Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1377: Devil's Fall

As the ancestor of the demon clan, the Demon Emperor of Yuan Shi was naturally capable of fighting. Among these monks from ancient times to the present, he could definitely rank among the top ranks.

But now, Yuanshi Devil Emperor was full of defeats in front of Lin Lang, as if he might be killed by Lin Lang at any time.

"Is this pretending to be Jietianjun? Hasn't he already died in the first battle between immortals and demons?"

Countless people looked at the figure standing proudly in the sky with horrified eyes.

Opposite him, the Yuanshi Devil Emperor had been beaten to vomit blood, and most of his monstrous demon power had disappeared. On another battlefield, under the cooperation of the Emperor of Heaven and the Empress, the Pluto was also suppressed extremely miserably, and even though there were countless clones, he could only be passively beaten.

The three strongest human races almost held up the sky, making this unrecognized war possible.

In the sky, Lin Lang and Yuanshi Demon Emperor fought endlessly, and horrible energy fluctuations poured everywhere. Even in the fairy palace, the space was stable, and the two were still being beaten by gaps one after another.

The Immortal Palace, which was transformed by Zu Qi's Yuanshen Avenue, was extremely stable.

The match between the two can break the fairy palace, which means that the two really have the ability to kill the fairy.

"You started very late, but the starting point is very high, I didn't lose unjustly."

The deep voice of Yuanshi Devil Emperor resounded in the fairy palace. Everyone understands that the Demon Emperor Yuanshi at this moment is already the end of the crossbow, and as long as Lin Lang continues to make moves, this demon clan's great power will inevitably fall.

"Thanks to you, I lost all my cultivation bases and avenues. I had to overthrow my original insights and recast the avenue." Lin Lang faintly said, his robe moved with the wind, like an invincible god. . Just standing there, it seemed to be surrounded by an endless halo.

This is the half-step immortal realm, and Lin Lang has already taken a big step away from being truly immortal. Of course, the immortal road is faint, and Lin Lang is just a hiker on this road. It is still a long way from the real immortal.

But at least, Lin Lang is already the third monk to take this half step since ancient times. The first two have become immortals, and Lin Lang is also the monk who has the most hope to set foot in that realm.


When Lin Lang raised his hand, countless supernatural powers trembled, and the avenue made a sound of being hit hard. The avenues of this world repelled the avenues on his body, so there would be endless visions between shots.

"However, this battle ends here."

Lin Lang sneered coldly, the supernaturally transformed into a growing dragon, gathering dozens of subversive avenues, crashing down in the direction of the Yuanshi Devil Emperor.

The Yuanshi Demon Emperor naturally refused to lead death voluntarily. He roared, the demon road roared, and accompanied by the roar of countless demon cultivators. The Yuanshi Demon Emperor was unwilling to fall, and similarly, these demon races were also unwilling to lose their absolute rule over this world.

On the ground and in the sky, a series of dark blue rays of light lit up, and light blue fluorescent dots were emitted on these demon monks.

Even if it is still very weak, but that is the wish of every demon monk.

The power of countless demons gathered together, and that was a power comparable to the ancestral realm.

boom! Boom!

Lin Lang's magical powers fell, and accompanied by a burst of overwhelmed screams, Yuanshi Demon Emperor's huge demon body was also deeply smashed into the ground by Lin Lang's magical powers.

But at least, the Yuanshi Demon Emperor, who had blessed the power of many demon races, did not leave a fatal injury due to this attack.

It was the power of the demon clan that protected the Yuanshi Demon Emperor.

"My death, you come to fight against Heaven."

The Yuanshi Devil Emperor struggled to crawl out from the depths of the earth, even though he was seriously injured, he still controlled the wings behind him and flew down to the sky.

"Your people can help you withstand the next attack, but what about the second time?"

Lin Lang sneered coldly, Yuanshi Demon Emperor was already at the end of his force, but he was still at the peak, and there was no need to consider the possibility of being overturned by the latter.

"You do it."

Yuanshi Demon Emperor snorted coldly, his huge body was sitting on the height of the void, and the endless magic power flowed, faintly forming a small world of demon clan.

Yes it is.

There is also a peaceful world, but the difference is that it is a paradise belonging to the demons. Countless demon cubs either live in the eggs or struggle to get out of the eggshells, babbling and running around.

No killing. Without hatred, it was more like a human world.

"The real demons, is that true?"

Lin Lang's eyes flickered, staring at the small world of demons earnestly.

With the power of Yuanshi Demon Emperor, there is naturally a way to create a place of existence belonging to the Demon Race. What only surprised him was that the demons here were very pure, without the violent and fierce aura of the outside world, which was strange.

Normally, the demons in people's minds, no matter what their appearance or race, all live by killing. Such a pure impression in front of me has subverted everyone's ideas.

Even Lin Lang had never expected that the Demon Race would have such a pure place.

"Look, this is the real Demon Race." Yuanshi Demon Emperor spread his palm, and the small world of Demon Race was suspended in his hands. Lin Lang's gaze penetrated through the layers of stars, not just a clone of Yuanshi Devil Emperor, but also a mark of the past.

He seemed to be able to see that the figure of Yuanshi Demon Emperor shuttled through the small world of the demon clan, the babbling Demon clan children chasing the back of Yuanshi Demon Emperor's butt, shouting the demon father demon and the like. Yuanshi Demon Emperor squatted down, changed his fierce temperament in the past, and gently stroked the head of every demon child.

"Heaven and earth do not give birth to demons, but demons regenerate by themselves."

Yuanshi Demon Emperor turned around, looked at Lin Lang with a smile on his face, and continued: "The Demon Race is a creature created by man. He himself represents the ultimate purity, without any impurities, and there is no human being. Negative emotions of greed, arrogance, and jealousy."

"It's just that when the demons start to walk the world, in order to achieve the mission they have been given since birth, they have to destroy everything."

Lin Lang looked at him, feeling a little moved in his heart, but still coldly snorted: "So what, these Demon Race children may have been extremely pure in the past, but now, each of them is covered with blood, and everyone is punishable. "

"You are right..."

The deep voice of the Yuanshi Demon Emperor sounded, and the magical path that covered his body gradually went to nirvana: "Since we have you, we don't need to bear so much..."

The voice of Yuanshi Demon Emperor gradually fell silent, without sounding for a long time. But his demonic fire is still burning, but it's not so vigorous anymore.

He is not dead yet.

Blossoms of sacred flowers grew under Lin Lang's feet, walking in the void, and within a few steps, they fell to the position of Yuanshi Demon Emperor.

"In that case, I will send you one last ride."

Lin Lang gently stretched out his hand, his palm against the huge head of Yuanshi Devil Emperor. As long as he uses his divine power, he will be able to slay this demonic hero in a single blow.

No matter how sinful you are, at least you should go in a decent way.

Soon after.

Infinite rays of light bloomed in the palm of Lin Lang's palm, as if the light from the entire world had gathered, gradually engulfing the huge body of Yuanshi Devil Emperor.

When Lin Lang's magical powers fell, he would completely kill the ancestor of the Demon Dao. But what he never expected was.

At this moment, the fairy palace actually began to tremble violently.

In the divine sea of ​​Yuanshi Devil Emperor, there was a fairy light of his debut.

On the huge body of the Yuanshi Devil Emperor, entangled with the aura of the Demon Dao and the might of the fairyland, two different avenues appeared strangely on the same person at this time.

"this is…"

Lin Lang's pupils suddenly shrank, and in a faint, he had already guessed a little bit of the truth.

As for verifying whether the guess is correct, it is also very simple, just take the life of Yuanshi Devil Emperor directly.


The great avenue in Lin Lang's hands exploded steadily, breaking through the barrier of the fairy light and pointing straight to the depths of Yuanshi Demon Emperor's Shenhai.


The sky was bright, the fairy palace trembled, and under this huge energy, there was even a faint tendency to be overturned.

After a while.

The devil's way diminished, and there were a series of sad and sad voices in the fairy palace, which were not the voices of many demon cultivators. It's Tiandao crying, trembling, mourning such a demon hero.

There was a rain of blood in the sky, and every drop of blood was contaminated with a strong atmosphere of magic.

That is the blood of Yuanshi Devil Emperor.

For sentient beings, there is no benefit at all. At this moment, it falls on many demon masters, but it seems to be the most wonderful elixir in the world, allowing their spirits and spirits to rise steadily.

Of course, this is only the final counterattack of the Mozu.

At this time, with the fall of the Yuanshi Devil Emperor, the creatures of the ten thousand races had already occupied an absolute advantage. You only need to push it all the way down, and it's not difficult to wipe out these demonic monks.

As for Pluto, at this time, under the joint attack of the Emperor and the Queen, he was already seriously injured. After all, in the face of the two heaven-defying physiques who have brought together the spirits of the heavens and the earth, even people like Pluto are somewhat weak.

This ancestral realm battlefield, naturally accompanied by Lin Lang's shot, ended completely.

However, Pluto did not die, but was suppressed by Lin Lang. It wasn't that Lin Lang wanted to save the latter's life deliberately, but that Pluto was really hard to kill, and he had gathered countless clones, and no one knew how many lives he had.

In this case, the only thing Lin Lang can do is to suppress the Pluto and slowly refine it.

As for the remnants of the demons, surrounded by the masters of the ten thousand races, most of them fled to the fairy palace. It is believed that the so-called demons will disappear completely in the world before long.

Fairy Palace wins!

From ancient times to the present, there have been three wars between immortals and demons. The first two were at the expense of the desperate resistance of the monks of the ten thousand races, which consumed a large number of masters of the demons. And in this final battle, this war that lasted for tens of millions of years finally came to a perfect end.

But the most surprising thing is that after this battle, Lin Lang ordered the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Races to withdraw from the Immortal Palace, leaving only a small part of the garrison army to pay off the remnants of the demons.

This operation completely stunned the creatures of the ten thousand races.

To defeat the great victory, shouldn't they be the leader of the fairy palace?

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