Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1356: Trace of the Half Fairy

Lin Wan and Lin Xian's sister and brother sneaked out. They had been suppressed by Lin Lang in the Tianchi of Emperor Linxing before, and they broke away from the seal of the spiritual fluid while they were unguarded.

Naturally, they knew that once the masters of the Big Leaf Immortal Sect learned that they had slipped out of the sect, they would definitely be captured and sealed up again. Therefore, it is also incognito all the way, rarely shot.

It was not until later that the two brothers and sisters of Lin Yu accidentally fell into the trap of the demons, and Lin Qiu rushed to the rescue, and only then did the two little ancestors return to the sect to be sealed again. Seemingly worrying about Lin Yu's sister and brother, Lin Chou placed several seals one after another to ensure that they would not break the seal again.

Tianchi, involving the core secret of the Big Leaf Immortal Sect, is also the place where the super monk's plan is executed. Even when the fairy palace was opened, Lin Lang did not easily unlock this heavy hole card.

Of course, only Lin Lang himself knew the number of masters still in Tianchi at this moment. In the future, this will be an important trump card for them to enter the fairy palace and subvert the rule of the demons.

the other side.

With the Lord Slaughter God taking over the Allied Forces of the Ten Thousand Races, the situation in the Fairy Demon Battlefield changed drastically, and the territory that had been eroded by the Demon Race was continuously retaken by the Wan Clan.

Whether it is a monk of the ten thousand races or a master of the demon race, there is only one description of the Slaughter God Emperor-that is cruel!

It is not just the superb strength of the Slaughter God Emperor, but the master of the 11th eternal catastrophe of the suppressed Demon Race can't breathe. It also lies in the way that the Emperor Slaughter God Emperor marched and deployed, in order to achieve the goal without compromise, even if it was accompanied by the fall of a large number of monks of the ten thousand races.

The most tragic battle that came in was the twelve blood sacrifice of the Emperor Slaughter God. With the lives of 30 million tribes allied forces, more than a dozen demon emperors lived and died.

After this battle, the demon race's position on the frontal battlefield took a sharp turn, and was forced to retreat to the frontier of the universe and shrink its combat power.

However, the Ten Thousand Nations Alliance did not rush to regain the lost ground, but stationed troops on some of the more important stars. After all, with the entire starry sky as the battlefield, even if the tens of thousands of armies are tens of millions, it will never be possible to stretch the front so long.

The war between the two sides of the fairy and the devil has temporarily subsided, and the 10,000-nation alliance finally has a chance to breathe and begins to develop steadily.

After this almost annihilated war, the various races in the universe seem to have revived, and a large number of talented monks have been born one after another. In the last ten thousand years, the number of new immortal emperors born in the universe is more than that before the opening of the fairy palace. Doubled.

Before this, a new emperor was even born, and a monk who was successfully promoted to the realm of the great emperor was born.

Of course, one or two monks in the realm of the Great Emperor are actually nothing in terms of the huge base of the Demon Race. For the Ten Thousand Race Alliance, at least ten more emperors are needed to have an impact on the overall battle.

The current races of the universe are at such a stage. Although there are occasional wars on the border, each time there is a large number of monks falling, but there are very few battles that can truly threaten the peace of the universe, and the scope of influence of the demons is also Getting smaller and smaller, most of the time they can only defend passively.

If it is said that the creatures of the ten thousand races do have the ability to destroy the demons outside the fairy palace. The number of emperors is similar to that of the demons, but the number of masters who have survived the eleventh eternal catastrophe has completely surpassed. The demons outside the fairy palace.

The reason for allowing the Demon Race to rule an area is also entirely intended to use the hands of the Demon Race outside the Territory to temper the cosmic monks. This situation will continue until the moment when Lin Lang can't hold the seal.

Thousands of years in the world, the time flies.

Unknowingly, Lin Lang's body has been supported in the formation for hundreds of thousands of years, and during this period, various races in the universe have also given birth to many powerful men. Under the intensification of the contradictions of the demons, the future universe has been born again. Three new born emperors.

For the universe as a whole, the appearance of the three new born emperors also brought the comprehensive power of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance to a higher level.

This may be a good thing.

However, the high-levels of Wan Ling did not have any emotional relief. No one knew better than those who had entered the fairy palace once. There are still a large number of demon army in the fairy palace. There, the number of demon gods alone is close to a hundred. , Not to mention there are two masters of the ancestral realm sitting on the ground.

At the same time, there was bad news.

In the past hundred years, the seal of the fairy palace trembles five times.

what does that mean?

The demons in the fairy palace are gathering their strength, constantly attacking the seal of the fairy palace. As for Lin Lang's side, I am afraid that the situation is not very good, the sealing power that can be transformed has been getting weaker and weaker.

"The seal of the fairy palace is loose, and Lin Qiu has tried his best to mend it, but in this case, at most one or two Yuanhui can be maintained, and we have no retreat."

The Lord Slaughter God summoned the senior leaders of all races and made a low voice.

In millions of years, the birth of three great emperors of all races in the world is indeed not very fast. After all, at the end of several prehistoric cosmos, the number of masters of the Great Emperor could basically break through to more than one hundred.

However, in this universe, as of now, there are no more than half a hundred monks in the realm of the Great Emperor.

The three new born emperors were just drizzle to the powerful demons.

"We tried our best, and the creatures did our best, but this piece of heaven and earth left us too little." Di Luotian said silently, his current strength is not weaker than that of the Emperor Slaughter. With this cultivation base, he Also successfully ranks among the top of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance.

They didn't want to let the number of their own masters grow rapidly, but it was impossible to produce too many top masters in just one million years. What's more, these monks who can be promoted to the realm of the emperor, which one was not piled up with a lot of resources in the early stage .

At present, most of the treasures in the universe have been sent to the Great Seal Array, leaving the resources of the descendants of monks poor and pitiful. Under such circumstances, three new emperors can still be born, which is already a rare thing.

"Jie Tianjun can only support one Yuanhui time?"

Tianqi Sword Emperor frowned deeply, only feeling a lot of pressure.

Emperor Slaughter respected the head and said: "After one Yuanhui, at most two Yuanhui, we will face an unprecedented battle."

Everyone was silent, and indeed, when Lin Lang built the seal formation by himself, he was already in a state of exhaustion. Now that millions of years have passed, Lin Lang is just struggling to support it with his last will, almost like a transformation vessel.

But even the conversion vessel has a life limit, not to mention that this is a person who has run out of oil.

"If it's just a confrontation in the realm of the emperor, we might still have some chance. But facing the ancestral realm..." Dao Zu also sighed deeply, and did not continue.

For them, the high-level combat power is flawed, and among the ten thousand races, no one can contend against the ancestral realm.

"Fan Lu, what do you think of this matter from the underworld?" God Slaughter Emperor asked with a frown.

The gazes of all the great emperors also looked together. For them, the attitude of the underworld was very important, not only because there were many great masters in the underworld, but also represented the attitude of the underworld master as an ancestral realm master.

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Fan Lu stood up, but he could only shook his head slightly, and said: "Master, he will not easily participate in this matter. The palace lord is not willing to fight against Pluto or Yuanshi Demon Emperor."

Everyone was extremely disappointed. If the Palace Lord of the Underworld could be invited out of the mountain, they might still have a chance to resist.

"Then Jietianjun? Is it possible to recover?"

"There is only one way, and that is to find the half-immortal medicine."

At this point, Emperor Slaughter God didn't want to hide it anymore. The half-immortal medicine that circulated in the world could indeed restore Lin Lang to his peak state, but his whereabouts remained unknown, and he did not know whether he hid in that deep mountain and old forest. Little Mozun has been searching for millions of years and still has no clue.

If this were not the case, Emperor Slaughter God would not be able to reveal such important news to the emperors. Rather than searching hard by yourself, it is better to use the power of the entire universe. If you can find it, it is naturally best.

In the next Yuanhui, many emperors also put aside their practice, and sent their disciples to start looking for a half-immortal medicine. The other group of people launched a general offensive against the remaining demons army regardless of the cost.

The outer demons are immortal, and when the fairy palace is truly opened, they will definitely stabbed them in the back.

This is something no one wants to see.

Ten thousand tribes won the victory, the demons were sharply reduced by the number of masters, and the few demons who escaped by chance also hid and did not dare to show up easily. As for the first demon commander, under the joint efforts of Lin Chou, God Slaughter Emperor Zun, and Beizhen, the demon soul was crushed and completely disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

On the other side, the team looking for the half-immortal medicine also embarked on the journey, looking for traces of the half-immortal medicine throughout the universe. But in the vast universe, it is not easy to find a herbal medicine, not to mention that it is still a fairy medicine that has evolved wisdom and cultivation base!

The search of various races naturally returned without success. At this moment, the little demon suddenly discovered that the half-immortal medicine that had not been hidden was actually by their side, and had participated in several ten thousand race meetings. Alliance.

That's right, the semi-immortal medicine transformed by the fruit of the ancestral qi Taoist tree already possesses great emperor-level combat power, and it has unknowingly mixed with the high-levels of the Ten Thousand Race Alliance Army. If it weren't for this, Little Demon Venerable really couldn't find the trace of the half immortal medicine.

In order to capture the half-immortal medicine, the little demon clan fought for several days and nights with the great emperor transformed by the half-immortal medicine, without a victory or defeat. In the end, Lin Qiu intervened strongly, returning the half-immortal medicine to its original shape and sealing it up.

"The seal of the fairy palace is about to be opened, so next, it's time for Emperor Linxing to unblock it."

Lin Qiu took a deep breath, put the half-immortal medicine in the long box, and then landed on the Emperor Lin star.

Today's Emperor Linxing is derived from Lin Lang's layout and is also the most important part of the super monk plan. Not only are many powerful physiques sealed on it, but also the great master masters who have been sealed.

Lin Qiu put the shrunken Emperor Linxing into his sleeve and flew quickly in the direction of the fairy palace formation.

Di Lin Xing is all Lin Lang's efforts in the layout, and it should not be exposed at this moment. On this trip, he flew to the Immortal Palace Great Formation and presented the half-immortal medicine to Lin Lang.

Only when Lin Lang recovers can they be considered as shelter from the top combat power.

the other side.

Emperor Slaughter also issued a military order to gather masters from all over the world to form an army of ten thousand races, and a mighty army drove to the place where the fairy palace was.


But outside of the fairy palace, there are densely packed figures, millions of miles of flying shuttles, galaxy starships carrying hundreds of heavy artillery, and a network of battle formations formed by monks, which almost impenetrable the water surrounding the fairy palace.

Convene masters from all over the universe, and monks form a coalition.

This will also be the final battle to determine the fortune of Cang's life! The latest chapter address of the invincible fairy king in the city: fairy king in the city to read the full text address: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1356 The Trail of the Half Immortal Medicine), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Fairy King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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