Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1375: The land of nine deaths

Dao was also shocked. Since the beginning of his cultivation, he has never seen such a weird thing.

This kind of peculiar supernatural power is even more unheard of. Create another world out of thin air in one world, and divide time into established scales. Different things happen on each time scale.

This is already the law of creation!

Even if Dao is the son of today's world, even his parents can't do this far.

"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the fairy world, really."

Dao finally took a deep breath and couldn't help landing near the broken brick house.

Carefully observe the scenes that happened to the young man.

"Dare to ask what is the relationship between Senior and that Jietianjun?"

Daojiu's eyes flickered.

In today's world, there are only a handful of powerful people who can reach this level. Starting from this cosmic era, Jietianjun is counted as one, the palace lord of the underground palace is counted as one, and then there are Lin Qiu and his parents. However, Jietianjun and Lin Chou have fallen.

The identity of this person made him very curious.

Lin Lang smiled slightly, but did not speak.

Dao end had an answer in his heart. Lin Chou has fallen, his body is still standing in the fairy palace, it is definitely impossible to be this strong man.

His mother Xi He once said that there are only three people who can stand alongside him on the avenue of time and space, through the past and the present.

Either, the former immortal, Zu Hao is not dead. The immortal uses the Avenue of Time and Space.

In the other case, Jietianjun was not dead.

The last case is that of the prehistoric master at the other end of the time and space river-the time and space monarch.

Prehistoric creatures are trapped at the other end of the long river of time and space, and the monarch of time and space should not be able to come. Jietianjun has fallen, but no one can find his body.

Therefore, Dao finally has vaguely guessed some problems.

At the end of the Taoist spirit, he immediately called up the portrait of Jietianjun, and his face also showed a devilish expression.

The face of the person in front of him is actually the same as that of Heaven Jietianjun! A dead person unexpectedly reappeared between the heaven and the earth. Such strange things made Dao Jun's heart startled.

If Jietianjun reappeared, his parents' heavenly status would most likely not be guaranteed. But in other words, the troubles of the demons have not yet been resolved. If there are more masters like Jie Tianjun, it will definitely be a great thing for the ten thousand races!

Along with this thought, Dao finally stopped, trying to explore the secret of Jietianjun.

As for Lin Lang, he didn't drive him away.

At this point, the Earth Fire Sect also appeared a kind of weird scene. Jietianjun, the number one strongest man in the universe, was hiding in the small Earth Fire Sect without asking for world affairs. However, the son of the dignified emperor, Dao End, with a transcendent identity, was willing to stay by Lin Lang's side and grasp the mystery of the Dao.

After getting along for a while, Dao finally was deeply moved by it.

Jietianjun's body clearly didn't have any major fluctuations, and there was no cultivation. But the Dao Dao Yun, which is naturally natural between the gestures, is to make Dao benefit a lot in the end.

"So to say…"

The end of the Taoist secretly sighed: "Not only did the Jietian Lord not fall, but the cultivation base was improved, just waiting for the immortal demon war to start."

Accompanied by this thought, Dao finally smiled and said, "I have traveled around the universe these years, but I have encountered some wonderful things. There is a place where even my father did not dare to get involved easily. I don't know the heavens. Interested in exploring?"

Lin Lang turned a deaf ear, and chopping firewood for himself.

Dao finally continued: "In that place, I escaped all my life. But I also found a secret, that is, the expert who contended with the immortals, he still lives in this world."

"Mug Kun's?"

Lin Lang finally stopped his movements.

If he is full of interest in this world, it must be the superpower who has defeated Zu Huang and prevented him from becoming an immortal several times. That person is also an ancestral realm powerhouse, and, in history, is a bit tougher than Zu Hao.

In the body of a mortal, against the prestige of the immortal!

Lin Lang didn't know much about this person. All he knew was that the latter was named Meng Kun in Zu Hao's mouth, but he didn't know where he came from and what his cultivation level was.

Lin Lang was deliberately exploring the trace of this expert.

"Where is it?"

Lin Lang frowned slightly, and then slowly got up.

Dao finally smiled and said, "It's not too far, in the deserted eastern region of the universe, in a place called the Thousand Chance Star Territory."

"it is good."

Lin Lang didn't speak much, he took a step forward and saw that the surrounding void was rapidly distorted. The space was not broken, but connected to another starry sky in a distorted posture.

Lin Lang and Dao end gradually faded.

After a while, the collapsed void recovered, and Lin Lang's figure disappeared.

Thousands of Machines Star Field.

There was a wave of ripples in the void, and the next moment the figures of Lin Lang and Dao end reappeared between the heaven and the earth.

"this is…"

Dao was finally a little shocked. From the immortal world to the deserted eastern region of the universe, the distance is far, even if the monk wants to cross such a distance, it will take at least a thousand years.

Among all the modes of travel, driving the sea of ​​reincarnation is recognized as the fastest way. However, Lin Lang's wonderful magical powers made Dao unable to understand in the end.

In less than a moment, the void passage between the two places was opened.

Connecting void passages and crossing spaces is not uncommon. The real difficulty lies in the distance. There is an endless distance between the Eastern Region and the Immortal Realm. To compress such a long starry sky into a road, how powerful is this?

"How on earth did you do it!"

The Tao is full of horror at the end.

"Not difficult."

Lin Lang faintly said, "Heaven and earth have great avenues, which are a means for monks to amplify themselves, but avenues are eternal. They have existed since the beginning of the universe, but they are controlled by humans."

"What is more profound than the avenue is the profound meaning, which independently elaborates a great mystery. It is not far from the ancestral realm to be able to understand the profound meaning."

Dao was thoughtful at last, his father Jiu Daoyi was at this level, penetrating the profound meaning, to enter the ancestral realm.

"But have you ever thought about why these avenues and these profound meanings exist? Why do the avenues exist between heaven and earth, and what is the law of the movement of the avenues? The monks just borrow the profound meanings of the avenues, and in what manner are these profound meanings followed? run?"

Dao finally opened his mouth, wanting to say something. But he found that he couldn't say anything, even if he is now the Ninth Layer of Immortal Emperor, but in front of Lin Lang, his understanding of heaven and earth is still like a child.

Not to mention him, even if his parents are in front of Lin Lang, I am afraid they will have to honor the younger generation. Regardless of seniority or cultivation level.


Dao finally murmured, carefully comprehending the mystery of Lin Lang's explanation: "With the movement of the avenue, it should be the laws of the universe...born from the heavens and the earth, following a certain principle...and we should only follow the rules and follow the operation. The sword bearer..."

The end of Dao's comprehension is very remarkable, and in a few words, he realized the meaning of the words.

"Yes it is."

Lin Lang said lightly, "This kind of law, I call it order, is the first rule of heaven and earth, or it can be called law."

"Following the law of order, you can become the lord of all paths, eternally immortal. Rebelling against the law of order is to subvert order and reshape the world."

The Tao is finally thoughtful.

The truth that Lin Lang expounded was a question he had never thought about before, and it pointed directly to the essence of cultivation.

The current Lin Lang has already embarked on this road. The only difference is that Lin Lang is not a follower of Tiandi Dadao, but a rebel!

The reason why he saw Lin Lang cutting down trees at the end of the day felt familiar, and that was the reason. Lin Lang's body is a natural avenue that is undergoing transformation, which is similar to but not exactly the same as the natural avenue in the current cosmic order.

This is why, Tao finally figured out the shadows of natural avenues, five-element avenues and other avenues from it. Because this is another avenue nurtured by a new world.

Apart from Lin Lang, no one can master it. Even if it is Daigo's initiation, it will not work to infuse all the mysteries of the Dao on another person!

The avenue of the new world will only appear when the new world is opened!

Let's talk about the other side.

Since Lin Lang and the two arrived in the Thousand Chance Star Territory, they have been exploring this world. Dao finally took Lin Lang to the place where the secrets of the Mankun family were hidden.

Why did Dao finally say that this is the place of a lifetime of nine deaths?

Because here is the battlefield where Zu Qi and Man Kun clan fought again. Here, Lin Lang also discovered a vital secret.

This battle is a real battle of immortals. The only difference is that this battle was not the battle that happened when Zu Qi broke through the immortal realm, and the Man Kun clan had to stop him.

It was the last battle between Zu Huang, who had become a fairy queen, and the man named Mankun.

Here, there is a strong heavenly power, and every time it turns, there is the power to bombard and kill the emperor. Dao end is only the nine-fold immortal emperor, the combat power is comparable to the half-step great emperor, and it is absolutely difficult to move an inch in this kind of place.

Lin Lang gently raised his hand and directly crushed an attack of Heavenly Dao energy that could destroy the Great Emperor. Dao finally was secretly frightened, with such power, I am afraid that even his father would have to deal with it with all his strength.

Jietianjun's current cultivation base, how terrifying to various degrees?

"But these two guys are also wonderful people."

Lin Lang smiled, and said: "Zu Huang fought many times with the Mankun family, from the weakest realm to the immortal realm. The Mankun family failed to prevent Zu Huang from being promoted to the immortal realm, and similarly, the Mankun family had another One way, also step into the realm of immortals."

"But this battle looks like..."

Dao finally frowned, and said: "In my opinion, this battle is more like that Mankun has an advantage."

Lin Lang walked between the heavens and the earth, and any divine channel method could not hurt him at all. This caused Dao to finally wonder whether Jie Tianjun's realm was already different from these two.

Yes, even though Lin Lang lost his cultivation base, he lost the ability to master all kinds of avenues. But it was a blessing in disguise and realized the nature of heaven and earth over a long period of time.

Following order, or against chaos, is the real way to become a fairy. Immortal road is ethereal, but why is it not hidden in this sentence.

"So, between Zu Huang and Mankun, who is the orderer and who is the rebel?" Lin Lang was lost in thought. This trip to the Eastern Region made him clarify some ancient secrets.

Similarly, there are still some unexplained mysteries.

For example, why did Tiandao always participate in the battle between the two immortals? Is the Way of Heaven a self-reliance of heaven and earth, or is it a great way of cultivating in a certain person?

"Go back to the source, time and space reverse."

Lin Lang used his supernatural powers to try to go back to the fairy war that year. But the result is destined. Zu Hao is also a master of Time and Space Avenue, and here, Time and Space Avenue is also extremely chaotic.

If you want to reproduce the scene of the year, unless Lin Lang can push the Avenue of Time and Space to a new stage, he can only peel off the cocoon.

But now Lin Lang has not yet reached this level.

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