Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1357: Heavenly King Fall

Looking at the seal formation that was constantly shaking in front of him and was approaching collapse, God Slaughter Emperor Zun also started the final pre-war mobilization at this moment.

"Behind us are our parents, nephews, and younger generations. What they need is a habitat."

"If the demons invade, our homes will be covered by war, our relatives will be enslaved, and the entire universe will survive in the shadow of the demons in thousands of years."

"Our younger generations will be like creatures in the fairy palace, treated as blood eaters by the demons, and step by step will be reduced to despair!"

Divine Slaughter Emperor's voice was not very passionate, as if it was just expounding a plain fact.

"In order to eliminate the demons, we are looking for a living space for us and other creatures, but the war will have a price. As the ancestors of our predecessors, the time has come to contribute to the descendants of future generations. We have no retreat."

The voice of Emperor Slaughter God spread throughout the universe, and the large array at the location of the immortal gate seemed to resonate, trembling violently.

"Throw your head and sprinkle your blood, why are my cultivators afraid of a battle!"

Accompanied by the voice of the Slaughter God Emperor, the great array shook, even the people outside the fairy palace seemed to be able to hear the other side of the fairy palace, there were waves of demon clan shouting and killing.

There were only fragile flames left in the big formation that sealed the fairy palace.

the other side.

Lin Qiu had already entered the seal formation first, and found Lin Lang sitting in the distance. At this moment, Lin Lang was aging and ill-formed, with loose white hair and a haggard face, and the black robe on his body had become empty.

Under the black robe, there is no flesh and blood, only a dry bone.


Lin Qiu spoke softly, as if calling Lin Lang.

From ancient times to the present, the first Lord Jietian who has controlled the Dao of Tribulation and is almost immortal. As a lifespan, he has exceeded the limit, and the body that can not be destroyed even if the catastrophe is destroyed. At this moment, he has turned into a dead bone and dedicated his whole body All the power.


Lin Chou uttered again, his voice was already trembling. A thousand years ago, when he saw Lin Lang, although the latter was also very old, at least he could maintain the normal functioning of his body, instead of turning into a dry skeleton as before.

How he didn't understand that at the meeting a thousand years ago, Lin Lang didn't want Lin Chou to worry too much, and forcibly raised his spirits, but in fact he was already on the verge of collapse.

In the next thousand years, Lin Lang was squeezing his last power every day, until there was no power to squeeze. It is not Jietianjun that has lasted for a thousand years, but the last obsession.

For the sake of all beings in the world, Lin Lang burned his soul and shed the last drop of blood.

In the end, nothing was left.

At this moment, even Lin Chou, who had experienced strong winds and waves, couldn't help but feel a little flustered. He understood that Lin Lang had fallen completely now, and even if he brought the elixir, it was impossible to bring a dead person back to life.

"The true spirit has dissipated, and the Tao has dissipated..."

Lin Chou felt as if he had been hit hard in his mind, completely lost, kneeling weakly in front of Lin Lang, knocking his head heavily, and when he raised his head again, his face was already covered with tears.

The wind is up and down, the old man is not there.

Even though reincarnation, that person can no longer enter reincarnation, and quietly dissipated in the years.

All of this had already had results from the moment Lin Lang entered the formation. It's just that no one thought that things would come so quickly.

Even if Little Demon Venerable found the half-immortal medicine, it was still a step too late.

"I have never called you a father, but I admire you and am willing to dedicate to all beings." Lin Chou said silently: "You deserve the title of a human sage, father..."

Lin Qiu's heart was extremely complicated, and the two clearly had no blood relationship, but he really felt the pain of losing his father at this moment. Or maybe, from the moment he broke into the universe, Lin Lang silently supported him, he had already regarded Lin Lang as a relative.


The Immortal Palace Great Formation lost Lin Lang's support, and at this moment, under the continuous bombardment of the Demon Race, it collapsed suddenly. That sky full of energy, turned into countless pieces and smashed down.

Lin Chou also stood up abruptly and looked ahead.

"If you haven't done anything, let me give you this wish on your behalf. Today, I will fight for you!"

Lin Chou slowly closed his eyes and took out the half-immortal medicine sealed in the long box. Without any hesitation, Lin Chou directly divided the half-immortal medicine into seven parts and swallowed it into his abdomen.


At this moment, Lin Qiu's body seemed to have opened up, making a loud and deafening noise.

That is the immortal medicine entering the body, and Zu Qian's Tao Guo is working.

There is no fairy medicine in the world, and the rules of the universe cannot support the formation of such levels of herbal medicine. In the world, the only half-immortal medicine was transformed by Tao Guo after Zu Hao died.

A mortal swallows fairy fruit, once a dream comes true.

One step to the sky!

Perhaps this is what Lin Qiu described most truly at the moment.

The only difference is that Lin Qiu has already been promoted to the level of the eleventh eternal catastrophe, and the endurance limit in his body far exceeds that of ordinary people. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will explode and die just after swallowing Dao Guo.

But with Lin Qiu's cultivation as the realm, the energy contained in the fruit of the digestive tract can be smoothly accepted, which is not difficult for the monks in the realm of the Great Emperor.

The only difficulty lies in the acceptance of the road.

The Tao cultivated by Zu Hao is completely different from the Tao cultivated by Lin Chou. It involves the origin and profound meaning, and the level is also more advanced. How to accept immortality is the most important question for Lin Chou.

Above Lin Chou's head, the fairy light shrouded, and the enchanting avenue enveloped the entire world, exuding a soft halo. The flow of immortal intentions caused Lin Qiu to fall into the mysterious realm.

From the inheritance of immortals!

But the state of Lin Qiu below was not very good. Based on his cultivation base, the way of digesting the ancestral skin also caused his body to expand rapidly, and every pore was unfolded, and dense blood beads appeared.

The immortal Dao was so heavy that even monks in the realm of the Great Emperor could not bear it.

But at this moment, Lin Chou had to grit his teeth. He swallowed the immortal medicine to condense the wishes of sentient beings, and this was the only opportunity for the creatures.

The speed of accepting Immortal Dao is actually very fast, but for Lin Qiu, it is like having experienced a long period of time. The physical body is suffering tremendously. Under Immortal Dao, no avenue can survive.

Even though Lin Chou had already cultivated Samsara and other Dao to the peak before, but in the process of accepting Immortal Dao, he directly crushed Lin Chou's already cultivated Dao. This kind of pain, apart from Lin Qiu at the moment, no one else can experience it.

At a certain moment.

Lin Chou opened his eyes suddenly, two sharp sharp lights burst into his eyes, as if his eyes could penetrate the entire universe.

At the same time, Lin Qiu's body also glowed with celestial light, and he was set off like an immortal who was born in the world. A turbulent and powerful coercion instantly covered the whole world.

The trembling of sentient beings is the will of the immortal!

He inherited the power of Zu Huang Daoguo, and the Human Race can be considered to have the capital that can compete with the Demon Race. Of course, the price paid is not generally large.

Not only was Lin Qiu's own avenue shattered, but even his physical body was on the verge of collapse at this moment. Even if there is a strong combat power, it can't last.

If Lin Chou had enough time to slowly accept the power of the Immortal Medicine, and imprint his mark on the Immortal Dao step by step, it would not be difficult to advance to the ancestral realm.

But now that time is rushing, and the demons are crushing the realm, Lin Qiu has not much time for digestive tract fruit. He can only choose passively, let the power of Immortal Dao occupy his whole body, and give him powerful combat power in a short time.

In other words, the power in Lin Qiu's body at this moment did not come from the immortal path between heaven and earth, but the energy left in his body when Zu Huang fell.

Of course, even so, it was an unimaginable terrifying force, how could the ancestral realm compare to a real fairy?

Naturally impossible!

the other side.

When the armies of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance felt the immortal power rise again, the dazzling energy fluctuations swept the entire universe. At the same time, the weak immortal Dao between heaven and earth has faded, and after a cosmic epoch, it has finally regained its vitality.

The power of domineering immortality!

"Xiandao...this is the power of the immortal!"

"Jie Tianjun succeeded! Tianjun's fairy medicine succeeded in renewing his life. We have the capital for this battle!"

"Jietian, please lead me to wait and destroy the demons!"

Countless people raised their arms and shouted wildly, even if Xianwei covered their heads, they still showed a deep joy.

Xianwei did not surpass them, but was tit-for-tat against Xiangong. Looking faintly, there was a dazzling celestial light nearby, while in the far distance, there was a raging black magic energy, rolling in.

The identity of Jietianjun was a booster for the cultivators of the ten thousand races, even if they were fighting, they had confidence.

"My name is Tianjun, and he can be called the emperor of heaven!"

The emperor made a sound like this.

Amidst the cheers of the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance, Lin Qiu stood up silently and concealed himself in a fairy light. Outsiders could only see the vague outline of his figure, but could not identify his identity.

"Next, leave it to me. I will do my best to fight the demons until I die."

Lin Chou looked at the pile of dry bones in the distance with a sad expression, and silently put the bones into his body.

After doing this, Lin Qiu descended from the sky and landed in front of the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance.

"Welcome the return of Jietianjun!"

Countless soldiers worship.

Lin Qiu gently pressed down and his voice came out. He said, "Everyone, this is the last battle. I merged with the immortal medicine Dao fruit, and gained some of the power of the immortal, and then we Facing your demons, the immortal palace will be closed for a desperate battle."

"Regardless of your identities, you and I are heroes of the ten thousand races, and you are the best!"


The answer to Lin Qiu was the uniform voice of countless soldiers.

Yes it is.

Even though Lin Qiu gained some of the power of the immortal, he still didn't have much confidence in this battle. After all, those were two masters of the Ancestral Realm, and masters of the Demon Race that were twice as large as the Ten Thousand Clan.

This battle is also destined to be a tragic prehistoric race for survival and death!

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