Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 148: Knife cut off water

I have to say that Lin Lang's hand was indeed a five-body vote for the team members to admire. Although there was still some gap, at least they already had a basic impression of the new team leader in their hearts.

Perhaps it was Lin Lang who saw a hope of becoming stronger, or he held a fire and just apologized for Lin Lang. In short, everyone began to work hard after this incident.

They want to defeat Lin Lang. Similarly, they also prove their worth.

In this way, resistance and admiration are present, and this resistance mood gradually fades with the passage of time.

Lin Lang is not a person who does not eat or work, almost every member of the team will give him careful instructions.

In this group of people, the highest strength is at the peak of the warrior, and there are also slightly worse, that is the long-legged girl fire dance, the talent of the warrior in the mid-term cultivation, and a girl named Ling Fei is also the middle of the warrior.

In a certain sense, in the earth in the end of the present-day law, all the warriors can enter the martial arts. This group of people can cultivate to such a degree on the earth, and the talents are by no means comparable to those in ordinary cultivation. of.

These are all good seeds.

In the previous books of Lin Lang expo, there are countless masters of cultivating immortals. Almost everyone can find a suitable exercise method, except that the aura on the earth is thin, and the practice of cultivating immortals without backing is equivalent to chicken ribs.

Therefore, Lin Lang improved on the basis of the exercises, transforming the practice of cultivating immortals into physical techniques suitable for them.

At this point, things in the fifth group have almost stabilized, and daily practice is on track. Even the higher interest is worse than when Miao Yi was alive.


A month later, after everyone directed by Lin Lang, Xiu was able to describe it by leaps and bounds. Almost everyone has made great progress on the original basis.

This afternoon, Lin Lang sat on the rock and looked at the hard-working teenagers, and was very relieved.

Once upon a time, he also created a huge immortal gate in the fairyland. There were several disciples under his door. The total number of disciples inside and outside the gate exceeded 100,000. At the moment, it was a pity ...

As he was imprisoned by the gods, his disciples, relatives and friends, and disciples of Hongyan were all killed by the protoss, and the door was destroyed.

"This revenge is not reported, I would rather perpetuate in the reincarnation ..."

Lin Lang quietly squeezed his palm, no one noticed that his nails had penetrated deeply into the flesh.

"Leader, he fainted!"

At this moment, an exclaiming sound came from behind, and Fire Dance ran to Pan Lin in a panic.

"Monkey? What's wrong with him?"

Lin Lang recovered his mind and asked.

The three men, the red-haired monkey, the muscular man Tieshan, and the black crane famous for his light work, are Lin Lang's favorite, and their cultivation talents are much higher than others.

When heard of the monkey accident, Lin Lang was not calm, and hurried to the back of the mountain following the fire dance.

Because the monkey roots belong to water, Lin Lang was arranged to a waterfall under the mountain, using the impact of the current to exercise his physical body.

"The monkey was saved by the Miao group before, so after the sacrifice of the Miao group, it has madly practiced, and now it is estimated that the body cannot stand it." Huo Wu whispered.

"No, he's fine, but it's just a mental problem." Lin Lang shook his head.

"You mean ..." Fire Dance asked tentatively.

"Get into trouble."

During the conversation, Lin Lang had rushed to the fainted monkey and slapped the palm on the monkey's back several times.

This is not a big problem, it's just that obsessed with demonism and overwhelmed spirit.

Before long, the monkey woke up.

"Child, practice well. It's easy to get through this master, and the master is hopeless for life."

Lin Lang patted the monkey's shoulder and sighed.

"When you can do this, I will take you to kill the Golden Triangle in person and take revenge on the leader of Miao."

The voice fell, Lin Lang turned his palm into a knife, swept forward violently, and saw the endless waterfall, but at this time it seemed to be supported by an invisible force, separated and separated, and there was no water flowing for a while whereabouts.

Water is cut off by pumping, no reflow.

"I'm going to take revenge on the Miao group." The monkey clenched his fists, and Miao group's deadly odds, even if the country failed to find out who he died in.

In addition, the power of the Golden Triangle is intricate and complicated. The poisonous guns that carry guns are rampant. It is even the fat in the eyes of major powers. It is impossible to have a master in such a place.

Without a guru, there is really no hope of revenge.

When he looked up again, Lin Lang had already left.


"Leader Lin, should the monkey be all right?" Huo Wu asked worriedly.

"It's okay. This time, he can only rely on himself. He can detect the demon, and he can break into the realm within three days."

In fact, Lin Lang did not say a word. When he treated the monkey, he left a pure aura in his body. If he could get out of the obstacle of the demon, he would not only break into the realm, but also transform into a person. The immortal has a bright future.

"Huajing." Huowu spit out her tongue and said it was false to not envy.

His grandfather was also a master of Huajing, but when he broke through Huajing, he was still in his sixties, and the monkeys were less than thirty years old. These talents are not much worse than the Huaxia Valkyrie.

"Grandpa is old now. If I can also become a guru, why would the Lu family be suppressed by the joint efforts of Deng and Bai." Huowu sighed.

"Huajing? As long as you train according to the exercises I gave you, you can reach the master's realm within five years." Lin Lang shook his head with a smile.


Fire danced for a moment, and wanted to deny it, but when she thought of her recent progress, she felt a little bit convinced.

"Achieving the Grand Master in five years does not mean that my talent is the best among everyone, including Monkey Monkey?"

Fire dance was shocked and happy.

"No, your talent is the worst. Others can break into the Grand Master within three years." Lin Lang quietly said.

He is not exaggerated at all. All his exercises have been transformed by his own hands. According to each person's talents, the right medicine is the right medicine. I am afraid that it is not an exaggeration to say that everyone has a top-notch exercise.

In this kind of careful cultivation, it is better to just kill yourself without breaking through.

Fire Dance exclaimed, and she suddenly realized something terrifying.

There are eighteen members in the fifth group. Doesn't that mean ... there will be eighteen masters in the future?

Oh my god, close to twenty masters, I'm afraid the whole Huaxia may not find so many?

"The leader of the team, God is so versed in knowledge, is a very handsome man, and we can get to this point with a little pointer."

"Why ... you just take me away?"

Realizing the ambiguity in the words, Fire Dance added another sentence: "I mean apprentice."

Fire dance was uncharacteristic. I used to go there without knowing how to look good and quiet in the past, but I started touting Lin Lang in a big mouth, although it didn't sound mellow at all.

"What can I do for you? Just say it."

Lin Lang looked at each other with a smile, and Fire Dance couldn't conceal him in the last few days.

Was directly pierced my mind, Fire Dance coughed slightly awkwardly.

"Hey, hey, hey, actually I want to invite the group leader to attend the martial arts conference."

Fire Dance had an awkward but polite smile on her face.


"The martial arts conference is held every year. It is a gathering of Chinese warriors all over the world. At that time, major martial arts families and talented people scattered in the folks will come. Of course, there are also many masters of Huajing who come to the scene to exchange evidence. .

After a little groaning, Lin Lang agreed.

Taking this opportunity, he may be able to deter the forces that threaten the company, and it would be better if he could catch a killer lurking in the dark.

After hearing Lin Lang's accurate reply, Fire Dance jumped almost excitedly. With Lin Lang, a big master, he is not afraid of anyone who comes.

"Bai family, Deng family, my Lu family will not bully you any more at this martial arts meeting."

Fire Dance secretly thought.

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