Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1376: The Third Fairy and Demon War

With a loud noise, the third war of the fairy demon officially kicked off.

In the past, the demons in the Immortal Palace had only promised and refused to clashed head-on with the army of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, but this time, the demons fought directly without declaration and gathered a large number of elite forces to the hinterland of the Ten Thousand Races.

Even the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Races were completely defeated by the Mozu. In the previous demon clan, both Pluto and Yuanshi Demon were severely injured by Lin Chou in the second battle between immortals and demons, and their severely wounded bodies have not yet healed. Therefore, the previous demons were also restrained and lacked the threat of top combat power.

And now.

The demon clan's sudden undeclared war can only prove one thing.

The Demon Race is anxious, and the injuries of the two masters of the Demon Race's ancestral realm have recovered not much. .

Fortunately, the Heavenly Emperor and the Empress entered the fairy palace, bringing a lot of vitality to the Ten Thousand Race Alliance, and this time the Demon Race did not lose too many soldiers.

It's just that... a bigger problem has arisen.

If the two Zujing masters of the Demon Race fully recovered, how would they compete with the monks of the Ten Thousand Realms?

Pingtian emperor and empress?

Obviously, this is their only choice. In this cosmic era, although many ancestral realm masters were born, they were born in a wrong era. Whether it is Jietianjun, Lin Qiu, or the emperor and empress of today's world.

If they could be born in the same era, it wouldn't be so difficult to contend against the demons.

"Now, the only hope is the two adults of the Emperor and Queen of Heaven." The sentient beings were silent, and the Queen of Heaven was barely touching the two beings in the ancestral realm. Of course, they did not have the ability to defeat the ancestral realm of the two demons.

After all, the ancestral realm is a realm that transcends the world, and even with any enchanting physique, it is completely impossible to fight across the barriers of the ancestral realm. Not even the emperor and the queen.

Perhaps the two heavenly emperors and the empresses can join hands to entangle one of the ancestral realm masters.

But another master of the ancestral realm, who can compete?

Just as everyone expected, the Pluto and Yuanshi Demon Emperor appeared one after another. The huge body of Yuanshi Demon Emperor flooded the whole world, and the monstrous demon power made countless monks tremble.

This is the ancestor of the demons and one of the strongest masters in the world.

It's just that the Yuanshi Demon Emperor at this time was different from the Second Immortal Demon War. That powerful Devil Dragon was killed by Lin Chou as early as the Second Immortal Demon War. It can be said that with the fall of that terrifying devil dragon, Yuanshi Devil Emperor's combat power also dropped by a heavy.

the other side.

Pluto stood high in the sky, looking down at the numerous demons under his feet. At this time, he has merged all his bodies into one, and his combat power is unprecedentedly strong.

"Who can compete with such a master of the Demon Race?"

All the hopes of sentient beings fell on the heavenly emperor and the empress, but they never thought that in the universe at this time, a whistling sound would spread throughout the universe.

I saw that in that universe, Lin Lang opened the void with one hand, and then, an extremely large void channel was connected to the immortal world, and in an instant, Lin Lang's figure reappeared between the heaven and the earth.


Pluto was the first to recognize Lin Lang, his eyes filled with surprise and incomprehension. In his perception, Lin Lang's Dao was no longer in control, and his cultivation was exhausted back then.

Even if he survived by the power of the immortal medicine, his cultivation wouldn't be able to recover so quickly.

In addition, the Tao on Lin Lang's body at this time also made him very puzzled. It was a brand new power, even Pluto couldn't perceive it, and the natural Taoism that no one could imitate.

"Now, we should also resolve the grievances of this cosmic era."

Lin Lang spoke faintly, and the extraordinary pressure instantly enveloped the world, even the magic power of the Yuanshi Devil Emperor was faintly overshadowed by Lin Lang.

To say that the Yuanshi Demon Emperor, among all the monks in ancient and modern times, it is also enough to rank in the top five existences, and even has the capital to compete with Zu Hao. Even if the power of the magic dragon is lost now, it is definitely the pinnacle of existence in the ancestral realm.

The power can surpass Yuanshi Devil Emperor, doesn't this mean that Lin Lang's cultivation base is no longer weaker than Yuanshi Devil Emperor. In this case, on the contrary, the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races has the upper hand.

Of course, except for the monks in the Great Emperor Realm.

Although the two immortal and demon battles caused heavy losses to the demon clan, after all, they had a solid foundation, and there were still more than 30 true-level combat powers.

"Then fight."

Yuanshi Demon Emperor's voice was low, and while the devilish energy surged, he took the lead in taking a palm forward.

Everyone at this moment can only see that the palm accompanied by the monstrous magic power directly presses down from the sky, covering all the rays of light in the world. Bright, instantly swallowed by demonic energy.

Not surprisingly, his palm was enough to destroy more than half of the combat power of the ten thousand races.

"That's it."

Lin Lang also smiled coldly, not afraid. Before Yuanshi Devil Emperor's palm landed, Lin Lang had already stopped in advance, only to hear a loud noise, Yuanshi Devil Emperor stepped backwards, his eyes were also full of shock.

"Your combat power..."

Yuanshi Demon Emperor's pupils tightened: "You have already embarked on a fairy road?"

If the Yuanshi Demon Emperor, this top powerhouse who has lived for several cosmic epochs, is far beyond ordinary people in terms of vision and insight, he was also a monk who was in the same era as Zu Hao.

He could naturally see that the fluctuations of the great road on Lin Lang's body at this moment had broken away from the original rules of this world. There is only one possibility that can cause this situation.

That is Lin Lang has already embarked on the road of rebellious immortality!

"Not bad."

Lin Lang didn't have too many fluctuations on his face, and he cultivated to the ancestral realm. These major events related to the operation of the universe were no secret to them. Yuanshi Devil Emperor lived for several cosmic periods, how could he not understand this truth?

"You, like me, embarked on the road of rebellious immortality?"

In fact, it is not just Lin Lang, the Devil Emperor Yuanshi is also one of the members of Nixian. Why does the demons exist because of destruction, and they are about to cleanse all the creatures in the world?

It is the Yuanshi Demon Emperor who has continuously cultivated the concept of the demon monks since his birth. Perhaps some demon races are good in nature, but after a long period of education, they themselves have accepted it, and they are creatures that exist for destruction.

In other words, the entire world of demons were the tools of the Yuanshi Demon Emperor. What he did was to subvert these avenues of cosmic movement and recast order.


Yuanshi Devil Emperor is also a member of Nixian.

"However, your speed is much slower than mine."

In the sky, Lin Lang fought fiercely with Yuanshi Devil Emperor, accompanied by violent energy fluctuations, sweeping the entire world.

Yes, although the Primitive Devil Emperor also knows the truth of Nixian. But what he and Lin Lang took were completely different roads against immortality. He wants to destroy all order in this world and, in turn, recast a new order.

But Lin Lang is not the case. He created a world independently, and cultivated his own new world order on the basis of the original world.

It may be difficult to understand that.

But to put it bluntly, Yuanshi Demon Emperor created in destruction. However, Lin Lang improved on the existing basis, and then took over the new order of heaven and earth.

The advantage of this is that if Yuanshi Demon Emperor can't destroy the world order, then his cultivation will always stay in the ancestral realm. But Lin Lang was not the case. Every time he improved his avenue, his strength would be greatly increased.

The Devil Emperor of Yuanshi was able to become immortal in one dynasty, but it was destined to be a long time and was trapped in his cultivation. Lin Lang is in continuous penance, step by step to improve his own combat power, until infinitely approaching the fairyland.

The strong and the weak can naturally be distinguished at a glance!

"It's just that I can understand the truth, how can Zu Hao not know it?" Lin Lang frowned, only feeling suspicious.

Yes it is.

In the heyday of Zu Hao, he was already a monk in the fairyland. Wasn't he able to deal with the Yuanshi Devil Emperor in the ancestral realm? How could he not know the determination of Yuanshi Devil Emperor to overthrow the world order?

How could he not have expected that when he fell in the future, the Yuanshi Devil Emperor would inevitably start a war and destroy the creatures of the world?

"What the **** is Zu Hao pictured?"

Lin Lang frowned. Since Zu Xi can divide the era and block the prehistoric monks from the long river of time and space, why does he leave behind a hidden danger, Yuanshi Demon Emperor, not to kill?

At this point, Lin Lang did not communicate in any way.

But this did not prevent him from fighting with Yuanshi Demon Emperor.

In a short moment, the two strongest masters of the ancestral realm have fought for hundreds of rounds, and the violent energy even broke through a huge gap in the fairy palace. On the other side, the Emperor and Empress teamed up to fight against the Pluto. Although the emperor and the empress cannot compete with the Pluto in single combat power, the two are in one place.

The top combat power is limited, and the Slaughter God Emperor Zun and others rushed into the crowd to fight against the many God masters in the Demon Race. Almost all of them were the kind of fighting several people alone.

In the past, the demons had three great masters, that is, three masters who were comparable to the eleventh eternal catastrophe of the ten thousand races. But after several battles between immortals and demons, the three major demon masters all fell, which just gave the cultivators of ten thousand races a chance.

Therefore, even if there are very few monks in the Great Realm on the side of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Races, they are not at all defeated in the face of the Demon Race. In addition, on the other side, many demigods, masters, and immortal emperors of the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Races are also fighting against the masters of the Demon Race.

From time to time, the emperor realm master fell in the sky, blood staining the sky.

On this day, the sky seemed to be in grief, witnessing the fall of countless top masters.


Today, Lin Lang's cultivation base is extremely strong, and he has successfully converted several known avenues. It was these recast avenues that the Yuanshi Devil Emperor couldn't crack. For a time, he was retreating steadily, and he was beaten up by Lin Lang.

The Dao of the Demon Race is trembling!

The recast avenue is completely different from the original avenue in this world, which means that the Yuanshi Devil Emperor who now controls the old order avenue can only be passively beaten, and cannot crack the Linlang avenue.

After repeated confrontations, Yuanshi Demon Emperor was seriously injured, and the fire of the great avenue was faintly extinguished. The latest chapter address of the invincible fairy king in the city: the full text of Invincible Fairy King in the City: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1376 The Third Fairy Demon War) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Fairy King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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