Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1354: Take the body into battle

Lin Lang fought against each other physically, and took over the magical powers of the Pluto and Yuanshi Demon Emperor alone.

Pluto is better. After all, he is trapped in the Ten Thousand Demon Hall. He can only interfere with Lin Lang by breaking the seal, but the Yuanshi Demon Emperor is completely different. He shot from the front, and every strike contained killing the Ancestral Realm. Ability.

If you say such a strong person, there is indeed the capital that scorns ancient and modern times.

Just three moves had already severely injured Lin Lang, and he had reached the end of the force. But he still supported his broken body, while resisting the bombardment of the Yuanshi Devil Emperor, while arranging a seal formation, firmly trapped the Hades.

"I am sealed with my blood."

As he spoke, Lin Lang slashed his palm with his fingertips, and suddenly raised a large amount of divine blood, throwing it on the seal above the Ten Thousand Demons Hall. At this moment, the seal was completely activated, and the blood-colored lines instantly covered the entire Hall of Demon, and the power of the seal came from all over the world, strengthening the seal above it again.

boom! Boom!

Inside the Pantheon, the sound of Pluto bombarding the seal was still heard from time to time, and he never gave up struggling.

But at this time, the three parties had formed a delicate balance, and the Yuanshi Devil Emperor threw a rat avoidance weapon, seemingly afraid to easily break the Ten Thousand Demon Hall. However, Lin Lang relied on the method of continuously strengthening the seal to keep Pluto in a trapped posture.

The situation may seem a bit interesting, but in fact, as long as the two parties can unite together, the situation is easy to crack.

Sure enough, just as the Demon Emperor Yuanshi on the other side was about to take a shot, his already stretched palm directly landed on the seal above the Ten Thousand Demon Hall. I don't know when, he and Pluto have reached a reconciliation, and at the same time shot against the big battle.


The seal formation shook violently, and it was already somewhat reluctant to bear the attack of Yuanshi Devil Emperor and Hades.

Lin Lang's spirit was in a trance, but he still withstood the tip of his tongue, pouring all his experience into the seal formation.

As long as he can withstand the pressure, there will be more breathing opportunities for all beings in the universe.


The offensives of the two ancestral realm masters became more and more fierce, and until this time, Lin Lang gritted his teeth fiercely as if he had made some kind of decision. The palm of his hand was trembling, and a series of blood beads poured out, and immediately after that, more and more blood fell in the sky above the seal formation.

At this moment, the seal formation was like a black hole that swallowed everything, and the blood that fell on the surface was instantly absorbed. Immediately afterwards, accompanied by a burst of blood soaring into the sky, the great array exploded with unprecedented power.

One, two, and hundreds of **** seals were blessed on the surface of the Pantheon.

But this is far from enough. To ban the two Xeon masters for a long time, Lin Lang has to pay far more than he imagined!

"In my body, blood sacrifices to the sky."

Lin Lang resolutely took a step forward, and his body quickly merged into the big formation, decomposed and refined by the mysterious power contained in the sealed big formation. On the other side, Lin Lang paid a part of his soul as a price, and merged his entire body into the big formation.

I saw that the Seal Array protruded countless tentacles, plunged into Lin Lang's body and stepped into the Array.

As soon as they touched Lin Lang's body, those tentacles seemed to come alive and plunged directly into the depths of Lin Lang's body, unscrupulously extracting the essence of his blood.

At the same time, the ability of the Immortal Sutra was functioning, and it was quickly repairing Lin Lang's wasted bloodline.

Others didn't understand, and only Lin Lang knew how much he had paid to stop the demon army at this moment.

The simple secrets of the formation can no longer stop the footsteps of Yuanshi Devil Emperor and Pluto. And if you want to maintain this formation for a long time without being destroyed, then only Lin Lang can use himself as the sacrifice of the formation eye, turning it into the source of power for the entire formation.

He is drawing his own blood as the core of the operation of the big formation.

In a short period of time, Lin Lang still has the Immortal Sutra as the capital for recovery, but if this persists, the Immortal Sutra will not be able to completely maintain the operation of the entire array.

In the end, there was only one result.

Lin Langyou's lamp was dry, and he was outside the Meteorite Palace.

The demon cavalry stepped through the borders of the universe and enslaved the creatures of all races. But the Yuanshi Devil Emperor and the Pluto didn't have to do anything in the end, just wait for their subordinates to unify the entire universe and achieve their respective goals.

"Relying on the power of my current bloodline, I can support it for about a thousand years. Next, I will rely on you!"

Lin Lang slowly nodded towards the void in the distance, and at the periphery of the fairy palace, a monk with the same face as Lin Lang nodded slightly in response.

He can only use himself as an array to make the final contribution to the universe.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm still a day, I will buy you enough time, unless the universe collapses and the spiritual material disappears."

Little Mozun solemnly nodded his head, he did not dare to delay, and flew straight away, rushing to the battlefields outside the universe to help.

These few months are tantamount to the days of prehistoric disasters for the outer universe.

The demon army has crossed the border with troops, and has already leveled 80% of the territory of the central universe, so the tragic deaths are countless.

Later, the brave men of all races also knew that they could no longer be passively beaten in this way, gathered vigorous forces, and began to resist the rule of the demons. In the beginning, only sporadic teams focused on invasion and interference.

Later, the team got bigger and bigger, forming a large-scale army, and a certain place on the battlefield could barely fight against the demon branch troops. However, they still cannot avoid the fate of being slaughtered.

Although there are many cultivators in the universe, there are no masters, and the strongest is just dominating the realm. How can they stop the invasion of the demon army?

Just a move by God of the Demon Race is enough to wipe out an army of ten thousand races.

This period of time, in the history books of later generations, is called the dark years by all races in the universe.

The demons came, killing the sky, but the masters of the various races were powerless, all of them entered the fairy palace, and no one could compete with the sharpness of the God of the demons.

This situation continued until Lin Lang lifted up the Hall of Demons and rescued many external cosmic emperors.

With the return of the Universe Emperor, all living beings finally appeared capable of fighting against God of the Demon Race. The strength of the various races in the universe, relying on the calling abilities of many great emperors, has gathered into dozens of large and small armies, and began to counterattack the demons.

Even though they have the power to fight, the universe still loses more and wins less.

The reason is that each cosmic emperor is fighting separately, and the high-end combat power divisions are too scattered, and the frontal battlefield cannot compete with the demon army.

after that.

Little Mozun returned in the name of Jietianjun, calling on the emperors to form a coalition of thousands of races to overcome the difficulties together.

Jietianjun's name, these great emperors are convinced by themselves.

At this moment, in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army of the Ten Thousand Clan Army, the Little Demon Lord presided over the entire meeting instead of Lin Lang, and then elaborated on their current situation and the many great emperors.

Jie Tianjun entered the battle with his body, and alone blocked the two masters of the ancestral realm, Pluto and Yuanshi Demon Emperor, and fought for them for a thousand years.

"Is it only a thousand years?"

Tianxing Zhizun suddenly stood up from his seat, his face sinking like water.

For them, the millennium is just a flash of time, basically the same concept as tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

"Yeah, time is too tight. It is said that it is to train masters in these thousand years. Even if you repel the demons, it can't be done in a mere thousand years!" Extreme Immortal Venerable also said in a deep voice.

They knew that when Lin Lang's divine power was exhausted, that would be the real end of the world. The Demon Race outside the Immortal Palace is only a quarter of the Immortal Palace Demon Race, and it has already caused them to be overwhelmed and struggle to contend.

If all the demons in the fairy palace were released, by then, with this master born in the cosmic era, it would be impossible to resist the invasion of the demons. What's more, there are two ancestral realm masters who are staring at each other and want to exterminate the orthodoxy of sentient beings.

How can so many top masters be born in a mere thousand years?

In this battle, they have no chance of winning!

"Everyone, stay safe and restless."

Little Mozun sat in the first place, pressing his palm down. In an instant, there was no sound in the scene, even the monk of the Great Emperor, and no one dared to speak at this moment.

The reason why they are able to live to the present is still to bear Lin Lang's affection. What's more, some of them are the first-hand creators of this immortal palace chaos.

"It is only a seal in a narrow sense." The little demon said after a pause, "Jietianjun can maintain the seal for thousands of years with his own blood. After thousands of years, he will run out of oil and lights. This is the day when the demons really get out.

"However, the Jietianjun at this moment is also like a formation. If there are far and continuous resources to support, he can control the formation and let the seal last for a longer period of time."

Little Mozun spoke in a deep voice.

Yes, Lin Lang is currently supporting the big formation with his own blood, but in fact, he doesn't need to do this at all. He can rely on treasures as the source of driving the big formation, and at the same time can nourish Jietianjun's injured body.

Resources, resources!

As long as the resources are sufficient, Lin Lang can sustain it for a long time.

"So, my first military order is not aimed at the demons." The little demon said loudly, "The operation of the big formation requires a lot of resources as support, so please don't be stingy with your property. Soul forging, blood essence, etc. can all be sent to me for unified deployment as a means to support the big formation."

"In addition, stars, high-rank fire seeds, and energy elements similar to the techniques practiced by Jietianjun can also be sent to my account."

Lin Lang needs a lot of resources to maintain the operation of the big formation, and the emperors are naturally aware of the situation. At this moment, they will not be stingy with money, and generously donated most of the spiritual materials from the whole body.

"The second military order is to set up a picking team to find the world's spiritual treasure!"

"The third military order is to establish an alchemy alliance, gather alchemists from all over the world, and refine the medicinal herbs sent into alchemy to maximize the utilization of resources!"

"The fourth military order, select some elite monks with clean heels and strong cultivation from all races, as the core members of guarding the immortal gate formation. At the same time, the enchantment is built around the immortal gate, and no monks are allowed to approach! "

"The fifth military order, the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, I will temporarily serve as the leader of the alliance. At the same time, I will set up three deputy leaders, the second ancestor of the dragon and the phoenix, the **** of the gods, the Beizhen, the division of the wealth, the army, the formation, and ensure that the front and the rear are correct. , Drive away the demon army!"The latest chapter address of the invincible fairy king in the city: /111222.htmlReading the full text of Invincible Fairy King in the City: Invincible fairy king in the city txt download address: fairy king reads on urban mobile phone: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1354), and you can open the bookshelf next time see! If you like "Invincible Immortal King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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