Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1355: Cosmic situation

Bei Xun, as the descendant of the Immortal Palace, the great disciple of Zu Hao, is also one of the few monks in this world who has been promoted to the level of the eleventh eternal catastrophe. And for a long time, Beixun has faced off with the former No. 1 Demon Commander of the Demon Race, and has a wealth of battlefield experience.

It is natural to have him lead the army of all ethnic groups.

As for the Emperor Slaughter, although he led the Houtian to conquer the Innate Gods, his victory was his tyrannical combat power. He was in charge to prevent the demon army from sneaking in and guarding the formation was also a very good candidate.

"Article Six..."

The Little Demon Sovereign issued a dozen military orders one after another, summoning all the great emperors in the universe, forming a simple alliance collective. After doing this, the declining situation of the Ten Thousand Clan was finally restored.

Of course, Little Demon Lord still had one last sentence that he didn't share with these great monks. That was the situation of Lin Lang's deity, Lin Lang was currently losing his blood, and his body was overloaded to support the big formation.

But the treasures of the spiritual weapons will eventually be exhausted, and this formation cannot be maintained forever. It can only be said that it is trying to delay time for sentient beings.

And another important question is, when the formation energy is exhausted and Lin Langxiu is unsustainable, who else in the world can compete with the two ancestral realm masters? At that time, I am afraid that there is no need for anyone to take action, and Lin Lang will fall by himself.


There is only one way to solve Lin Lang's current dilemma, and that is to swallow a half-immortal medicine before he exhausts all his divine power. There is no real fairy medicine in the world. The reason why there is a fairy medicine is just the imagination of the world.

But if you talk about half immortal medicine, there are some in this world.

The half-immortal medicine was transformed by the Tao fruit after the death of the immortal, and there was only one plant in the world. It just so happened that Little Demon Venerable had heard the news about that half-immortal medicine, that was the old ginseng Taoist who was still wandering outside the fairy palace many years ago.

"Everyone in the world thinks that the fairy palace is a place to gather fairy fate and brew into a fairy. But who would have thought that as the biggest opportunity in the fairy palace, the Tao Guo of Zu Hao left the fairy palace early and has already come to the outside world. Universe." Little Demon Sovereign shook his head mockingly on his face.

Next, the Cosmos Alliance of Ten Thousand Races and the Demon Armies fought, and for a while, life was overwhelmed, wars spread throughout the universe, and even the fall of the Great Emperor was a common occurrence.

After all, it is not just the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Races who have the Great Emperor, and there are also great emperors who are not weaker than the outside universe on the side of the Demon Race.

During this period of time, Little Demon Venerable did not make a move. He was just a clone of Lin Lang. Dao fruit was not yet complete, and his combat power was limited. At best, he could only be comparable to an emperor master.

He spreads in the universe in the name of Jietianjun, and it is more of a spiritual belief. He must not expose himself. As for the great task of conquering the demons, it naturally fell on many great emperor masters.

During this period, Little Demon Sovereign also sent a large amount of treasures to Lin Lang, and massive resources were integrated into the large array, rejuvenating this large array that had already been dried up, and completely concealing the light of the Ten Thousand Demon Hall. .

And this batch of resources is only enough to support 30,000 years.

This time the Little Demon Venerable didn't enter the formation, but watched Lin Lang sitting in the center from a distance. The tentacles of blood vessels penetrated deeply into Lin Lang's body, extracting the energy from his whole body.

At this time, Lin Lang's blood veins were in short supply, and the resources sent could not nourish his physical body. On the contrary, under the condition of blood energy shortage, the long-term transformation of the power of the large array has caused Lin Lang's meridians to be full of holes. , It is difficult to repair again.

"how you look like…"

Little Demon Venerable looked at Lin Lang in the distance, with a complex expression on his face. At this time, where is Lin Lang's vigorous spirit, facing the emperors, now sitting in the center of the big array, taking himself as a sacrifice, and protecting all the races is just a white hair like straw, with sunken eye sockets, thin and thin. There was only a layer of skinny elders left.

"It's okay, as long as the resources are sufficient, I can persist for hundreds of thousands of years."

In the formation, Lin Lang's hoarse voice came.

"hope so."

The little demon sighed deeply and said: "You have not failed any creatures, and you have done enough. If you had not chosen to plug the gap in the fairy gate at the time, you can also stand side by side with the two in the fairy palace at this moment. Master of the ancestral realm."

"At least, we can achieve one-third of the world."

"One-third of the world?"

In his twilight years, Lin Lang shook his head and said, "That kind of universe is already occupied by the demons. Even if I retain my combat power, how can all beings still live in the shadow of the demons."

"Such a universe no longer belongs to the acquired creatures."

Lin Lang shook his head and said: "My heart is determined, even if it falls because of this, I will not hesitate. But before I fall, I hope to witness the rise of another master of the ancestral realm. Even if he is not a human being..."


Little Demon Lord also didn't know what to say, and said: "What I can do now is to prevent you and my dear ones from getting close to this place."

"You are doing the right thing. Even if one day, when I run out of oil, I will not wait for the dawn of the creatures of all races, so let me go like this. Don’t bother and don’t let anyone see me at the end. one side."

"Just treat it as you and live for me..."

Lin Lang's voice became weaker and weaker. At the end, no matter how little Demon Venerable called, Lin Lang stopped making any sound.

"How long the big array can last depends on how far your will can go."

Little Mozun sighed deeply: "Now there is only one way to save you. Find the half-immortal medicine and absorb the Tao fruit of Zu Hao to make your body rejuvenate."

"wait for me!"

Since that day, Little Demon Lord left, he never appeared in the public eye again.

The Ten Thousand Races Alliance would put a batch of materials into the Great Array every thousand years, and the Great Array would quickly dissolve it by itself.

On the other side, the battle between the Ten Thousand Races and the Demon Races intensified. From the initial small-scale game to the end, it has become a head-on collision between the two major forces. Both sides have their own winners and losers, but no one can do anything about it. The universe was thus divided into two territories.

But to be honest, the Demon Race has a greater chance of winning than the Ten Thousand Races. After all, the Demon Race has a powerful assimilation ability, and they can quickly absorb the Ten Thousand Race monks as their puppets in battle.

On the other hand, the ten thousand races can only rely on the speed of natural reproduction.

But the problem also arises. The demons have masters falling, but as long as there are enough sacrifices, they can give birth to top masters very quickly. But for the monks of the ten thousand races, cultivating a strong person is accompanied by a huge price.

This is not the test of the catastrophe, but also the increasingly scarce resources.

The resources in the universe are inherently limited, and most of them have to be invested in formations to suppress the immortal palace. The other part is used to train monks, and it is really hard to make ends meet.

The Alliance of Ten Thousand Nations retreats steadily, and the border continues to fall.

In such a troubled world, Emperor Slaughter God took over the important task, replaced the previous deputy leader Beixun, and led the cultivators of the ten thousand races to counterattack the demons.

It's not that there is a problem with Beixun's command, but that he was deeply trapped in the camp of the demons under a carelessness, and now he does not know his life or death. Naturally, the Ten Thousand Races Alliance could not lack the commander, so the Slaughter God Emperor Zun himself went into battle and conquered the demons camp.

And it wasn't until the Emperor Slaughter God took the battle that everyone realized the ferocity of this eternal murderer.

As the terminator of the age of the gods, an existence that replaced the nine great gods and countless innate gods, the Slaughter God Emperor was so named because of his title, a slaughter god, no matter the nine gods. Inside, or all the innate gods and spirits are perishing under the hands of the Slaughter God Emperor Zun, and put an end to the powerful monks of an era.

What is Slaughter God?

It refers not only to slaughtering the innate gods, but also to slay all the monks who stand in front of them, and to achieve the monks of an era. In the ancient times, there were countless monks who died under Lord Slaughter Emperor Zun alone, at least in hundreds of millions.

Compared with Beixun in the fairy palace, God Slaughter Emperor is definitely the only existence who has risen step by step from a small figure, and finally achieved the eleventh eternal catastrophe cultivation base. He has richer combat experience and military common sense.

Under the leadership of Emperor Slaughter God, the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Races defeated many times and defeated the demons step by step, regaining the lost ground of dozens of star regions.

For a time, the morale of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance was greatly boosted, and it actually had a bit of momentum to counterattack the demons.

Lin Qiu also became famous with Emperor Slaughter God.

In the process, Lin Qiu, as the first general of the Alliance Army, with an invincible posture, caused the demon monks' habitat to shrink suddenly.

And Lin Qiu himself broke through the shackles of the original great road and successfully promoted to the level of the eleventh eternal catastrophe.

Under his leadership, the Ten Thousand Clan is unstoppable, recovering a large amount of lost ground, and the situation is in great condition.

The morale of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance was greatly boosted, and the two faintly headed by the Lord Slaughter God Emperor and Lin Chou.

At the same time, Lin Qiu was not the only one who rose up with it.

Lin Lang's other two heirs, Lin Xian and Lin Wan also slipped out of the Tianchi quietly, and also made a name for themselves behind the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance.

Lin Qiu Nai was born of Little Demon Venerable and Yao Xi, and was born to give birth to the Way of Reincarnation and the Way of Darkness. But Lin Xian and Lin Wan are completely different. They are Lin Lang's parents and children, whether in the inheritance of talents or the cultivation of resources, they are definitely rare young people in the universe.

With the supply of such conditions, Lin Xian and Lin Wan successfully broke through to the immortal emperor realm, not to mention being in the same realm, even cultivators who are one or two higher than their realm, dare not say that they can fight against the two. .

This is the strength of Lin Lang's son.

Of course, the two of Lin Xian are not strong enough, and they are Jietianjun's parents and children. Naturally, the masters will not let the two of them take risks. Even if they break the prestige, they are only limited to the immortal realm.

There is even such a saying that the three sons of the Lin family fought for their father, and the demons and evil spirits all retreated. Invincible Immortal King’s latest chapter address in the city: the full text of the Invincible Fairy King in the City: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (Chapter 1355 Situation of the Universe), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Fairy King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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