringtone of the mobile phone rang, and the girl inadvertently swept, but saw a ecstatic note.

The girl connected the phone with surprise and joy, and heard the voice that appeared in the dream countless times in her hope.

"Are you ok?"

On the other end of the phone, familiar and strange voices came.

"I'm fine, how about you?"

At this moment, the young girl seemed to open the conversation box, and the words gushed continuously, letting out the words that had accumulated in her heart for a long time.

Such a conversation is almost an hour.

Gossiping is gossiping, caring is caring, one yard at a time, but after all ... she doesn't have the courage to say the words that come to her lips.

Even the hint of courage was never there, perhaps this is ridiculously strong.

The phone was dropped, and the girl exhaled heavily, feeling lost in her heart.

When thinking of the next four years, they will be together in Chuan Shu, although not a university, but still filled her with small expectations.


the other side.

Lin Lang also put down the phone and sighed in his heart.

He never saw Su Shilan's intentions, but in his heart he was more willing to treat the two as a sibling relationship and simply take care of the relationship.

Su Shilan also took care of him after graduating from the previous life. In this life, he just wanted to return. So he couldn't give a promise at all, that was the biggest irresponsibility to her.

As if seeing Lin Lang's thoughts, the girl sitting on the right hand took the initiative to talk up. After all, in this age of looking at faces, beauties love handsome guys, not to mention active propositions, that is, it is not uncommon to take the initiative to p.

"Hello, my name is Mo Xiaofei." The girl held out her hand with a smile.

Lin Lang only noticed at this time that there was a girl with a better face next to the girl, and she should be above Mo Xiaofei, but her cold temperament gave her a stranger. Don't be proud.

Mo Xiaofei took the initiative to talk, but the cold girl did not hesitate to say anything, not even looking at Lin Lang, not everyone was immune to the handsome guy.

Beside the cold girl, there was a teenager wearing black-rimmed glasses, pushing it from time to time, and it looked a bit like a schoolboy.

The two leaned about a punch away, but the two women's purses were taken in his arms. Obviously they should be together.

Seeing Mo Xiaofei actively picking up others, the glasses man's eyes flashed unconsciously.

"Hello, my name is Lin Youye."

Lin Lang smiled and nodded.

Seeing that Lin Lang was so good at talking, several people seemed to be years old, but Mo Xiaofei was generous, and the two friends around him started to introduce them.

"She is Ai Xiaoxue, my girlfriend, and a beautiful lady." Mo Xiaofei introduced enthusiastically.

However, the cold beauty is not as enthusiastic as her, but she glanced at Lin Lang slightly and did not speak.

Perhaps in her mind, Lin Lang's is not her dish.

"Xiao Xue has a cold temper, so you usually don't care." Mo Xiaofei coughed, quickly shifted the topic and introduced the youth. "This is Feng Gang, my male girlfriend."

"Hello there."

Feng Gang just nodded, and as a consequence, he turned his head aside and went to see the scenery falling out of the window. Anyone could perceive it.

It seemed that he was a bit angry at the two friends' non-purchasing behavior, and Mo Xiaofei glared at each other, tilting his head and smiling awkwardly at Lin Lang.

"A few of us have come from other provinces. When we first arrived in Chuanshu, we were inevitably a little uncomfortable. Don't mind Ha." Mo Xiaofei laughed.

"It's all right." Lin Lang shook his head.

In this way, the two young boys and girls seemed to have a chat.

Through the dialogue with Lin Lang, I understood that the three of them were all high school students who had just graduated from Jinxi. Each university had just completed the admission score. Several of them reported to the same school. Do you want to visit the school in advance?

"You got admitted to Sichuan University?"

Lin Lang was slightly surprised.

"That's right, all three of us reported Sichuan University, and this is our science champion in Jinxi Province." Mo Xiaofei pointed to the glasses man.

Hearing this, Feng Gang turned his head and smiled ‘substantially and modestly’.

"Which is my best champion, but this time the test is relatively simple, let me play it out."

Feng Gang's mouth was humble, but his proud expression was more obvious than anyone else.

Mo Xiaofei: "..."

"Ye Ye, I think we are about the same age. You should have also taken the college entrance examination. How about, which famous school did you take?" Mo Xiaofei asked casually.

"I'm ashamed. I took the Sichuan Business School, which is worse than Sichuan University." Lin Lang shook his head helplessly.

He worked hard in Yunwu Mountain for more than half a year, and when he came out again, let alone the college entrance examination, others had even volunteered.

However, this is not a problem. When he left Shencheng, he had already paved the way. As long as the domestic universities were not chosen by him, it was only because there were some things that were not resolved with the previous college roommates. Did not choose Chuan Shu University, but Chuan Shu Business School.

Hearing that Feng Gang pushed his glasses, a contempt flashed through the corners of his mouth.

Although Chuan Shu University is on the same campus as the Chuan Shu Business School, one is a key college and the other is an incompetent three. The gap can be described by the difference.

"It turned out to be a worthless academic scum. How could Xiao Fei see a man who was worse than himself, but I was more concerned."

Feng Gang was relieved, and his heart was very ironic.

"Chuanshu Business School ..." Mo Xiaofei's face was a little disappointed, but she soon covered it up.

Although Chuan Shu Business School is only three universities, but it also has the name of Chuan Shu University. For those who are well-educated and scum-rich, this is a good gilded place.

As long as you have a good body in the college, and you can mix up a diploma at that time, you can affix the label of a prestigious university. Compared to this, what is the extra tuition?

Instead of looking down on Mo Xiaofei for this reason, Mo Xiaofei gave him a high glance. After all, he could afford that kind of pure aristocratic school, and his family's financial resources were just average.

"It's okay for Chuan Shu Business School, so we will be alumni in the future, and we look forward to taking care of it."

Mo Xiaofei said with a grin.

Perhaps a common topic was found. Mo Xiaofei's words became more and more. At the end of the conversation, I felt a sense of meeting and hating late.

On the other hand, Fire Dance has a strange face. Since Lin Lang joined the special group, his wrists and strength are the same as those of the old monster who has cultivated for hundreds of years, making everyone subconsciously ignore his actual age.

He is only eighteen years old this year.

"Monster, someone else is still playing in the Internet cafe disco at the age of eighteen, and the team leader is already a giant."

Lu Huowu shouted the evil spirit.

At this moment, as the bus suddenly braked suddenly, the passengers leaned forward due to inertia, and their heads hit the soft fluffy back of the chair, but there was no injury.

In contrast, the people sitting in the last row were a bit miserable, due to the strong inertia, and coupled with no obstruction in the front, Mo Xiaofei almost flew out.

Also thanks to Lin Lang's eye-quick hand, backhand one block back, bluntly pressed Mo Xiaofei back.

When Mo Xiaofei looked back, her face changed slightly, because she found that there was a wide palm at her lower abdomen, which was a very embarrassing position. The distance was only a distance between her fingers. .

Mo Xiaofei, who was in a panic, just wanted to have an attack, but the man was very gentleman withdrawing his hand.

"All right?"

Lin Lang frowned, as if nothing had happened before.

"It's okay." Mo Xiaofei's face was a little crimson, and she didn't dare to look directly into the other's eyes. She had to change the subject and said, "I don't know what's going on outside?"

At this time, a cursing sound outside the window sounded.

"Muller's bust, blind driver how to drive."

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